October 26, 2015
Brian O’Donoghue
Mr. O’Donoghue,
If you are the same chap who had a letter published in the Sun Sentinel on Sunday this one’s for you. If you aren’t, read it anyway. A serendipitous treat awaits!
#1 – If you can show me one, just one, example of any country taxing itself to prosperity please share it with me. You need not limit your search to this continent. Try a different hemisphere. Hell, even a different planet or solar system is allowed. Please do not commit the basic modern American Liberal sin of confusingly conflating correlation and causation.
#2 – Was not the cornerstone of the Kennedy administration – on the domestic side – the dramatic cutting of taxes, both corporate and personal?
#3 – In 50 years we have spent $50,000,000,000,000 – that’s T as in trillion – fighting poverty, Why are people, particularly those on whom the money was spent, still poor?
#4 – We borrowed $1,000,000,000,000 from the Chinese, a practice that Senator Clinton raled against for the 8 years she spent in the Senate, to fund “shovel ready” jobs. How did that work out?
#5 – Speaking of F.D.R. do you know that he threatened to veto the Anti-Lynching bill of 1934? As a result of that threat the Senate did not pass it. I am sure you knew that, right? It is an inconvenient truth but he lobbied hard for the Davis-Bacon act. It was the most anti-Black bill passed on the national level in the 20th century.
#6 – Why did F.D.R, refuse to allow 900 Jews on the passenger liner Saint Louis to enter the United States? By sending them back to Germany he guaranteed that they had tickets on the Midnight Express to Auschwitz? You knew that, didn’t you?
#7 – Why did he nominate Senator Hugo Black to the Supreme Court? He was a member of the Ku Klux Klan thus beginning a tradition in a Democratic Senate that Senator Robert Byrd [D-WV] continued. In addition to that little nugget he was the most virulently anti-Catholic public figure since Thomas Nast. You would have to go back to Cromwell to find someone who so hated Roman Catholics. Since I am both Irish and Catholic I tend to have a Sicilian memory is these matters. I guess you don’t.
#8 – Is the Allah Ain’t So Akbar movie maker, the one who Hillary Clinton said caused the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, the one who Hillary promised the survivors of the 4 men, the bodies of whom were still warm, that she would “get”, still in jail? Pray tell does the First Amendment only apply to modern American Liberals?
#9 – Will the Summer of Recovery, the one we have been waiting for longer than we have waited for Godot, get here in time for the Democratic Convention next year?
#10 – Is it true that Hillary’s favorite color is plaid?
#11 – Can you get me the phone number of Red Bone, her dynamite commodities broker? I always said she should have put him in the Treasury. He would have solved the Debt issue in short order and we would still be farting through silk.
#12 – Could you tell me how she managed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the man who climbed Mt. Everest, even though she was born 5 years before he climbed the friggin’ mountain?
#13 – Do you remember the movie “The In-Laws’? There is a scene in it where Peter Falk tells Alan Arkin to “serpentine” as he crosses a runway in Kafiristan under fire? Did Hillary “serpentine” when she came under fire in Serbia? My last gunfight was in 1993. I assure you that I remember every detail of it. I did not “serpentine”.
#14 – We are 7 years into the Obama “good life”. Que paso, amigo? The “1%” is doing OK. They always do. This economy has the dry heaves. Why is that? What is she going to do differently than the ohmadahn in charge now? Why didn’t she pass him a note in 2009?
#15 – The President said that ISIS was the “JV team”. These are the guys who behead reporters, crucify Christians, sell young girls into sex slavery, and filet cartoonists. If this is the JV I can’t wait for the Varsity to show up. What’s her involvement in this?
#16 – In 1964 my betters told me that if Barry Goldwater won the election we would have 2,000,000 men in Vietnam and a wall in D.C with 58,562 names of Americans who were killed there inscribed on it. They also said that we would have race riots.
#17 – Here is how supply and demand works. If 11,000,000 unskilled workers come to this country the wages of all other workers will be depressed. Honest Injun. Look it up, you boob.
#18 – Since Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, and Congresschbick Pelosi voted against raising the debt limit in 2006 I guess it’s still OK to vote against it now. It is, isn’t it?
#19 – Has anyone ever seen a certified statement, one signed by an outside accountant, of the Clinton Crime Family Foundation? I’ll make this simple. Where did the money come from and where did it go.
#20– Is it true that Hillary’s Secret Service detail travels with the Jaws of Life in case her pants go on fire as in “Liar, liar, pants on fire”. The tool is needed as a backup in case the 5 gallons of industrial strength WD-40 can’t get her burning knickers off. If her keister ever went on fire she could feed Haiti for a week.
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?
Kevin Smith
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