October 4, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Kill the Death Penalty! – A comment and a question about your column on the death penalty in today’s Sun Sentinel
Big Stein,
Modern American Liberals are able to square the circle seamlessly in re state sponsored executions. Abortion? Si. Dead man walking? No.
The death penalty begins in this country with the premise that somebody did something terribly, terribly wrong. Julius Rosenberg and Timothy McVeigh are bookends.
The caricature deputy sheriff in charge of the Huntsville, Texas “Old Sparky”, when asked about the deterrent effect of using the electric chair on maybe wanabee murderers, said he wasn’t sure if it deterred them but it sure as Hell deterred the guy whose ass was strapped onto the chair.
An argument can be made invoking lex talionis, better known as “an eye for an eye”. A further argument can be made that society so values one life that only another can balance the scales.
Abortion is different.
Whatever “it” is it is unequivocally innocent.
When the butcher puts his hook in the morality of his action is never questioned by modern American Liberal illuminati. That is why if Dr. Mengele were to run in a Democratic primary in Broward County he would win be margins not seen since the glory days of Hudson County.
Walker Percy, a writer that Little Stein should be familiar with, said that when you go out the back door of an abortion abattoir there is an expressway that ends at Auschwitz.
Can you guess where I am going here?
I am going to ask you the same question for the 7th time.
Should Adolph Eichmann, he of SS Todt Juden death camp fame, have been executed?
Try yes or no.
Kevin Smith
PS – Speaking about the death penalty…Hillary Clinton was in town this weekend. I just know that there were no questions about Benghazi, her e-mails, her husband’s one eyed trouser snake, RESET buttons, Red Bone the broker, and being “dead broke”, or how her Clinton Crime Family Foundation spends all the dough they extort. How about a modern American Liberal, one who is opposed to the death penalty, asking her about Ricky Ray Rector? You mention Kelly Gissendaner who was executed this week in Georgia. Although she did not pull the trigger the Georgia statute says that if you are involved and you are found guilty you can, and in this case were, be executed. She was judged to be competent to stand trial and she was judged to be competent to assist in her defense. Ricky Ray Rector was neither. After he murdered a police officer he shot himself in the head. His IQ was measured as about 60. That didn’t stop the Clintons form executing him to show that modern American Liberals could be tough on crime. There is an Arkansas legend that says she would have given him a lap dance to get him into the chair. She didn’t have to. He went quietly to his death because he had no idea of it. Do you know of anyone asking her about this? Get back to me. It never made the papers.
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