Monday, October 26, 2015

October 25, 2015
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd. 
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: “Welfare Abuse by Immigrants Demands Action” - Some comments on your completely sensible editorial in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel on crooks who are also Cuban emigres.

MS O’Hara,

I’ll say this for modern American Liberals. “They never let you down.”

As a practicing  acolyte of Logic, the capstone of the Trivium, and may I quickly add that it is one the greatest gifts that the DWEMs gave us, I am loathe to construct a universal from a particular, however easy and tempting. 

In this instance I will tip-toe up to the fallacy line that leads to Sophistry.

“Welfare Abuse by Immigrants Demands Action”

is ideologically similar to

“Black Lives Matter”

Can I point out without fear of being called a racist, a term rightfully earned by such modern American Liberal stars as Senator Sam Ervin [D-NC] and Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Sr, [D-Tenn] that “All Lives Matter”?

If they don’t, and I await guidance from my betters, then I must paraphrase that former old Leftie, George Orwell.  

“All lives matter. Some lives matter more than others.”

I say “former” because after “Homage to Catalonia ”,“ Animal Farm and “1984” he was stripped of his rank, his saber broken, and sent into exile by the Liberal universe that came out of the “low, dishonest decade” of the ‘30s.

All it would take to have the Sun Sentinel World HQ surrounded by “trousered apes” calling for your heads would be to publish an editorial titled 

“Welfare Abuse Demands Action”

You would be instantly linked to the Koch Brothers, Wal-Mart, Nixon, David Mamet, the Chamber of Commerce, the NRA, and Climate Change Deniers.
Can I safely say without another visit from the dreaded Word Police, like the men with badges and guns that were sent to my house by then State Senator Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for something I wrote that, despite 50 years of a perpetually unsuccessful War on Poverty, men are not angels, some Cubans are crooks and that politicians would rather have a ground glass enema just after chewing razor blades than say that. 

Indeed it is passing strange that of the 10 members of Congress asked by you for their opinions on the matter 5 said, by their silence, that there was nothing to see here, move on. The 6th, the only Federal Court Judge to be impeached, convicted and, having had his Black-robed ass tossed off the Federal bench, was sent to Congress from a district that would have sent either Step-n-Fetchit or Willie Horton to Congress or both if possible, did not deign to respond.

[Your picture of Congressman Alcee Hastings [D-FL] could be used in a PSA for a Common Core dictionary highlighting the definition of hubris, no?]

Was it unintentional irony or was the modern American Liberal censor, the one responsible for applying massive doses of “eclectic indignation”, asleep at the switch when the following sentence slipped past his gimlet eye?

“Without question, politically persecuted Cubans and 
Venezuelans deserve the same safe harbor America 
grants persecuted people from other nations.”

Have you forgotten the 900 Deutsche Juden who, when they were passengers on the steam ship Saint Louis were denied safe haven in this country by FDR, the noted Democratic President? They were returned to Germany where they were put on the Midnight Train – a non-stop express with no food service – to Auschwitz?

Modern American Liberals, particularly those of the chattering class, must have chiropractors on speed dial. How else could you get out of bed in the AM after taking more positions than Hillary Clinton did in one of her advanced Yoga classes?  1 – 800 – oh my aching back guarantees instant relief. 


PS – Would you please tell Brian O’Donoghue whose letter about economics is notable for its forgetfulness that there is an inconvenient truth that is about as redolent as a 5 day old latke. As he says, “History doesn’t lie. People do” is, in his instance, a self-evident truth. Alas, in this case it is about him. 6 years onto the glorious reign of FDR each and every objective standard or metric about the economy was worse than they were when he took over. Tell him to look it up. Also, you may want to take a peek at the numbers of the early ‘20s. They were and still are astonishing. 

Go Bernie!

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