March 13, 2016
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Some comments on your unlinkable column in today’s Sun Sentinel in which you say as bad as Trump is, and G-d knows but he is bad, he isn’t Hitler, at least not yet.. Also, thanks for telling me about all the Muslims who fought and died for this country.
That’s right. “Goose stepping” will bring back, if ever so sensitively, the inconvenient truth, that mind numbed mAL boobs once thought Hitler was an OK guy. Ask Little Stein, your perpetual college student son if he can find any first-hand accounts of what American Progressives did from August 22, 1939 to June 21, 1941. It will make for interesting reading, particularly for those who have never heard of it.
Get Little Stein going on the book entitled “Military Muslims – Who says only Baptists are the only ones who can die for their country?” Tell me where to send a donation for the Muslim memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. By the by, how many Muslim names are etched in stone in the Granit Garden there? Just a ball park figure will do.
I mention this because my just arrived Texas granddaughters have relatives who fought with Washington – George, not Denzell – in the Continental Army in 1778.
I had 2 cousins who came from Ireland to fight in the Irish Brigade, AKA The New York 69th Regiment, at Gettysburg. One of them is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”. He has been there since July 2, 1863.
My wife’s father was a surgeon who, despite the Kellogg-Briand Pact and the Washington Naval Arms Limitation Treaty spent his time in Navy avoiding the Japanese for 6 months and the Germans for 2 years.
I had 3 classmates, 2 teammates, and 1 fraternity brother who died in Vietnam..
I mention this because I am unable to find any Farouks, Abduls, or Baracks on any of the duty rosters.
I was unable to attend the burial of my first cousin at Arlington last year. He retired as a Navy CPO – that’s Chief Petty Officer – with 30 years active duty and a DD214 that reads like a Tom Clancy novel.
Speaking of Trump’s lack of military experience haw about Bernie Sanders? I know he would have loved to have fought in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade against Franco if for no other reason than he could have strangled George Orwell. Franco? Orwell? Have Little Stein add them to his list.
You say that Trump wants to “alter the First Amendment”. Pray tell, why do all the dim witted mALs – as if there are any other kind - opposed to the Supreme Court decision that affirmed free speech, particularly political speech? I can see them trying to stifle the Koch Brothers but why do they want to silence George Soros and Tom Steyer?
What’s the sense of being an ink stained modern American Liberal wretch unless you can mention FDR?
Did you mean the candidate who ran in 1932 promising to avoid deficit spending and vowing to balance the budget? Look it up.
Did you mean the President who repeatedly promised American mothers that he would “never send American boys to fight in foreign wars”? Look it up.
Did you mean the President who 6 years into his reign was running a country that was in worse financial shape than it was the day he was sworn in? Look it up.
Did you mean the President who prevented 900 Jews from getting off the ship Saint Louis in 1939? He sent them back to Germany where they were put on the express train to Auschwitz. Todt Juden is OK if you are a modern American Liberal, right”
But wait. There’s more.
Tell me about Poppa Joe Kennedy, America’s favorite corsair. That he was anti-Semite, Nazi lover who while he was the Ambassador to England was no mean feat. He set the bar for personal propriety so high that took his sons 7 decades to equal it. Look it up.
How is Trump responsible when Occupy Wall Street protestors, thugs who thought it was an acceptable form of political speech to take their pants down and shit in the streets of lower Broadway in Manhattan, curse at him?
Gots to go.
The alarm in my manatee trap just went off. Fresh sushi tonight!
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