March 21, 2016
Mayor Walter “Skip” Campbell, Esq.
City Hall
9551 W. Sample Road
Coral Springs, FL 33350
Mayor Campbell,
In yesterday’s mini Op-Ed section of the sun Sentinel you said you were ‘startled’ by the statistic that “43% of woman lawyers have experienced gender bias”.
Can we assume that such a pernicious practice does not exist in your law firm?
Can we assume that it does not exist in City Hall?
Can we assume it does not exist in any schools in town?
Hospitals? Post office? Publix?
My daughter is a L&D R.N. Should I tell her that she is only paid 78% of what a male contemporary is?
Are you telling me that Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is only paid 78% of what Congressman Alcee Hastings is?
If Hillary is elected will her first executive decision be to get paid as much as Obama?
I see where the Department of Defense announced that the chicks are OK for combat. Should there be an aggressive affirmative Action program to end the gender gap at Arlington Cemetery?
Do you remember The Scarlet Pimpernel? “He’s here, he’s there, he’s everywhere” except nobody can quite put a finger on exactly where it’s at.
Send up a flare when you find an empirical example of it. You are an attorney. When you find it send up a flare and sue somebody’s ass. Fame and fortune await
Kevin Smith
PS – I contributed to the “Scooter” Libby Defense Fund partly because an adult should not have to bear a cognomen like that. Call me if you get indicted.
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