March 6, 2016
Katy Sorenson
Good Government Initiative
RE: Fracking, tourism, and the seemingly contradictory fact that there are more horses’ asses that there are horses’ heads. Some thoughts on your proof of the above in today’s unlinkable mini Op-Ed in the sun Sentinel.
MS Sorenson,
If you were to lighten your hair I could have a field day with blonde jokes.
I fracked my first well 200 miles south of where the Dolphins won their last Super Bowl.
“They need to appreciate that ours is an economy based
on tourism, which is based on the environment.”
The Sun Sentinel
Here’s a plan that the environmentally sensitive touring public can support.
Boycott electricity that comes from “fracked’ oil and gas wells.
Do hotels really need air conditioning particularly if it causes harm to the environment? At the very least, hotels must turn off its A/Cs for the same percentage of time as the percentage of power that comes from “fracked” oil and gas wells. Maybe Solyndra can help fill the gap. Bovine eructations and orvine and porcine flatulence might help. You go, girl!
You say that some legislators have to look up the meaning of the word “stewardship”.
OK, but you have to look up the meaning of the term “modern American Liberal horse’s ass. Wait a minute. Don’t look it up. Just look in a mirror.
Kevin Smith
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