Friday, May 4, 2018

April 24, 2018 Mayor Gary Resnick

April 24, 2018

Mayor Gary Resnick
2020 Wilton Drive
Wilton Manors, FL  33305

RE: Hate speech and it ain’t all from Trump, is it?

Mayor Resnick,

Joy-Ann Reid does not like homosexuals. Would I need 7 League Boots to infer that she doesn’t like lesbians either? She called former Governor Crist “Sister Charlie” because she believed he was a switch hitter. I can only imagine what she thought of Cole Porter or Barney Frank or Percy Dove Tonsils.

Is it true that the shoes of homosexuals never wear out because their feet never touch the ground?

Ms. Reid, a swarthily smarmy, ink-stained modern American Liberal wench, writes for the Miami Herald. She also found “Brokeback Mountain” to be “offensive” because the sound of 2 men high-balling it down the old Hershey Highway was more than her non-down low ears could stand. “Disgusting” was the word she chose.   [Too bad she never read James Baldwin. There were some mighty intense Gomorrah scenes there.] 

Did I mention she has a TV show on MSNBC?

Mentioning some of her better-known traits is something that is “owed to the ledger”. The things I mention about her – N.B. that I am not commenting on her self-proclaimed niggardliness -  fall well within the envelope limits of propriety. You may find them offensive but one of my favorite DWEMs told me centuries ago that “Free men speak with free tongues”. What’s different with her exercising her freedoms is that she is on television.

One of the best lines from “Network” was “Because you’re on television, you dummy”.

She is; I’m not.

My blog – WARRIORBARDIT.BLOGSPOT.COM – has never exceeded 7,000 visits.

At the very least, you must prevent the Miami Herald from being sold in Wilton Manors. That it is a clear and present danger to the inclusiveness of your town is beyond doubt. You wouldn’t make Wilton Manors a sanctuary city for peripatetic Typhoid Marys, would you? Can you imagine the uproar if the NRA were to be granted a parade permit, replete with floats and repeating rifle demonstrations?

 Cesar Chavez, before he went over to head up his ass, loony-tune modern American Liberal dark side, made not eating lettuce and grapes a visible sign of moral rectitude.

Boycott MSNBC.

Kevin Smith

PS – I know, in keeping with the tradition begun by not so crazy Alice, that modern American Liberals know that “words mean exactly what you want them to mean”. Thus, “queer” is acceptable when said by queers.  About queers, I think. Finochio and maricon are acceptable only in foreign road shows of “A Chorus Line” or if a flash mob breaks out with “I Feel Pretty”. I also know that in certain countries run under Sharia law homosexuals are bound up and flung from roof tops. I mention this because there is a rumor that Wilton Manors will ban the sale, the planting, the growing, and the boqueting of a plant known as the Wandering Jew. The idea, or so I hear, is that it is a simple outreach to your WOG neighbors to show that diversity has its limits. Also, pork cannot be cooked on backyard grills because the aroma is deemed offensive by both Sunni and Shiite moderates. Incidentally, and in keeping with the mAL tradition of offering half-assed, pant load apologies, I hereby apologize, sort of, if anything I said has offended anyone anytime or anyplace ever. If it hasn’t, bugger off. Or did I just repeat myself?


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