Sunday, May 6, 2018

Happy Cinco de Mayo, sports fans!

May 5, 2018

Happy Cinco de Mayo, sports fans!

Just like St. Patrick’s Day is a commercial plot to get pseudo-Irishmen to drink more beer – as a bona fide, all the way back on both sides of the family, back to when vipers still slithered through the peat – Irishman, I can assure you that the calendar does not rule the drinking habits of true Irishmen. Cinco de Mayo is a commercial plot to get wannabee braceros, campesinos, ladrones, y refugios to drink more Margaritas. Caveat. The only decent way to drink those things is after you’ve had 6 pints of Harp and a few bumpers of Tullamore Dew. After that Drano would taste good. You can contemplate the glories of the Alamo while forgetting the lessons taught at San Jacinto. Those lessons had to be retaught 9 years later. And how about posthumously court-martialing Santa Anna?

Cinco de Mayo celebrates the first time a Brown army beat a White army. The problem with that is that the White guys the Brown guys beat were French. A quick study will show that the last time the French won a war, not a battle, was when Up Chuck Martel put a Texas-sized ass whupping on that century’s version of radical Islamic terrorists. The place was Tours; the year was 732 AD. Does anyone else see a pattern developing here?

Now if General Cantinflas or El Rey Mysterio had bested the Germans or the Brits you could put las bebidas on my slate.

But that’s not why I write.

Does anyone else remember Bruce Babbit?

If you closed your eyes when he was on TV you thought you were listening to Richard Nixon. Nixon, for the benefit of younger readers, was the man who stopped the draft, put COLAs into Social Security, gave us the EPA, banned DDT, put Blackmun on the Supreme Court to allow abortion, bombed the bejeezus out of Hanoi at Christmas, 1972 that brought the POWs home, and went to China. That Nixon.

As Big Bill Clinton’s Secretary of the Interior Brucie fiercely defended the rights of the valiant delhi smelt and the besieged furbish lousewort. Look them up.

Babbit short listed for the Supreme Court when he got his dick caught in the ethical wringer of the Clinton years – think Vince Foster [Hillary’s secret squeeze], Web Hubbell, Craig Livingstone, Bernie Nussbaum, AKA “the New York lawyer”, Ira Magaziner, Turd Begala, Snake Carville, Henry Cisneros, Zoftig Monica, Stephanopolous the mortgage scammer, inter alia.

When Babbit left the government teat, the one that oozed power, he went to work for a law firm where he made a fortune trying to undo all the evil he had done when he was holding the good end of the whip.

I use him as an example because in his official capacity he tried to void a mining lease entered into voluntarily by 2 companies. He gave 2 reasons for so doing.

#1 – One of the companies was Canadian.
#2 – The governing law was “old”.

Once an act is passed by Congress and signed by the President it becomes the law of the land. To be more precise, it becomes the Law of the Land. If it doesn’t work out it can be repealed. Vide the Alien & Sedition Acts and Prohibition. Until that happens it is the Law of the Land.

Which brings me to the topic of today’s screed.

There is picture of former Secretary of State Jay Forbes Kerry, the husband of Mad Cap Gypsy Lady Tereza, huddling in the United Nations with an Iranian diplomat. You may remember Teresa, whose family worked with Obama’s family several generations back in the slave transportation business, for getting him a multi-million-dollar yacht for his birthday. [She had it built in New Zealand to save money on labor and then registered it in Rhode Island to beat the Massachusetts boat tax. Chalk it up to how the rich stay rich. It sounds like something Trump would do, right?]

It can be assumed that they were not talking about financing a touring company of La Cage aux Folles or Fiddler on the Roof in Teheran. Plans for opening pulled pork sandwich shoppes in Iran were also not discussed. What was discussed was the US/Iran nuclear arms agreement. [It is owed to the ledge to point out that another old law, the Constitution, says that any treaty that the United States enter into must be ratified by 2/3rds of the Senate. This agreement was not. Neither was the Kyoto Accord, the one negotiated by Vice President Alpha Gump, that would have reduced this country to mid-range 3rd World status.

So we have photographic evidence of an American citizen negotiating with a foreign diplomat. Under the Logan Act, AKA the Law of the Land, that is a violation of Federal law. The Aquiline-beaked smarmy son of a bitch should be lugged and perp walked. And that will happen as soon as my brother, the hunchback straightens up.

Maybe Mueller should take a look at this. Yeah, right. I can’t have 2 hunchbacks in one day.

Salud, pesetas, y amor.
Y el tiempo to gustarlos

PS – Lest we forget, Kerry brought James Taylor to France to sing the 2nd worst song of the 20th century – “You Have a Friend” – at a memorial event for the French Jews who were killed by a moderate Muslim who was off his meds. Too bad we outlawed flogging.
The worst song of the 20th century? Send a SASE.

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