Monday, May 14, 2018

May 13, 2018 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel

May 13, 2018

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Page One today: Two Page One stories about the Parkland shooting and how a septuagenarian – like me - pot smoking, saloon singer put his brand on a hotel and took the big boys to the cleaners. 

Ms O’Hara,

Let me walk back part of the Jimmy Buffett story. He ain’t the bad guy. He got paid up front. He gets a piece of every dollar or euro or bitcoin coming into the joint. It’s OK by him if there never is a net. He’s “on the bus, ring the bell”. In fact, it usually benefits the insiders, the City Hall or the Courthouse crowd if it’s neck and neck whether a 5th gospel or a nebulous net gets to the finish line firsr

  There is a direct connection between the 3 stories. Once again, Ockham has the answer. The simple solution is the correct one.

Republicans lack the wit but not the desire to play in the game. It’s just that they’re not very good at it. 

Remember that I am from Hudson County and my wife had family living in Cook County. You remember Cook County, don’t you? That’s where Mayor Daley shouted “Fuck you” at Senator Ribicoff at the Democratic Convention in 1968 and where noted street hustler Barack Obama learned that you never bring a knife to a gun fight.

The Broward School system – tell me once more that it’s the 4th or 5th biggest in the country and I’ll reach for the barf bag – and the Hollywood cabal are one party states.
I am loath to say there is inbreeding but they can look through a keyhole with both eyes. 

The thought that politics is not double-helixed into the warp and woof of the Broward County school system is absurd. Next, you’ll piss on my back and tell me it’s rain.

Broward Superintendent Runcie does a first-rate imitation of last year’s liar du jour, James Clapper, AKA, “Ananias”. Nobody says “Jack Robinson” because of one so obvious reason. The dude be Black. With the exception of O.J. and Mel Reynolds, and maybe Willie Horton, American Blacks are exempt from even the normal criticism of public officials because the White critics don’t want to be called racists. The new scarlet letter is “R”. [Even Mamu, the convicted black dude who killed the White Philly cop. is poised to make a comeback. I would like to add Ricky Ray Rector to the list but the Clintons killed him to prove that modern American Liberals could be tough on crime, even if the “alleged perpetrator” was Black. I can neither confirm nor deny that Wide-Bottomed Hillary was prepared to give him a lap dance to keep him quiet when he was strapped into Old Sparky. 

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