August 20, 2019
Offered without comment, save for the obvious one, the one that must be posted.
“California Faces Defecation Crisis”
That means we should forget about the Golden Gate, Rodeo Drive, El Capitan, & Hollywood. Like Neil Diamond almost said, people are coming to California from all over to take their pants down and shit in the streets. It’s too late for 2020 but get ready for 2024. Street Shitting will be an Olympic sport
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, and if memory still serves, she got her job when her husband died, is one embarrassing short and curly from being a Jew hating, Israel despising Democratic member of Congress.
I just heard her say it was OK to vote to condemn Israel in a resolution but maybe she is still opposed to it – maybe – if it were to become the law.
The only way that makes sense is if your favorite color is plaid.
Prince Harry may be dumber than his father, Prince Alfred E. Newman the Second. He gets a sniff of Meghan’s bearded clam and he goes all pussy-whipped. Maybe 2 years posting in Las Malvinas with cold showers and non-duet push-ups might bring the lad back.
3 NFL players knelt during the National Anthem this weekend. A thousand protestors carried the American Flag and sang the National Anthem in Hong Kong this weekend. Make your own broader points.
Speaking of Netanyahu’s “unprecedented” banning of 2 Wogette members of Congress, Obama banned a member of the Knesset in 2012. I am pretty sure goose is kassruth so anything about sauce, goose, and gander is acceptable.
To listen to the louts running for the Democratic nomination this country ranks slightly, barely slightly, ahead of Venezuela in business and commerce but certainly lacks its commitment to social justice. As a life-long fan of the great Lord Keynes, I await and with great anticipation, when he will be introduced as the savior of us all. If the economy is that bad, as any true Keynesian will tell you. We must increase demand. The one great proven way of increasing demand is to cut taxes. [Curley Joe Biden has said he wants to increase the corporate tax. Apparently, he doesn’t know that corporations don’t, never have, never will pay taxes. Send a SASE and I’ll explain. Bernie the Bolshie and Lieawatha Warren have never signed both sides of a pay check so they are about as useful as tits on a bull. Have any of the others ever had a real job?]
If “Black Lives’ “really, really matter”r why was there no comment on the 11 dead Blacks, plus 79 wounded Blacks in Chicago last weekend? Would I be going out on big limb if I were to say that all the Black dead and all the Black wounded were shot by other Blacks? Nobody, particularly the mainstream media and the Democratic Party, gives a rat’s ass when a Black shoots a Black. A White shooting a Black and particularly a White police officer shooting a Black, for any reason, is what the reptiles are looking for.
Doctor Jill Biden, and the Doctor is not a scleral buckle or pneumonectomy Doctor, but rather a symbol of recognition for someone who stoically endures hour after semester after workshop after peer conference after peer study on why Johnny still can’t read and who voluntarily associates herself with conferences called “Don’t Know Much About History” or “Is Star Trek or Star Wars the Key Anti-Bullying in Inner City Schools?”, that kind of Doctor, gave a glowing endorsement of her husband, former Klan wanabee, “Curley” Joe Biden, aka to the younger anti-Semitic louts and Israel haters, “Slow Joe” Biden. She said, and in front of national TV, “Vote for my husband. His brothers are worse.”
When Pericles spoke, people said, “How well he speaks.” When Demosthenes spoke, people said, “Let us march.”
No danger there.
I still await the candidate who will proclaim “Free Beer”
Lillian Hellman, Doctor Seuss, Woody Guthrie, Dalton Trumbo, Zero Mostel, Clifford Odets, not George Jessel, Larry Parks, Howard Fast, Paul Robeson, John Garfield, Edward Dmytryk, to name but a few. And what did these swells have in common? As if responding to a skilled orchestra leader, they all stood up on August 23, 1939 and, acting under well-rehearsed instructions, proclaimed their love, affection, and devotion to – Ready? – Adolf Hitler.
Such was their devotion to Stalin that when he killed between 6,000,000 and 10,000,000 Kulak-Jews in Ukraine they willingly believed Walter Duranty, Pulitzer Prize Foreign Correspondent of the New York Times, when he told them “Nothing to see here, move on.”
The Moscow Trials? Bukharin? Lysenko? “small potatoes”
When Roosevelt wouldn’t let the Saint Louis dock here, he sent 900 Jews to Auschwitz. But there are no enemies on the Left, are there?
I read in the Dates in History section of the Sun Sentinel today that it is the anniversary of the death of Trotsky in Mexico in 1940. No mention of how he died or what he was doing in Mexico. And you say that the media isn’t biased? 79 years after Stalin’s assassins put a pick ax into Trotsky’s head it is as if it never happened. Orwell, the writer most hated by modern American Liberals, said, “If you control the past, you control the future.”
“All them cornfields and ballet at night.”
Didn’t Nancy Pelosi, the Congresswoman for a district where people take their pants down and shit in the streets, tell us that ObamaCare would let a thousand flowers bloom and would let poets sing? Yes, she did.
And now we have slugs promising free stuff – not yet beer – but free stuff. Can bread and circuses be far behind?
Kevin Smith