Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 10, 2019 Imagine if Major Jed Clampett, MD,

August 10, 2019

Imagine if Major Jed Clampett, MD, a United States Army psychiatrist on active duty, went into the mess hall at Fort Bragg – as an aside, Fort Bragg is close to where Janet Reno began her illustrious Federal career by charbroiling some 7 dozen of her fellow citizens. “Some 7 dozen?”. My daughter’s Anatomy instructor at Baylor University School of Nursing told the class there was an extra femur - announced his love for the Baby Jesus, killed 13 soldiers and wounded 31 others.

Thanks to Allah the Beneficent, it didn’t happen.

Imagine if Major Nadal Hassan, MD, a United States Army psychiatrist on active duty, went onto the mess hall at Fort Bragg – as an aside, Fort Bragg is close to where Janet Reno began her illustrious Federal career by charbroiling some 7 dozen of her fellow citizens. “Some 7 dozen?” My daughter’s Anatomy instructor at Baylor University School of Nursing told the class there that was an extra femur –shouted “Allah Akbar”, killed 13 soldiers and wounded 31 others.

Since it happened when a Black man was President and since all the candidates for President next year are either “trousered apes”, ohmadahns, or moon-bat, wing nuts and have given up on the beauty, symmetry, and eternal truthfulness of the capstone of Logic – POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC – can we say that he caused it?

Of course we can

Logic, and its sturdy cousin Rhetoric, are not parabolic curves.

  Like Physics, a discipline whose sole job is to measure things – how fast, how big, how long, how wide -Logic doesn’t lend itself to words like “almost”. They are words that sociologists revel in. They are words without boundaries or limits. They are words, as Alice tells us, that “mean whatever we want them to mean”. That’s why it is always Christmas morning for modern American Liberals.

Pop quiz.

Who shot Scalise?
Who shot Steve Scalise?
Who shot Congressman Steve Scalise?
What shot Congressman Steve Scalise [R-LA]?

A big fan of Bonkers Bernie Sanders.

Does Sanders bear any blame for the awful act of his votary?

Extra credit

Who was the favorite politician of the Dayton shooter?

Senator Lieawatha Warren.

Does she have any responsibility for his actions?

Sirhan Sirhan shot Robert Kennedy.

Do Muslims, particularly those who hate Jews and despise Israel, and just how many don’t, bear any responsibility? Regardless, why not put a Kardashian on his case? No one has ever spent as much time in jail as he has for a similar crime. Let him out.

The majority of people killed in Las Vegas were thought to have been Trump supporters, Does Senator Harry Reid [D-NV], as mean and miserable a bastard as ever sat in the Senate, bear any responsibility for that carnage?

President Trump doesn’t like rats. Further, he doesn’t like rats in a city where the crime rate is equal to Gomorrah. Plus, not one high school senior passed the Maryland Proficiency test in verbal and math skills. The last White Mayor of Baltimore was Nancy Pelosi’s father, Tom, “Steal the pennies off a dead man’s eyes,” D’Alessandro. The longest serving politician in Baltimore is Congressman Elijah Cummings [D-MD] who also doesn’t like rats. Since he’s Black and a true son of modern American Liberalism he is covered in indulgences. Since Trump, a White man, doesn’t like rats, murders, and failing cities he is, presumptively, a racist. 

If he is, should we dig up Jimmy Cagney, dress him in Senator Byrd’s Klan robes, and lynch him because he made quite a living shouting, “You dirty rat?”

I am going to fill a large glass with an adult beverage and return to Johnathan Swift’s solution to the huge surplus of Irish babies.

Kevin Smith

PS – If I say I never liked Templeton will that crazy Black broad come to my house and try to “stick a knife in my fucking heart” like she wants to do to Senator McConnell[R-KY]?

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