Monday, April 7, 2008

Ana Menendez, The Miami Herald

April 6, 2008

Ana Menendez

The Miami Herald

One Herald Plaza

Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: A solution for the undeserving poor that you missed in your column this date in the Miami Herald.

Ms. Menendez,

You say

“The rich and well-connected always have friends to spare.

The poor, the marginalized and the unpopular have the

Labor Center at Florida International University…

Its budget is tiny: less than $400.000 a year. It’s not exactly

a financial burden…These days, the poor need

all the friends they can get.”

The Miami Herald

Page B1



Breathe easy. Help is on the way. In fact, the budget may go up. There’s a new Robin Hood in town. In fact, it’s Mr. & Mrs. Robin Hood. Bill and Hillary earned $109,000,000 – not counting 2007 – since they left the White House in 2001. They gave $10,000,000 to his favorite charity, the Big Bill Tonsorial Parlor and Bada Bing Pole Dancing and Riding Academy.

Once they find out they’ll be here with sacks filled with Benjamins. If you know some Super Delegates they’ll make it Euros or Sterling. Yen if that is what you want.

You say “the rich are being shielded from tax increases”. Not these two. They’re volunteering. The reason Bubba and Mrs. Bubba started their own giveaway program was to eliminate the middle man. What’s the sense, they both asked, in having all this money unless you can do some good with it?

All you’ve got to do is ask if, should Senator B. Hussein Obama be elected President, will Pastor Wright swear him in on Inauguration Day. Maybe something about Louie-Louie Farakhan. Maybe a hint about his buddy Rezko and the mortgage on his house.

It’s the least you can do for “the poor, the marginalized and the unpopular”.

Like I said, “the undeserving poor”.

Also tell Hillary to come to Florida and really push an income tax because of our “dysfunctional tax policy”. That’s the fair thing and the right thing to do.

PS – Hillary and Michelle have similar qualities. Big time schools. Big time jobs. Funny how both of them seemed to really prosper when their spouses’ careers took. Hillary became a partner when her husband was elected Governor. Michelle was really proud that her husband’s election to the Senate got her a $200,000 raise. Why not get both of them down here and have them bid against each other for the support of “the poor, the marginalized and the unpopular”? We’ll have your constituency farting though silk in no time.

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