April 1, 2008
Chief Justice R. Fred Lewis
500 South Duval Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1925
RE: Judge Spechler, Judge Tobin, and why do I know that this is not an April Fool’s Day joke, wit not being a strong suit of the collective Broward Judiciary?
Chief Justice Lewis,
In case you’ve been on Spring Break or have been pouting over the recount brouhaha of 2000 Judge Tobin is the Chief Judge of Broward County. Judge Spechler, until last year, was the administrator of the County Civil Division.
“You are not to return to the Central Courthouse
except at my direction,” Tobin wrote in a letter
hand delivered to Judge Spechler on 3/27/08.
Have the loonies taken over the bin? Have the black robed boobies taken over the hatch? Why do you suppose Castro has such bilious contempt for the Florida Judiciary? Do suppose he may know something?
Perhaps a Swift or a Racine, maybe a Mel Brooks aided by a reincarnation of the Marx Brothers and Professor Irwin Corey could flesh out the above scenario. Maybe he should be sent, not to satellite traffic court, but to America’s adult Caribbean sleep away camp, AKA Camp Gitmo.
Maybe Judge Spechler is bung holing the neighbor’s dog. Maybe he plays the cello poorly. Maybe he is a devotee of Peruvian Marching Powder. Maybe he has pastrami on white toast with lettuce, tomato, and extra mayonnaise. Maybe he‘s gone over to the Dark Side.
Who knows?
Let me add that I have had matters litigated in various Federal District Courts, in the 5th Circuit and the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, in the United States Bankruptcy Court, in the United States Tax Court, and in the United States Supreme Court.
I come not to this conversation as a naïf but rather as someone not unfamiliar with either the labyrinthine ways of Court House intrigue or the natural tendency of a layman to confuse law with justice.
Further, I add as a non-lawyer that my father was a Judge and my son is a member of the Bar in 3 states. Deo volente Florida will not be the 4th.
What the Hell is going on here?
Justice and the perception thereof is a fragile thing.
It can never suffer from too much sunshine.
1 comment:
commissar hamaway and roda hollander were so blatant in pimping judge jay spechler ..... they were assured by THE BAR and the JQC ....... That broward judges and lawyers are above the law.com.
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