Thursday, April 24, 2008

Letter to the Editor, The Miami Herald

April 24, 2008

Letters to the Editor

The Miami Herald

One Herald Plaza

Miami, Florida 33136-1693


Enclosed is a copy of the note I sent to Boston Globe resident harridan Joan Vennochi. I thought I had her walled up in Boston but, no, she enters the modern American Liberal transporter device and reappears in Miami. I do believe I can give Sisyphus a run for his money. Like our beloved President I will not waver. My arm is mighty for I have the strength of ten. I need it because when I slay one three come to claim the body.

Anyway her lies, half lies, and quarter truths are the same whether it is Boston or Havana North. Her fuzzy thinking coupled with the “eclectic indignation” that is the hallmark of Left loony bin occupants is always worthy of being smacked down.

Incidentally, back when Mr. T – Uncle Tom to his faithful companions – was in charge of all the ink stained wenches and wretches, I would tell him every Spring that if the Herald were serious about the perils of Global Warming there was one way to show it. For the months of May, June, July, August, and September the Miami Herald HQ would turn off its air conditioners. What better way to reduce the notorious carbon foot print? What better way to help drowning polar bears? What better way to save the rain forests and the manatees? What better way to cut your FPL bill? What better way to feel warm and fuzzy about feeling warm and fuzzy?

I understand that should Hillary be denied the Democratic nomination she is going to franchise the Tarmac under fire serpentine two-step that she made famous in Tuzla. Mrs. B Hussein Obama will write a book about how proud she was when she got a $4,000 a week raise because her husband was elected to the United States Senate.

What a country! That’s why, as Big Mike, the legendary restaurateur and sportsman from Bayonne still says, “you never see anybody swimming to Cuba”.

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