Monday, April 7, 2008

Stephen Tomma & William Douglas, The Miami Herald

April 6, 2008

Stephen Thomma

William Douglas

The Miami Herald

One Herald Plaza

Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: Mrs. Clinton and the truth and why, like parallel lines, they will never meet. Thanks for your times saving story in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Thomma & Mr. Douglas,

“Clinton in uphill battle with truth”

‘Senator Hillary Clinton is often perceived as dishonest,

sometimes unjustifiably so.’

The Miami Herald

Page 6A



Thanks for letting me know. I thought she was just a broad who “couldn’t lie straight in bed”. As soon as I saw the openers I knew I didn’t have to read the rest of the story. Just one thing, however.

Can you send me a list of the times when she was perceived justifiably so as being a liar?

It will save me some time plus it will cut down on my carbon footprint.

Don’t make me do the serpentine tarmac two step to get the answers, please. Does it have something to do with cattle futures and her broker “Red Bone”?

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