Thursday, April 28, 2011

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Chairgal

April 21, 2011

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Chairgal
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: Here are two questions his bum kissers at Tweeter missed

Dear Debbie the Democratic Doyenne,

It seems that the President, AKA Lord Barack the Beneficent, had a rigged Q&A session.

His planted acolytes at Twizzle asked him questions that he knew were coming. Doubtless, he rehearsed his answers. That’s why, when asked how old he was when he first walked on water, he was able to deflect it with such ease. When asked if it were necessary to touch but the hem of his garment to cure the heartbreak of psoriasis or would having his shadow pass over the sick person he showed genuine modesty. The goons at Twexxle were quite impressed.

Once you can fake “genuine” ObamaCare was a snap.

I would like you to ask him what his favorite color is.

I vote for plaid but motley has much support.

Get back to me ASAP, please.

Kevin Smith

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