April 13, 2011
Gary Stein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: What were you thinking? Some comments on your column about elections, the legislature, and the people, God Damn them.
Mr. Stein,
On a day when Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, a person #3 on the list to sit in the Oval Office should a disaster of Homeric proportions have befallen Washington, says “elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do” you compound her gaffe by revealing another modern American Liberals secret when you cite uber Liberal Florida State Senator Nan Rich thus:
“She really wanted to get it settled in the courts,
where it belongs.”
Where it belongs?
I suggest that the political turmoil surrounding abortion would have been less if it had gone through a legislative process rather than being imposed by judicial ukase.
In the end, abortion is the only sacrament and the only major creed in the church of modern American Liberalism. You can vote for or against debt ceilings depending on which party has the White House. Also, invading a Muslim country is OK as long as your name isn’t George W. Bush. No one, but no one, dares to break ranks with the NARAL play book. So strong is the blood oath that modern American Liberals, particularly the noxious Broward County version, take that Dr. Mengele would win any Democratic primary he entered here. He was decades ahead in his progressive views on abortion.
This country is a representative Democracy. “A Republic, if you can keep it”, being Benjamin Franklin’s still valid answer when asked what was given to the country in 1787 by the Constitutional Convention.
Would you be so sanguine about getting it “settled”, getting anything settled, in a Court where the majority opinion was authored by Justice Scalia? Would you use Justice Alito or Justice Breyer as the paradigmatic template for the one perfect Judge?
I would mention Edmund Burke and The Federalist Papers but I fear you might think me an elitist. Why is the Rule of Law thought to be from one of Jupiter’s minor moons?
In February, 2009, when asked a question by a Republican Congressman, Lord Barack the Beneficent said, “There was an election. We won.” The people began to reverse 2008 in 2010.
The people of Florida will have a chance to reverse 2010 should they so desire. Perhaps you feel, a la Nancy Pelosi, that “elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do”. Didn’t the President say that the Chinese have a better way of doing things?
I guess one of the problems that modern American Liberals always face on any Election Day is that sometimes the wrong guys win.
Should we bring back literacy tests?
Kevin Smith
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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