Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Committee

April 13, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: The hits just keep coming!

Darling Debbie, Debbie,

You probably don’t even now where the Executive John – Excuse me. The Executive Jane. – is and already your plate is filled.

Before I get to some of the foot in mouth national Democrats – Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid – I have some refreshing news from Broward County.

Deerfield Beach Commissioner Sylvia Poitier, nee Broward County Commissioner Sylvia Poitier, she of the minority hotel scam, is about 2 or 3 “embarrassing short and curlies” away from being indicted.

To her credit she was trying to help her brother.

He was owed $47,000 by an “out reach” agency. The mission statement of all political entities with the words “out reach” in them is to make Mother Teresa seem like Scrooge at his pre-redemption best. They are best at “out reaching” into the tax payers’ pocket. Thus, they are a favorite cul-de-sac for modern American Liberal pols to get a promising new comer some valuable community organizer experience. They have been known as a place to give an aging hack one more bite of the public apple before he heads to the sunset. Sometimes debts are settled via the public teat.

Her brother was owed $47,000 by one such nest of vipers. How he got $47,000 and why he lent it to them is the stuff of afternoon TV. She tried to get a $75,000 grant to cover his bill and to provide some walking around money. The problem is simple. She didn’t tell any one that the swag would benefit her brother. Now she’s telling it to a Grand Jury. Look for her to be making the Perp Walk shortly.

Don’t you just hate it when bad things happen to bad people?

I’ll say this for her.

She ain’t just another pretty face.

But I digress.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a woman who was on the short list to become President if a disaster were to befall Washington, said she didn’t much like elections. To be precise:

“But the fact is that elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do.”

The presumption, much buttressed by facts, “the evidence of your own eyes” so to say, is that she knows better than the Great Unwashed, untermenschen all. She will help them even if they don’t want to be helped. After all, they are just “bitter clingers”, aren’t they?

“Are you serious?” was her response to a question about where it said in the Constitution that ObamaCare was within the province of Congress. [You may wish to familiarize yourself with the antique concept of “enumerated powers”.]

The woman reeks of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Search and rescue dogs begin to howl like crazed canine Banshees if they come within a quarter mile of her.

You have your work cut out for you today.

I expect you to stand in front of a national TV camera and say that while she said it she didn’t mean to say it and are you going to believe me or your lying ears.

Your problem with Senator Reid is small potatoes.

When he recites the Pledge of Allegiance he omits the words “under G-d”.

Solzhenitsyn, a victim of G-dless statism if ever there were one, said that man’s woes began when he “turned away from G-d”. Modern American Liberals are very uncomfortable when talking about any deity save for Allah.

People in your job have to spend some time in the barrel.

Good luck.

I’ll be taking notes.

Kevin Smith

PS – About your hair. I think you risk losing part of your message if your audience thinks you are auditioning for “Dancing with Medusa”.

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