Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Democratic National Committee

April 16, 2011

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: “Are manners dead”?
Dearest Debbie-Debbie,

It is, of course, a play on words, words snatched from a movie line.

In “The Private Lives of Henry the Eighth” Charles Laughton, playing the King superbly well even though he was cast against type, tears a roast chicken apart as he complains about the crudity of his court. “Manners are dead”, he roars.

On March 19, 2011 Lynn Martinez, a local TV anhcorette, interviewed President Obama, AKA Lord Barack the Beneficent.

Two things became instantly obvious:

#1 – He did not stand up when she came into the room.
#2 – He did not know her name.

I know we are still trying to get our etymological arms around “kinetic military action”. I know that $4.29 a gallon gasoline and deficits that are uncountable, while horrendous when the President’s name is Bush, are OK when the President was a community organizer and an alumnus of the Chicago School of In Your Face Don’t Bring a Knife to a Gunfight Interpersonal Relations. I know that 100% of the Democratic Senators who voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006 will vote 100% for it in 2001. [Don’t bother checking. There was a Republican in the White House in 2006] I knot that a special “Chicks Only” wing is going to have to be built at the Broward County Pokey to handle all the indicted, convicted, and imprisoned distaff crooks, all of whom are modern American Liberals.

What I don’t know is why no one ever told your boss, that swine, anything about manners.

Even if you only had an “average White grandmother” you would have been told to get up when a woman entered the room. Perhaps cross cultural differences can explain it; perhaps not. He has a half-brother living in a mud hut who bites the heads off chickens and an aunt in Boston who has worked the system as well as he has. Maybe it’s a genetic thing.

Presumptively, the Secret Service knew what Sra. Martinez had for breakfast and what color her bloomers were. Couldn’t someone have written her name on a 3x5 card and given it to him? Maybe part of his culture discourages manners.

I haven’t yet decided whether to call him BaBa or BoBo.

Either one will not change the fact that he is an ill mannered lout.

Why don’t you put together a “Miss Debbie-Debbie’s Guide to PC Etiquette”? Skip the part about which fork or spoon to use.

Just tell him he shouldn’t pick his nose [in public]

I hope it is not necessary to tell him that he shouldn’t pick his friend’s nose either in public or in private.

Tell him anyway.

Kevin Smith

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