Thursday, October 12, 2017

October 11, 2017

Chad Baruch, Esq.
Johnson Tobey Baruch
3308 Oak Grove Avenue
Dallas, TX 75204

Mr. Baruch,

I was reading your comments about Jerry Jones and the brouhaha over the national anthem, the gist of which was he has the right as an employer to say what his players can say or cannot say. If memory serves the First Amendment begins with “Congress shall make no law…You caution that he should tread lightly in that area lest he cast a chilling effect on them, pajama-clad snowflakes all, that could lead to the treacherous slippery slope from which no traveler ever returns. 

Did you raise your impressive legal cudgels in defense of Lawrence Summers when he said that, on balance, chicks don’t do as well in the non-social sciences, stuff like chemistry and physics, the hard ones, as guys do?

How about the guy at GOOGLE who, based on empirical data, facts and numbers as real as your boot, said essentially the same thing? Then he was fired. Any briefs for him?

One was last seen having his ass welded to the next Pioneer rocket being readied for launch to see if Pluto had a White Christmas. The other was tossed into Gehenna for extended re-hab

I suppose they can fend for themselves. As for you…

Sutor, ne ultra crepidam!

Kevin Smith

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