Monday, October 30, 2017

October 29, 2017

Fred Grimm
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Some things never change. Some comments on your lachrymose-ridden, achingly familiar column on the unfairness of it all, as written down by you in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Brother Grimm, 

I thought that when you left the Miami Herald you would become Chairman Emeritus and chief tsk-tsker of the Harriet van Horne Rest Home for POO Pundits, POO being short hand for “Perpetually Outraged and Offended”.

It being close to Halloween you have adopted the Dracula guise and refuse to stay dead. You succeed in giving lycantrophy and vampirism a bad name.

Life would be good if only we could get rid of those wascally Wepublicans. “All them corn fields and ballet at night”, as Fred Kite, the noted British Labour leader used to say. 

Here’s the only solution to your eternal agida.

Unelect those Republicans

Elect some head up their ass Democrats.

Think Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe. Think big time Midnight Basketball.

Get back to me, OK?

Kevin Smith

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