October 29, 2017
Congresswoman Lois Frankel
2500 North Military Trail #490
Boca Raton, FL 33431
RE: Some comments on your moronic mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel on your plan to raise unicorns to tend the Rainbow Stew and non-GMO balloon juice bushes that will be used to feed the anti-gravity 3D droids that modern American Liberals so devoutly wish for.
Congresswoman Frankel,
Since you never had the courtesy of responding to me when I was your constituent I shan’t be shattered if you continue that proud Democratic tradition.
Meanwhile, here is some useful, of course organic, cud to chew on.
#1 – How do you give a tax cut to someone with no taxable income? [The unspoken corollary to that, a subject for a different discussion, is how do homeless people, those “unlucky in life’s lottery”, mange to remain obese?
#2 – Why do tax cuts have to be “paid” for?
#3 – Approximately 20% of the taxpayers pay about 75% of all taxes. Would not Logic dictate that any tax cut, be it income, personal, corporate, estate, or pass through would disproportionately benefit those who are feeding the cow rather just being welded to the perpetually lactating teat? Udderly offensive to said Logic, right?
#4 - Here’s a plan. Double, maybe triple, the deduction from Federal taxes, of local and state taxes. If you spend $25,000 locally you get to deduct $50,000 or $75,000 from your Federal taxes. Raise the highest bracket to 105% and we will all be farting through silk before you can say “Midnight Basketball”. Great idea, right?
#5 – You may remember that we borrowed $1,000,000,000,000 from the Chinese in 2009 to fund “shovel ready jobs”. How did that work out? Exactly which year did the “Summer of Recovery” take place? As far as I can tell, it all went to Blue States to fund public unions’ salaries, benefits, and pension schemes. Does that pass the “bag test”? #6 – Check your meds. You may be substituting Xanax for B-12.
We had Obama for 8 years and you tell me with apparently a straight face that our bridges are falling down, Keisha still can’t read, and Granny is either dumpster diving or eating discarded cat food.
You can respond or not respond at my new address: Bedlam
The old address is still the same.
Kevin Smith
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