Friday, October 20, 2017

October 15, 2017

Commissioner Tim Ryan
Broward County Commission
115 South Andrews Ave
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Some comments on your mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel in which you make manifestly clear that you didn’t spend too much time in either Political Science or History class.

Commissioner Ryan,

Since I believe that “modesty is an overrated virtue” I had no problem when in responding to my last letter you told me you were graduated with honors in, I believe, Economics.

Too bad you didn’t spend some time looking at speech in both a Historical sense in general and political in particular. 

Read carefully. I’ll type slowly.

25 centuries ago, a wounded veteran said, “Freemen speak with free tongues”. How simple is that? It is a gift we get at birth, a “gift from beyond the stars”. 

“The real outrage is that we have a social and political environment
where hatred based on race, gender, and ethnicity seems
 acceptable to a large segment of the population.”
The Sun Sentinel

Let me see if I can guess what your solution is. As a modern American Liberal your reaction is instinctive and visceral: spend more money on reeducation. Get to the root causes of all this hate and beat it out of them. As a modern American Liberal your path to free speech is strewn with less free speech. In this you find no contradiction. It’s OK for teachers’ unions to extort money from their members to lobby you but not anyone opposed to abortion. Wide-bottomed Hillary was/is opposed to the Citizens United decision because they said not nice things about her. Cal-Berkeley, where the free speech movement supposedly was begun, regularly beats up anyone opposed to what they say and then they loot and pillage. 

The First Amendment was not put in first place to protect Dr. Seuss – even though            he was a big fan of Hitler - or Mr. Rogers who wasn’t. It was put in place to protect the Nazi wanabees marching through Skokie, Illinois. It was put in place to protect and defend the Westboro Baptist Church as they condemn “fags” at funerals.
It was put in place to protect the things we hate, not the things we love.

Why is “Piss Christ”, an art work showing a crucifix suspended in a vat filled with pee, permitted? Why is flag burning permitted? [I shan’t ask about the Mohammed cartoons because in the cloud world occupied by modern American Liberals disrespecting a religion is allowed, indeed encouraged, only if the religion is Christian or Jewish. Muslims are too sensitive and will become radical Islamic terrorists if Mohammed is depicted as a goat humping paedophile.

Why is it OK for homosexuals and lesbians to call each other queer or dike? Wasn’t it Churchill who said that a public flamer “gave sodomy a bad name”? Why is it OK for Colored – as in NAACP colored - people to call each other nigger? Why can’t White people use these terms? Shades of James Baldwin! Where can the term “Nigger queer” be used successfully? 

Somebody named Spencer will speaking at Gator land soon. He has never been known to hum Kumbaya nor does he much favor affirmative action, be it goal oriented or quota oriented. I understand that SEAL Team 6 and the Honor Guard at Arlington will be deployed for security. It may be too late to deploy a Gurkha battalion to show both diversity and inclusion. I understand that some of the demonstrators, in addition to wearing masks and wielding cudgels, are taking a cue from the SEIU thugs who, having invaded the Wisconsin legislature, greeted the female solons with shouts of “Go fuck yourself, cunt”. Yet these “Trousered Apes”, if they were to be unmasked and stood by themselves, would be pajama-clad snowflakes who would make George Costanza look like Achilles. How many POOs – Perpetually Outraged and Offended – are at the University of Florida? 

How many troops would be needed if Harvey Weinstein were invited to speak? How about Willie Horton? OJ?

“I would give the Devil the benefit of the doubt for my own safety’s sake.”

“I tremble when I realize God is just.” Was Kris Kristofferson right when he said, “Freedom’s just another way of saying there’s nothing left to lose”? Call me when you want to burn some books and movies. Dick Gregory’s bio titled “Nigger” and Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles” will be the first 2 on the pyre. How about “Nude Descending a Staircase” and some of those cool Robert Mapplethorpe pictures? Don’t forget Kipling and Mark Twain. What size is your head? I want to send you a dunce cap, you boob.

Kevin Smith

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