September 30, 2018
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
RE: Gillum for Governor! Whodathunk. You go, girl.
Ms. O’Hara,
If the ghost of Hugo Chavez were to walk down the Intercoastal proclaiming that, at best, Andrew Gillum was a half-assed socialist that would have been the lead in your editorial endorsing him for Governor. “See. I told you he didn’t know who Robert Owen was.”
A 40% increase in Florida’s corporation tax will produce one sure winner: The professionals, the attorneys and accountants who enjoy 1% life styles because they found a wee aperture in the tax code that only a deduction or, better yet, a credit – Of course, they are retroactive. That’s why God allowed the discovery of amended tax returns, don’t you know? – can get through.
By the way, and I know that the following fact is akin to finger nails on the blackboard or listening to uber-Liberal Nat Hentoff talk about abortion but corporations don’t, never have, never will pay taxes. Taxes, like corporate charitable contributions, like salaries, like 3-martini lunches, like buying print advertising are expenses that are bundled up and become part of the price of the product. The end user, the last thing that can be shaped by the “invisible hand”, pays them. Let me repeat that. The entity that writes the check is a double pass through. It collects the mandated tax and then pays the taxing authority. Honest. You could look it up.
When Paul Krugman, the only so-called business man that “Occupy Wall Street” will not do a collective trou drop – remember them from your high school daze? – and try to shit in his car because he never saw a tax he couldn’t raise was paid $50,000 for each speech he gave praising Enron. You can look that one up also.
Sort of gives new meaning to the Biblical tale of the camel and the eye of the needle. Look that one up also.
But back to the task at hand.
All the things you highlight about Gillum share a common thread, a universal modern American Liberal warp, if you will. Whatever the problem is, be it local, national, interplanetary, or intergalactic, even if we need the spectre of Steven Hawking to find the edge of the envelope, the solution is simple: Spend more money. To suggest that the premise of the so well intended program is faulty is to bring down a tsunami of opprobrium and billingsgate of racism, sexism, elitism, or speciesism or the ism that has not yet revealed itself.
Thank God for the POO – the Perpetually Outraged and Offended – who stand guard like a steroid-addled Horatius lest some outrage slip past unreported.
I highlight 2 items:
“We need a course correction, one that shoves
fewer state dictates down our throats.”
God’s Holy Trousers, but whenever a modern American Liberal says anything like that I thank God for Depends. Modern American Liberalism, as if you didn’t know, is predicated on shoving “state dictates down our throats”.
Thomas Jefferson, noted wine maker, warned us about the above 242 years ago when he wrote of the danger of “erecting a multitude of new offices, and sen[ding] hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out our substance”. I have been a catcher on the shot-put teams named the EPA and OSHA. Why does a furbish lousewort have more rights than a soon to be unemployed guy who uses a pick and shovel to make a living?
“We acknowledge that Gillum has to deal with an FBI investigation.”
“Acknowledge”? “An FBI investigation”? I am from Hudson County, New Jersey. Bayonne, to put a fine point on it. It sounds like business as usual. There weren’t enough Republicans to go around so the bulging white envelopes all went to Democrats.
Isn’t that the same as saying that there’s 400 pound gorilla in the room? OOOOPS! I can’t say gorilla. I can’t say ape. I can’t say monkey. In fact, any simian refence is de facto proof of racism, right? There is one exception. Senator Robert Byrd [D-WVA], former Deputy Gran Kleagle of, and can you believe this, the frigin’ Ku Klux Klan, can did twice say on national TV the dreaded “N” word, the word that guilt-ridden White folk dare not use, particularly on national television. If you want to know what the word is send a SASE.
Another exception to using gorillamonkeyape references is Barack Obama. When he was not “cooling the earth and calming the seas” or telling us “don’t bring a knife to as gun fight” or “if you like your doctor you can keep him” or “drawing red lines in the sand” or announcing, like OJ Simpson saying he would spend the rest of his life trying to find his wife’s real killers, that he would spend the rest of his life trying to find those missing 7 or 8 states, used monkey as a verb and as a noun.
And of course it is a well known fact that a Black man can’t be a racist, right? OK, OK, maybe Farakhan. Maybe the wing-nut Congresswoman Maxine “No hot stove is safe when I’m around” Waters, from California is one also. She can always argue diminished capacity.
Let me make a withdrawal from my memory bank. Former Vice President Curly Biden, named after the smartest stooge, said of Obama, that he was “clean and articulate”.
I hereby stipulate that Andrew Gillum, AKA “alleged perpetrator”, is “clean and articulate”. And he’s rounding 2nd base on the way to the Governor’s mansion.
Kevin Smith
PS – How will increasing teachers’ starting salary to $50,000 make for better results? Does he intend to fire all the bad or incompetent or below average teachers who bear responsibility for low scores, just like a losing football coach who has no tenure, and replace them with newly hired ones at higher salaries? How about paying a starting bonus to new teachers who agree to teach in a Fort Apache neighborhood? How about a performance bonus equal to half their salary? Hyman Rickover told Jimmy Carter “why not the best?” Carter, despite a degree in physics, was half-assed horse’s ass. He started the Department of Education which has not improved any measurable test score. I suggest shutting the place down, along with the equally inept Department of Energy, and return the money to the people from whom it was taken.