Sunday, September 30, 2018

September 30, 2018 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel

September 30, 2018

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Gillum for Governor! Whodathunk. You go, girl.

Ms. O’Hara,

If the ghost of Hugo Chavez were to walk down the Intercoastal proclaiming that, at best, Andrew Gillum was a half-assed socialist that would have been the lead in your editorial endorsing him for Governor. “See. I told you he didn’t know who Robert Owen was.”

A 40% increase in Florida’s corporation tax will produce one sure winner: The professionals, the attorneys and accountants who enjoy 1% life styles because they found a wee aperture in the tax code that only a deduction or, better yet, a credit – Of course, they are retroactive. That’s why God allowed the discovery of amended tax returns, don’t you know? – can get through.

By the way, and I know that the following fact is akin to finger nails on the blackboard or listening to uber-Liberal Nat Hentoff talk about abortion but corporations don’t, never have, never will pay taxes. Taxes, like corporate charitable contributions, like salaries, like 3-martini lunches, like buying print advertising are expenses that are bundled up and become part of the price of the product. The end user, the last thing that can be shaped by the “invisible hand”, pays them. Let me repeat that. The entity that writes the check is a double pass through. It collects the mandated tax and then pays the taxing authority. Honest. You could look it up.

 When Paul Krugman, the only so-called business man that “Occupy Wall Street” will not do a collective trou drop – remember them from your high school daze? – and try to shit in his car because he never saw a tax he couldn’t raise was paid $50,000 for each speech he gave praising Enron. You can look that one up also.

Sort of gives new meaning to the Biblical tale of the camel and the eye of the needle. Look that one up also.

But back to the task at hand.

All the things you highlight about Gillum share a common thread, a universal modern American Liberal warp, if you will. Whatever the problem is, be it local, national,  interplanetary, or intergalactic, even if we need the spectre of Steven Hawking to find the edge of the envelope, the solution is simple: Spend more money. To suggest that the premise of the so well intended program is faulty is to bring down a tsunami of opprobrium and billingsgate of racism, sexism, elitism, or speciesism or the ism that has not yet revealed itself.
Thank God for the POO – the Perpetually Outraged and Offended – who stand guard like a steroid-addled Horatius lest some outrage slip past unreported.

I highlight 2 items:

“We need a course correction, one that shoves
 fewer state dictates down our throats.”

God’s Holy Trousers, but whenever a modern American Liberal says anything like that I thank God for Depends. Modern American Liberalism, as if you didn’t know, is predicated on shoving “state dictates down our throats”.

Thomas Jefferson, noted wine maker, warned us about the above 242 years ago when he wrote of the danger of “erecting a multitude of new offices, and sen[ding] hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out our substance”. I have been a catcher on the shot-put teams named the EPA and OSHA. Why does a furbish lousewort have more rights than a soon to be unemployed guy who uses a pick and shovel to make a living?

“We acknowledge that Gillum has to deal with an FBI investigation.”

“Acknowledge”? “An FBI investigation”? I am from Hudson County, New Jersey. Bayonne, to put a fine point on it. It sounds like business as usual. There weren’t enough Republicans to go around so the bulging white envelopes all went to Democrats.


Isn’t that the same as saying that there’s 400 pound gorilla in the room? OOOOPS! I can’t say gorilla. I can’t say ape. I can’t say monkey. In fact, any simian refence is de facto proof of racism, right? There is one exception. Senator Robert Byrd [D-WVA], former Deputy Gran Kleagle of, and can you believe this, the frigin’ Ku Klux Klan, can did twice say on national TV the dreaded “N” word, the word that guilt-ridden White folk dare not use, particularly on national television. If you want to know what the word is send a SASE.

Another exception to using gorillamonkeyape references is Barack Obama. When he was not “cooling the earth and calming the seas” or telling us “don’t bring a knife to as gun fight” or “if you like your doctor you can keep him” or “drawing red lines in the sand” or announcing, like OJ Simpson saying he would spend the rest of his life trying to find his wife’s real killers, that he would spend the rest of his life trying to find those missing 7 or 8 states, used monkey as a verb and as a noun.

And of course it is a well known fact that a Black man can’t be a racist, right? OK, OK, maybe Farakhan. Maybe the wing-nut Congresswoman Maxine “No hot stove is safe when I’m around” Waters, from California is one also. She can always argue diminished capacity.

Let me make a withdrawal from my memory bank. Former Vice President Curly Biden, named after the smartest stooge, said of Obama, that he was “clean and articulate”. 

I hereby stipulate that Andrew Gillum, AKA “alleged perpetrator”, is “clean and articulate”. And he’s rounding 2nd  base on the way to the Governor’s mansion.

Kevin Smith

PS – How will increasing teachers’ starting salary to $50,000 make for better results? Does he intend to fire all the bad or incompetent or below average teachers who bear responsibility for low scores, just like a losing football coach who has no tenure, and replace them with newly hired ones at higher salaries? How about paying a starting bonus to new teachers who agree to teach in a Fort Apache neighborhood? How about a performance bonus equal to half their salary? Hyman Rickover told Jimmy Carter “why not the best?” Carter, despite a degree in physics, was half-assed horse’s ass. He started the Department of Education which has not improved any measurable test score. I suggest shutting the place down, along with the equally inept Department of Energy, and return the money to the people from whom it was taken.

September 29, 2018 In Memoriam For Bill Warnock, the original Handsome Billy from Bayonne

September 29, 2018

In Memoriam
Bill Warnock, the original Handsome Billy from Bayonne

From Jooche’s to Thermopylae to the Speedway Tavern to the Jewish Y to Kipling to Shiloh to the Sacketts to Churchill to Toole – I never could get him to Joyce -  to Monument Valley to some nasty legal stuff to him telling me a few years ago, while he was working on his tan, “Life is good”, to grandchildren, to weddings, to funerals, Big Red and I had an almost 60-year journey.

About 30 years ago, taking a cue from Trollope, he accurately forecast the results of my upcoming adventures when Loretta, wife and Mom extraordinaire, asked me what I did. I told her I had just begun what was to become a more than 7-year Odyssey in U.S. Tax Court where, even if you win, you lose. “Your life is over”, was his take on my upcoming fortuna, and it proved to be spot on.

“Of course the wheel is crooked but it’s the only game in town.”
My father, the legendary Judge Smith, always said, “Anything past 70 is like playing with house money”. Your family was with you, like mine was when Amy died.

[Attention must be paid to the most extraordinary real estate closing ever. It began in his office, the one across the street from Petridis’s, Bayonne’s World Famous Hot Dog Restaurant. It ended in DeAngelis’s tavern, one of Bayonne’s better bistros. After the $13,000 error was squared away, he drove me home. [The seller, Bob Brown, will be dead 20 years next Wednesday.] After taking the longest way possible to get from Bayonne to West Orange, I asked him to come in. “No. Your wife doesn’t want to see you. I know she doesn’t want to see me.” Right again, Red Willie.

No sad songs, Moose.

I’ll raise a glass as I re-tell the story of the afternoon in the saloon in Durango, Colorado.

Sleep well, my friend, and leave the light on.

Kevin Smith

 PS – If he ran for Mayor of Bayonne I was going to be his campaign manager. The theme of the campaign was to be “Loot & Pillage”. But that’s a different story, isn’t it?

Friday, September 28, 2018

September 27, 2018 Congresswoman Gwen Moore

September 27, 2018

Congresswoman Gwen Moore
316 N. Milwaukee Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202

Congresswoman Moore,

Before I get to your House speech shown on C-Span today I must ask questions of a somewhat delicate and sensitive nature. Your c.v.* says you were raped as a child and as an adult. Did Brett Kavanaugh rape you? How about Keith Ellison? John Conyers? Willie Horton? Mel Reynolds? Al Franken? The Duke Lacrosse team? Lard Kennedy?

Get back to me, OK?

In your floor speech today, you thundered about Trump raising the deficit by a trillion dollars – that’s $1,000,000,000,000 in Benjamins – in 18 months. If that is the case it would actually be a decrease in the increase that Obama caused. Look it up. Obama, and blessed be his name, doubled the deficit in 8 years. It went from less than ten trillion – that’s $10,000,000,000,000 – to a bit more than twenty trillion – that’s $20,000,000,000,000 in 8 years. Look that up also.

You may recall that Wide-Bottomed Hillary spent 8 years in the Senate descrying the borrowing of borrowing money in general and borrowing anything from the Chinese in particular. She was Secretary of State for less than a week when she filled up a 747 with several hundred Monica Wilensky wanabees to go to Beijing and do some knob polishing on mendacious Mandarin money lenders. She came back with a bit less than a trillion – that’s $1,000,000,000,000 – that was supposed to go to “shovel ready” jobs. The problem was, as President B.O. said a bit later, was that there were no “shovel ready” jobs. Instead, he gave the money to teachers’ unions and the thugs at the SEIU. 

Did you rant about that? If so, when?

You also roared about 80% of the tax benefits form last year’s tax bill went to the already filthy rich 1%ers, many of whom, including the non-Caucasians, are ardent practitioners of White privilege. 

Pray tell, gentle lady, but exactly how do you give a tax cut to someone without taxable income? While the IRS code allows, indeed demands, for negative capital balances it does not, yet, allow for negative income tax rates.

I offer a revenue enhancement to the tax code change that modern American Liberals, folks such as you, can get behind.

Why should inner city moms, usually women of color, many of whom have children on the brink of turning quite feral who are absent good, affordable public transit, thus denying them access to a good Ritalin program and the palliative effects of Midnight Basketball, both suffer from and subsidize the shortfall of revenue caused by the tax exempt earned from owning municipal bonds? 

How many of your melanin infused constituents own municipal bonds?

Do you think “Black Lives Matter” and “Occupy Wall Street” are on to this?

Kevin Smith

PS – Do you really have a son named Supreme? What the Hell were you thinking? Plus, the asterisk footnote above c.v. usually means that a definition is coming. Send a SASE.

Monday, September 24, 2018

September 17, 2018 Mayor Michael Ryan

September 17, 2018

Mayor Michael Ryan
City Hall
10770 Oakland Park Blvd. West
Sunrise, FL 33351

RE: Addenda, never errata, to yesterday’s letter on “cooling the earth and calming the seas”. Wait a minute. He didn’t do that either. I guess he was too busy “drawing red lines in the sand”.

Mr. Mayor,

In my haste to point out some of the obvious shortcomings of your Homerically dumb, Biblically imbecilic, head so far up your ass that you could tend to your own back teeth, anti-rational take on the real world, the world where, to cite Orwell, “stones are hard and water is wet”, I left out some important additions to the gravity-repealing, horizon jumping list of things for you to do.

#1- I can get some good stuff from Solyndra. Call me.
#2 – Disposable diapers? Gone.
#3 – Plastic soda bottles? Plastic Baby Milk Bottles? Verboten.
#4 – Say good bye to gasoline powered lawn mowers. Ditto carwashes.
#5 – 100% organic rubber tires – no nylon, no polyester - for all city vehicles.
#6 – I’ll be starting a “GoFundMe” page for your vasectomy. Your line must end.
#7 – You are living proof that Justice Holmes was right.
#8 – You may want to think about “taking one for the side”.

Kevin Smith

PS - Please tell me that you are not Irish-Catholic. My father’s people are from Galway;  my mother’s are from Cork. Plus, I had 17 years of Catholic schools with not so much as a wink. Here’s hoping that at least you are a left-legger. Beckett and Seinfeld help me get through the day. Try them. But wait, there’s more. We are coming up to September 21st.
I mention that because Professor Antonio Vivaldi, my favorite Eye-Tie climatologist, takes that day and three others to celebrate – Guess what? – the weather. Familiarize yourself with him and his works. It will ease the burden of you being the savior of mankind.

September 17, 2018 Mayor Michael Ryan

September 17, 2018

Mayor Michael Ryan
City Hall
10770 Oakland Park Blvd. West
Sunrise, FL 33351

RE: Think globally; act locally: Some comments on your mini Op-Ed in Sunday’s Sun Sentinel about Florida following the lead of California and committing to “100% net-zero carbon emissions by 2045” or Guy Fawkes Day this year, whichever comes first.

Mister Mayor,

I was going to congratulate you on your brave stand on fighting Climate Change by shutting off all the A/Cs in public buildings in Sunrise but, Jeepers, you didn’t, did you?
I mean what the Hell are a few more drowning polar bears compared to keeping municipal employees comfy, right? But then I saw that you were following California’s lead in the never-ending culture war. Like the health benefits of public crapping have never been emphasized enough? Will you have a voluntary period where Sunrise citizens are “encouraged” to come to City Hall and drop their knickers and shit in front or will it be cold turkey and you must come on your birthday date every month and crap to show your fealty to Gaia, the Great Earth Goddess?

Do you have any hospitals in Sunrise? I know that, having banned single use plastic straws, you will be looking to conquer new worlds. Hospitals eat plastic like T-Rex ate injured lambs. 

Hospitals, nursing homes, rehab centers, emergency clinics, veterinarians, fast food places, convenience stores, undertakers, florist shops, Publix, libraries, tarot readers, pet stores…no plastic, ever again. See if you can get Gandhi’s home spinners. 

How are the plans for the unicorn farm going? Are you still trying to hire Ned Lud to run it? You need colder weather than is normally found here to grow rainbow stew vines. Ditto for balloon juice bushes. But keep at it. It’s not your money, is it?

My friend, Sam Johnson, was wont to say, “Such stupidity, sir, is not to be found in Nature.” That he got to the Hebrides, there is no doubt. Too bad he missed Sunrise.

Kevin Smith

PS – I still get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I remember that I fracked my first oil well in 1974. It is still a chalk bet that you, using both your hands, couldn’t find your ass in a phone booth.



USS Missouri
Tokyo Bay

“Bill, where the Hell are those planes?”
is what the General asked the Admiral
just before 1000 planes overflew the ship.

September 23, 2018 Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz

September 23, 2018

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz
777 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway
Sunrise, FL 33325

RE: Some comments on your unlinkable mini Op-Ed on “allegations of sexual assault” in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Dear Debbie, Debbie,

Let this be said about modern American Liberal chicks, “They never let you down”.

Since you claim to have 2 degrees, and in Political Science to boot, the Rhetorical concept of tu quoque should be something with which you should be academically familiar. Of course, that is predicated on you having working knowledge of the Trivium. I have been listening to your public utterances for more than 20 years and not a single hint has passed your lips.

2 degrees in Poly Sci and why do I just know that they are alien concepts to you? It’s like saying you love Bach but have never heard of the cello. Friggin’ impossible.

Buckle up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

What may or may not have happened – OJ is still looking for the real killers, isn’t he? – 35 or maybe 36 years ago – try that imprecision with the IRS or any Special Counsel and see what happens – will some down to “She said, He said”, right?

Chappaquiddick lacks that ambiguity. Everybody agrees that Senator Lard Kennedy drove his car off the bridge and left my former neighbor’s classmate to die a horrible death. That’s the story in a nutshell, right?

Governor Handsome Billy from Hot Springs told Juanita Broadrick to “Put some ice on that lip” because, after he raped her, he gave her a beating also. Then we had Nina Burleigh say that she would get down on her knees and give Big Bill, King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes and give him a hummer a la Monica because he was so “good to women”.

Congressman Keith Ellison, whose inside name is Hadji Fogawi, Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee, and Democratic candidate for Attorney General of Minnesota, has had 2 sexual assault complaints filed against him. That, plus various complaints about domestic violence, would suggest a pattern of misogynistic law breaking that could not stand public scrutiny. Let me amend that. “Should” not stand public scrutiny.

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner, “Carlos Danger” to his good pals, and wasn’t his lap top, the one that had all the downloads from Hillary Clinton, serviced by your felonious Paki IT dude, the one who took a plea in Federal Court, has yet to take a shower in Federal Prison. Why is that? All I can Say is Deo Gracias for Right Guard.

All I can say is that Ockham had it right. 

The most obvious answer is usually the right one.

Modern American Liberals suffer from an intense wallowing in hubris, a word made holy by DWEMs, people with whom you should be intimately familiar by virtue of your alleged academic training but, alas, 2 decades of your public utterances indicate the opposite. It is also known as “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”.

 That means, “your shit don’t smell”.

That means you can dive so deeply into the pool of “eclectic indignation” that you are outraged, outraged at what may have happened 35 or was it 36 years ago while blacking out what did happen in 1969, 1978, 2012, and 2014.

You end by “demanding that our next Supreme Court Justice [be] a person of honesty who knows the difference between right and wrong”. Do you have any particular Justices in mind? Justice Scalia? Justice Gorsuch? Justice Fortas?

Did you know that the Vietnam Wall in DC was begun in Duval County, Texas in 1948? It seems that Congressman Lyndon Johnson, who came by his sobriquet, “Landslide Lyndon”, the old-fashioned way: He and Honest Abe Fortas earned it. Fortas went to the Court House in Duval County and “found” 400 uncounted votes – Would you believe they were all in alphabetical order? They were. Honest Injun, they really were – for Johnson. Congressman Johnson becomes Senator Johnson who became Vice President Johnson who became President Johnson who gave us a wall with 58,519 names on it.

Johnson put him on the Supreme Court 17 years after he mastered the “New” math. Do you mean “honest” like that?

I say all the above as breast cancer survivor. October 21, 2014. Like you, it gives me a perpetual imprimatur to say whatever I want. Because, as another dead Greek once said, “Free men speak with free tongues”. 

Look him up.

Kevin Smith

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
777 Sunrise Corporate Parkway
Sunrise, FL 33325

RE: “Cancer, shmancer” + “Free Speech for Thee but Not for Me” – Some comments on your verbal incontinence in re the confirmation of Judge Kavanagh.

Dear Debbie, Debbie,

The anniversary of your sending the cops to my house because of something I wrote is fast approaching. September 18, to put a precise point on it.

One thing modern American Liberals have in common is, when all else fails, bitch slap the most vulnerable.

 You sent 2 cops, men with badges, guns, and the full majesty of the law, to my house, because something I wrote upset you. What you succeeded in doing was upsetting my wife, particularly when the “bad” cop, Agent MIneva of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, raised his voice. He was offset by Agent Thomas, the “good” cop. Yet one more reason to be thankful for being Bayonne bred & born. Thus yesterday, when the morally bankrupt modern American Liberals on the Senate Judiciary Committee – of course they were all Democrats, silly me, signaled their brown-shirted fascist thug-wanabees, to start their Kristallnacht routine, they succeeded in upsetting Mrs. Kavanagh, and then scaring the beJeezus out of her 2 girls, girls who have a combined age of 17.

[Many years ago, when my daughter was their age, I committed a felony to protect her. I would do it again in defense of her daughters.]

The Anti-Fa light – Did they get their mask and Cossack instructions from Senator Robert Byrd [D-WVA], former majority leader in the Senate and deputy vice executive assistant Kleagle of the United Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, or did they come by it naturally? Byrd came to be thought of as a modern-day Cicero. Let the record show that Byrd did not suffer the same fate as his sobriquet namesake

I then heard your dulcet tones on the radio say, that as a breast cancer survivor, you were opposed to Judge Kavanagh.

 Do you like peach ice cream?

 It is a well-known fact, and one that is promulgated and in a most persistent proselytizing manner, by brain dead, soul dead modern American Liberals, that people who like peach ice cream are opposed to Judge Kavanagh. That is a non-sequitur. You claim to have 2 degrees, and in Political Science to boot, but you have no knowledge of the Trivium. Even a casual observer would know that Logic is the capstone of the most glorious achievement of all those anonymous DWEMs. And to think they did it all by themselves, no Affirmative Action, no goals, no quotas, no smart phones, while fighting off radical terrorists from the Fertile Crescent. And why do I know that the aforementioned is all Greek to you?

Do you remember when Maureen Dowd said that Cindy Sheehan, one of Nancy Pelosi’s primary opponents, whose son, having volunteered for the Army and, “having taken the King’s shilling” was subsequently killed in combat, had the “absolute moral right” to tell Bush 43 to bugger off? Modern American liberals are very good at discovering “new” rights.

If you, having survived breast cancer, have the right to oppose Judge Kavanagh I, having also survived breast cancer – October 21, 2014, Holy Cross Hospital – have the  right to support him, right? Having survived breast cancer, do we have more of a right? There is something Orwellian about having more than 100% of a right, right? “All rights are equal but some holders of said rights are more equal than others”, right? 

If Kathy Griffin can walk around with a severed head of Trump can I walk around with a severed Debbie Head? I’ll have to wear gloves because your hair would slice me up something terrible. If Robert De Niro can yell “Fuck Trump”, can I yell “Fuck Debbie”?

I shan’t suggest monogenesis but I will tell you to shit in your hat and pull it down over your Medusa-like hair and ears ‘cuz you look good in brown.

Speaking of free speech, I heard Senator Durbin, AKA “Toadface”, say that the sounds of protestors during the hearings were the “sounds of Democracy”, which prompts 2 related questions: #1 – Would visitors to the House be allowed to interrupt floor debate?
#2 – Would spectator interaction during oral arguments in the Supreme Court be encouraged?

Just like Columbo of TV legend I have one more question.

There is a Democratic candidate from Minnesota who has told the electorate that  
he wants to be “their nigger”. Is that, to be ethnic, “beyond the pale” or is it now acceptable?

Finally, Nike is building an ad campaign on “believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything”. You say you have 2 degrees in Political Science. You should have some knowledge of the ancient world. Don’t you think in the Age of “Me, Too” that “Antigone” would have been a better role model than Colin Kaepernick? The half-wits in Chick Lit would have wet their pants as soon as they found out who she was.

If not Antigone, how about Thomas More? If not More how about Pat Tillman? He believed in something and sacrificed everything, didn’t he?

My 3 role models, people who would have made the Nike Swoosh sound like “Taps”, people who “died facing the front”, were not “sunshine patriots”. They “dared to die that Freedom might live and grow…”.

They probably would have sold some shoes.

“Free Men Speak With Free Tongues”, right?

Kevin Smith

PS – Congressman Ron DeSantis uses “monkey” as a verb and is accused of being as racist as Woodrow Wilson and Sam Ervin, both of whom were Southern Democrats. Wilson used to have Klan members in the White House to watch “Birth of a Nation”. Ervin spent his entire public life trying to keep little Black boys from going to school with little White girls, remember? Now we have a Democratic candidate in Minnesota who wants to be your “nigger”. Did I misspeak? Is plaid still your favorite color? What a dumb question! Of course it is.
PPS – Speaking of free speech…Kevin Williamson, a noted non-Caucasian writer for the National Review, was hired by the Atlantic. He was quickly fired by same before he ever wrote one article for them. Steve Bannon, not everyone’s favorite canoe companion, was invited to a New Yorker seminar as a guest speaker. He was quickly uninvited when some of the more sensitive participants got their knickers all knotted at the prospect of being in the same zip code. What is the common denominator here? Simple. Modern American Liberals, all of whom swear undying fealty to free speech – Witness that there was not one peep about the 143-people arrested for interrupting the Kavanaugh hearings – except when it may be used to say that gravity still rules. Put differently, freaking candy-assed, cheese-dicked, pant wetting hypocrites Do you remember the Jimmy Durante movie scene where he tries to steal an elephant? It has become the battle cry of modern American Liberals. He is tip-toeing out of a circus tent with an elephant when a policeman says, “Where are you going with that elephant?” “Elephant?”, says Durante. “What elephant?” Clarence Thomas, a Black, Catholic, Appellate Court Judge, was accused of using inappropriate language by a former colleague years after it supposedly happened. The vitriol and billingsgate heaped upon him by outraged, outraged modern American Liberals was included in the Guinness Book that year. Keith Ellison, a Black, Muslim, Congressman, Vice Chair of the DNC, and candidate for the AG in Minnesota, is accused of assault by a lady friend. Modern American Liberals have eaten their tongues and taped their lips. “What elephant?”

Monday, September 10, 2018

August 6, 2018 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel

August 6, 2018

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Jeff Greene for Governor – Some comments on your editorial endorsement for Governor, a one-time devoted capitalist.

Ms. O’Hara,

Your editorial endorsement of Jeff Greene, coupled with his myriad TV ads promising to “stop Trump on day one”, led me to some serious Historical head scratching. Clio, my favorite Muse, was pestered with my inquiries.

Revealing my elitist background – I went to private schools and I read a lot – convinced me that John C. Calhoun was still dead.

By any standard, save for results, the one fluid template that modern American Liberals must never acknowledge lest they go mad and drown in the River Styx, the one where the freshet of “false news” is always at flood stage, Calhoun was one of the most interesting characters this country has ever produced. Not too many of today’s pols can claim to be fluent in Latin and Greek and to being an honors graduate of Yale College. It must be noted that he was no stranger to the Trivium. Also, no one else ever resigned from the Vice Presidency over a matter of principle. It must also be noted that Andrew Jackson, the President under whom he served and the man that today’s Democrats, spineless shits all, stopped using his name to sell mid-winter dinner tickets, said his biggest public regret was not executing him for treason.

I told you I read a lot.

Unless Governor Greene orders the Florida National Guard to shoot down Air Force One when it enters Florida air space how can he “stop him on day one”?

Lyndon Johnson stopped construction on Interstate 10 in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana because he didn’t like Boss Leander Perez’s views on education. Johnson nullified the nullifier which brings us back to Calhoun.

Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification, simply put, says that states don’t have to follow Federal law if they don’t like it. [Governor Faubus, Governor Barnett, Governor Wallace, call your offices]

His interesting theory was put to test on the field of combat and found wanting, woefully wanting. Except when “eclectic indignation” allows modern American Liberals to stand athwart History and say “Stop”.

But there is no sense in being a half-assed modern American Liberal.
He said he would fully fund Planned Parenthood.
He said he would support single payer health care.
Did he say he would “cool the earth and calm the seas”? Not yet, but he will.
Will “Midnight Basketball” be made mandatory?
Will manatees vote?
Will he build affordable housing by shorting the mortgage market like last time?
62% of Florida’s voters said “NO” to Same sex marriage. If fact, it has never been approved by voters anywhere and any place it has been on any ballot. How will he “stand up to Trump” on this? The Supreme Court has signed off on this. Can he tell us of any other Supreme Court decisions he will support?
One of my children was bullied in grammar school. I stopped it the old-fashioned Bayonne, NJ way. Interested? Send a SASE.
If, as his ads say, he “has experience in building affordable housing”, why didn’t he? Did any of his “experience” use tax shelters, schemes, or quasi-fraud artifices to get the Federal government to bear a disparate share of the risk? 

There is one positive thing he has done.

He has made Philip Levine, he of the magical Miami Beach pumps [Where does that water go?] look like an odd-lotter.

The Brothers Koch, George Soros, Tom Steyer, he of the dirty coal, and now Jeff Greene. At least they’re spending their own money.


PS – Indeed, a touching story about his father dying at the age of 51 as he worked to support his family. My father was 26 years old before he went to high school. When he died he was a Judge. His law school yearbook says he would “hark to a wager”.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

September 4, 2018 Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

September 4, 2018

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
777 Sunrise Corporate Parkway
Sunrise, FL 33325

RE: “Cancer, shmancer” + “Free Speech for Thee but Not for Me” – Some comments on your verbal incontinence in re the confirmation of Judge Kavanagh.

Dear Debbie, Debbie,

The anniversary of your sending the cops to my house because of something I wrote is fast approaching. September 18, to put a precise point on it.

One thing modern American Liberals have in common is, when all else fails, bitch slap the most vulnerable.

 You sent 2 cops, men with badges, guns, and the full majesty of the law, to my house, because something I wrote upset you. What you succeeded in doing was upsetting my wife, particularly when the “bad” cop, Agent MIneva of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, raised his voice. He was offset by Agent Thomas, the “good” cop. Yet one more reason to be thankful for being Bayonne bred & born. Thus yesterday, when the morally bankrupt modern American Liberals on the Senate Judiciary Committee – of course they were all Democrats, silly me, signaled their brown-shirted fascist thug-wanabees, to start their Kristallnacht routine, they succeeded in upsetting Mrs. Kavanagh, and then scaring the beJeezus out of her 2 girls, girls who have a combined age of 17.

[Many years ago, when my daughter was their age, I committed a felony to protect her. I would do it again in defense of her daughters.]

The Anti-Fa light – Did they get their mask and Cossack instructions from Senator Robert Byrd [D-WVA], former majority leader in the Senate and deputy vice executive assistant Kleagle of the United Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, or did they come by it naturally? Byrd came to be thought of as a modern-day Cicero. Let the record show that Byrd did not suffer the same fate as his sobriquet namesake

I then heard your dulcet tones on the radio say, that as a breast cancer survivor, you were opposed to Judge Kavanagh.

 Do you like peach ice cream?

 It is a well-known fact, and one that is promulgated and in a most persistent proselytizing manner, by brain dead, soul dead modern American Liberals, that people who like peach ice cream are opposed to Judge Kavanagh. That is a non-sequitur. You claim to have 2 degrees, and in Political Science to boot, but you have no knowledge of the Trivium. Even a casual observer would know that Logic is the capstone of the most glorious achievement of all those anonymous DWEMs. And to think they did it all by themselves, no Affirmative Action, no goals, no quotas, no smart phones, while fighting off radical terrorists from the Fertile Crescent. And why do I know that the aforementioned is all Greek to you?

Do you remember when Maureen Dowd said that Cindy Sheehan, one of Nancy Pelosi’s primary opponents, whose son, having volunteered for the Army and, “having taken the King’s shilling” was subsequently killed in combat, had the “absolute moral right” to tell Bush 43 to bugger off? Modern American liberals are very good at discovering “new” rights.

If you, having survived breast cancer, have the right to oppose Judge Kavanagh I, having also survived breast cancer – October 21, 2014, Holy Cross Hospital – have the  right to support him, right? Having survived breast cancer, do we have more of a right? There is something Orwellian about having more than 100% of a right, right? “All rights are equal but some holders of said rights are more equal than others”, right? 

If Kathy Griffin can walk around with a severed head of Trump can I walk around with a severed Debbie Head? I’ll have to wear gloves because your hair would slice me up something terrible. If Robert De Niro can yell “Fuck Trump”, can I yell “Fuck Debbie”?

I shan’t suggest monogenesis but I will tell you to shit in your hat and pull it down over your Medusa-like hair and ears ‘cuz you look good in brown.

Speaking of free speech, I heard Senator Durbin, AKA “Toadface”, say that the sounds of protestors during the hearings were the “sounds of Democracy”, which prompts 2 related questions: #1 – Would visitors to the House be allowed to interrupt floor debate?
#2 – Would spectator interaction during oral arguments in the Supreme Court be encouraged?

Just like Columbo of TV legend I have one more question.

There is a Democratic candidate from Minnesota who has told the electorate that  
he wants to be “their nigger”. Is that, to be ethnic, “beyond the pale” or is it now acceptable?

Finally, Nike is building an ad campaign on “believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything”. You say you have 2 degrees in Political Science. You should have some knowledge of the ancient world. Don’t you think in the Age of “Me, Too” that “Antigone” would have been a better role model than Colin Kaepernick? The half-wits in Chick Lit would have wet their pants as soon as they found out who she was.

If not Antigone, how about Thomas More? If not More how about Pat Tillman? He believed in something and sacrificed everything, didn’t he?

My 3 role models, people who would have made the Nike Swoosh sound like “Taps”, people who “died facing the front”, were not “sunshine patriots”. They “dared to die that Freedom might live and grow…”.

They probably would have sold some shoes.

“Free Men Speak With Free Tongues”, right?

Kevin Smith

PS – Congressman Ron DeSantis uses “monkey” as a verb and is accused of being as racist as Woodrow Wilson and Sam Ervin, both of whom were Southern Democrats. Wilson used to have Klan members in the White House to watch “Birth of a Nation”. Ervin spent his entire public life trying to keep little Black boys from going to school with little White girls, remember? Now we have a Democratic candidate in Minnesota who wants to be your “nigger”. Did I misspeak? Is plaid still your favorite color? What a dumb question! Of course it is.
PPS – Speaking of free speech…Kevin Williamson, a noted non-Caucasian writer for the National Review, was hired by the Atlantic. He was quickly fired by same before he ever wrote one article for them. Steve Bannon, not everyone’s favorite canoe companion, was invited to a New Yorker seminar as a guest speaker. He was quickly uninvited when some of the more sensitive participants got their knickers all knotted at the prospect of being in the same zip code. What is the common denominator here? Simple. Modern American Liberals, all of whom swear undying fealty to free speech – Witness that there was not one peep about the 143-people arrested for interrupting the Kavanaugh hearings – except when it may be used to say that gravity still rules. Put differently, freaking candy-assed, cheese-dicked, pant wetting hypocrites Do you remember the Jimmy Durante movie scene where he tries to steal an elephant? It has become the battle cry of modern American Liberals. He is tip-toeing out of a circus tent with an elephant when a policeman says, “Where are you going with that elephant?” “Elephant?”, says Durante. “What elephant?” Clarence Thomas, a Black, Catholic, Appellate Court Judge, was accused of using inappropriate language by a former colleague years after it supposedly happened. The vitriol and billingsgate heaped upon him by outraged, outraged modern American Liberals was included in the Guinness Book that year. Keith Ellison, a Black, Muslim, Congressman, Vice Chair of the DNC, and candidate for the AG in Minnesota, is accused of assault by a lady friend. Modern American Liberals have eaten their tongues and taped their lips. “What elephant?”