Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29, 2019 Randy Schultz The Sun Sentinel RE: Did you really say that? Some comments on your column about the venal intentions of rat bastard Florida Republicans who are in Jerusalem positioning themselves for the 2024 Republican Presidential primaries which is, I believe the major premise of your mind-altering column in today’s Sun Sentinel, I think. Mr. Schultz,

May 29, 2019

Randy Schultz
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Did you really say that? Some comments on your column about the venal intentions of rat bastard Florida Republicans who are in Jerusalem positioning themselves for the 2024 Republican Presidential primaries which is, I believe the major premise of your mind-altering column in today’s Sun Sentinel, I think.

Mr. Schultz,

Before I get to the meat – forgive me, meat from non-farting cows and thus I pay obeisance to Gaia – of your column, there are 2 letter high, off speed, batting practice pitches that I must not overswing on. Fasten your seat belt, you modern American Liberal poltroon!

#1 – Gillum did not become Governor because a significant number of single moms, women of color, of course, did not vote for him. In your column you write that “some African-Americans spurned one of their own”. God’s Holy Trousers, but you actually wrote that. No hint of Godot or Seinfeld, just a simple fact as observed by someone who still believes in SALT 1, SALT 2, and both the Kyoto and Paris Climate Accords. Would not Logic dictate [I know, I know, Logic to a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal is like dawn, holy water, and a crucifix to a vampire] that Obama was twice elected because “some White Americans spurned one of their own?” If all the non-Whites across this fruited plain voted twice for him, he still wouldn’t have been elected. And, because I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey, that possibility can’t be ruled out.

#2 – You write that Scott did nothing on drug prices “even as other states took action to cut prices”.  At last we can apply the scientific method to a modern American Liberal claim. 

Scott was governor for 8 years. Despite Obama’s claim that there were “57 or 58 states;” the science is settled: the number is 50. I take 8 prescription drugs a day, some more than once. I am acutely aware of the price of drugs. Please tell me, and be very specific, which states cut the price of which drugs? Lenin, a very popular forebear of  some modern American Liberals, said, “People vote with their feet.” Do you have the 800 number for Mayflower?

You end your column by criticizing 3 Florida Republicans, Governor DeSantis, Senator Rubio, and Senator Scott, for positioning themselves for the 2024 Republican Presidential primaries. 

Why pick on people who plan ahead? Do you chastise people with 401Ks or IRAs?
Besides, if wing-nut, moon bat Congresswoman AOC is right, we’ll be in sight of the 18th pin by then and it won’t really matter, will it?

Kevin Smith

PS – As a leading modern American Liberal media mogul, one who is genetically indisposed to reincarnation, can you tell me if Senator Frank Church and Senator Vance Hartke, both presumed long dead, will be candidates for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination? Images of Senator Hartke, long famed in DC for breath like kerosene, and Senator Church, long revered for the death of American operatives in Eastern Europe, have been seen renting big blocks of rooms in Iowa and New Hampshire.

May 27, 2019 Letter to the Editor The Star Ledger New Jersey Advance Media

May 27, 2019

Letter to the Editor
The Star Ledger
New Jersey Advance Media

RE: “Anti-Muslim Flyers” – Which part of the First Amendment gives you the most problems? Some comments on hurt towel-head feelings, geese and ganders, and why are modern American Liberals now in favor of prior restraint? And all this from a guy from Bayonne.

Sirs, madams, & undecideds,

Didn’t the Supreme Court rule that people dressed up as Nazis could march through a section of Skokie, Illinois known to be filled with Holocaust survivors?

Has Billingsgate been gentrified?

Didn’t the New York Times support slavery in 1864? Didn’t they acquiesce on calling Lincoln a “baboon” the same year?

Is there no more Bedlam to retire to?

Do hate crime laws stop hate crimes? 

If I were to mention that 1287 years ago radical Islamic terrorists were raping, looting, and pillaging their way across Europe would that be anti-Muslim and a hate crime?

If I were to mention that 448 years ago radical Islamic terrorist were planning to invade Rome where they would, rape, loot, and pillage after they stables their horses in the Sistine Chapel would that be anti-Muslim and a hate crime?

If I were to mention that 336 years ago radial Islamic terrorists were going to conquer Vienna where, in addition to their usual schedule of cross-cultural mayhem, including but not limited to rape, looting, and pillaging they were going to kill Bach, would that be considered anti-Muslim and a hate crime?

I think at one time truth was an absolute defense against libel. 

Don’t let my use of the subjunctive fool you. 

The above things, acts of feral savagery, happened just as surely as Brother Henri Verges, FMS, was hacked to death on May 8, 1994 – martyr is such a harsh verb/noun, isn’t it? – by radical Islamic terrorists. Would that be considered anti-Muslim? Would that be a hate crime? Would that make me a repeat offender, a serial hate mongering criminal?

Did the Jews who were sliced and diced in Pairs because of a G-d Damn cartoon deserve to be sliced and diced to teeny-weeny pieces with no regard to the rules of kassruth? If I mention it does that make it anti-Muslim and a hate crime.

20 years ago Nat Hentoff told me if I were to get arrested at a town council meeting in Lauderdale by the Sea for defending the First Amendment he would write a column about me. I told him, like Lincoln, if it weren’t for the honor I’d rather walk.

But that was me. You’re a newspaper. 

It’s what makes you different from a drug store or an ice cream store.

Bill Belicheck said it better.



PS – 1287 years ago? Tours
          448 years ago? Lepanto
           336 years ago? Vienna
         Look them up

May 27, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Journalistic hubris – Some comments on the wretched excesses found in today’s truncated edition of the Sun Sentinel’

May 27, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Journalistic hubris – Some comments on the wretched excesses found in today’s truncated edition of the Sun Sentinel’

Ms. O’Hara.

Before I get to the real reason for my pre-dawn response on the assault on my aesthetic sensibilities, an assault which in olden days would have demanded a severe beating about the head and shoulders of the perpetrators – rhetorically speaking – grant me a brief digression.

Your Local section begins with the following headline:

“Seven upcoming ballot initiatives to watch in Florida”

Why, pray tell, should I watch them?

I’m not sure who “they” are but they were sure watching a few years ago when a whole bunch of deplorable vipers exercised one of the rights most sought after by modern American Liberals more than a century ago – the right of referendum. The question of whether same-sex couples should be able to marry each other was put on the ballot. The people, in their collective wisdom, voted it down. And, may I add, voted it down overwhelmingly. The populi really voxed on that one, didn’t they? Alas, it was like dust on the wind. “They”, whoever the Hell “they” are, decided that that was not up to their standards. “They” called a Mulligan saying that while all referenda are equal some referenda are more unequal than others.

I remember telling my kids that if you don’t like the answer you probably shouldn’t have asked the question.

So, tell me, gentle Lady, why should I even bother to read any of the proposed referenda? Will “they” signal which way I should vote? Better yet, why not “them” vote”

Here’s a thought.

Rightly or wrongly, Florida elections resemble a cluster fluck. They are worthy of afternoon television. Why not let “them” decide what is beast for us? That way we can save the cost of the election and the opprobrium and obloquy which reaches either new heights or new depths whenever we vote. Watching a Florida election is like watching an episode of the Gong Show on steroids, opioids, cum crack.

Do you think the God Damn rat bastard Russkies are continuing their tradition, a tradition that was begun successfully in 1932, of interfering in our elections?  It is a situation up with which I will not put. 

But back to why I write.

Your Jeffrey Schweers, listed as a special correspondent, apparently doesn’t feel special or comfortable enough to put a return address on his by-line so I write to you.

On Page 10A, he writes a fascinating sentence which I must quote in its entirety with the italics being mine.

As Florida faces the challenge of feeding 30 million people
by 2035, Wilton Simpson, a Republican of Trilby who is in line
to be Senate President, hopes to bring back information that
 can shape future policy.”

Does that include recipes? I presume it bans all GMOs – genetically modified foods – which reminds me that we should ban carrots, broccoli, potatoes, wheat, and while we’re at it, how about revoking the Nobel Prize that Norman Borlaug won? I’ll make an exception for broccoli.

Is your votary putting the kibosh on Bernie Sanders? Bernie the Bolshie touts the wonders of Socialism but how is Florida supposed to feed 30,000,000 people in 15 years if Cuba and Venezuela can’t feed 41,000,000 people today? The evidence of our own eyes suggests that there are 3 problems common to Cuba and Venezuela. To show that I am the most multi-culturally inclusive guy since Kipling let me toss in Zimbabwe and North Korea. And, because I am reading “The River War” by Churchill, that curmudgeonly Imperialist, Sudan. Those problems are #1 – Breakfast #2 - #2 – Lunch - #3 – Dinner.

Or is he hoping for better results the next time, with this time being when really smart, and I mean really, really smart, people get to run the unicorn ranch, cook the rainbow stew, and tend to the balloon juice vines? It is, forgive me, a well-known fact that  socialist countries are judged not on how well they run things but, rather on how well they say they will run things. 

A “turd in the punch bowl” inconvenient fact, a fact that has the added power of being empirically and data-driven true, is that 5 years into the New Deal, FDR’s policies had made the country worse off than it was when he put his well-intended thumb on the scale.

I think your Mr. Schweers is a bit too subtle by half for me. That’s why I’m keeping my manatee traps. Unborn female sushi, paired with some $2 Buck Chuck Red Blend and all I can do is quote the still legendary Big Mike from Bayonne, “That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba”

Kevin Smith

Sunday, May 26, 2019

May 26, 2019 Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor The Miami Herald RE: Climate Change – Some comments, none of which is remotely reverential, on the monotonously perpetual, oh so achingly familiar, modern American Liberal Jeremiad on “It’s cold in the winter and warm in the summer for which we must be punished” by sacrificing at the altar of the Church of Saint Lud, as reported in this morning’s Miami Herald.

May 26, 2019

Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor
The Miami Herald

RE: Climate Change – Some comments, none of which is remotely reverential, on the monotonously perpetual, oh so achingly familiar, modern American Liberal Jeremiad on “It’s cold in the winter and warm in the summer for which we must be punished” by sacrificing at the altar of the Church of Saint Lud, as reported in this morning’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Ancrum,

Of course, the science is “settled”. Just ask Ptolemy. Along came a cheeky Eye-Tie who looked in his telescope and said “Pero si muove” and the world was changed, utterly.

Just ask Fred Hoyle. Who?

I won’t mention Darwin lest you think I am, not only a “deplorable” but an ignorant one to boot. I ask but one question. Why, after almost 160 years, is his Theory still called a theory?

Didn’t Paul Ehrlich tell us more than 50 years ago that we all be dead by the year 2000? Didn’t former Vice President Alpha Gump tell us 30 years ago that we would all be fried to death in 10 years?

Check the weather records for Boston in 1821. It was known as “The Year Summer Never Came” because it snowed in June. Did Trump cause that?

Here’s a poser. According to the local Injuns, Hudson River Aborigines, the word “Adirondack” means “dry and bitter ground”. And that was 2 centuries before the Industrial Revolution and its dreaded “acid rain”. 

Every 750,000 years or so, the Yellowstone Basin explodes, ending life as we know it. I don’t want to remind the world but we are in the middle of the “envelope” for it to happen again. If we promise not to breathe out and we train our cows not to fart it still may be too late to break out the ’66 Latour and listen to the overture of “The Marriage of Figaro” for the last time.

Wazupwid Congresswoman AOC? She said we all be worm food in 12 years. It’s bad enough that she says it but not a single adult who believes that raising the minimum wage and taxes and increasing regulations are the keys for everybody to “fart through silk” has stood up and said “What a fucking moron”. The beauty of modern American Liberal nihilism, coupled with a large dose of mind-numbing, Guinness Book stupidity is that these poltroons daren’t say Jack Shit. The term “feckless cunt” comes to mind – She is terrified by a garbage disposal system, remember? – but that may be a bit harsh on Memorial Day.

If she is right, we’re doomed. If she is wrong, we’re doomed. At least Hobson had a choice. I am thinking of opening the cognac, lighting up one of the Cuban stogies and launching all my plastic straws into the Intercoastal. Why should the manatees suffer longer than they have to?

The United States, and who cares whether we are aware of the “existential threat” or not, has significantly and substantially cut its carbon emissions. China and India have not. Tom Steyer. A bloody hypocrite if ever one existed,   made a gazillion dollars selling “dirty” coal to them. [“Dirty” is defined as coal that could not, under any circumstances, be burned in this country. Whatever faults those countries have, having an aggressive EPA ain’t one of them.] And you want us to stay in the facacta Paris Climate Accord?

Here’s a plan for you. 

Turn off all you’re A/Cs.
No private cars.
Ban all plastic.
Walk the walk.
Show us the way.

Kevin Smith

Friday, May 24, 2019

May 21, 2019 I believe in Climate Change.

May 21, 2019

I believe in Climate Change. To state the obvious, and to pay tribute to Anthony Trollope, listen to Vivaldi. To publicly profess my belief in it, I sometimes wear a ball cap that proclaims that I am a PROUD GLOBAL WARMER. 

I state 2 obviously self-evident truths.

#1 – Global Warming ended the last Ice Age. Look it up.
#2 – Global Warming gave us the Renaissance. Send a SASE

Incidentally, the last Ice Age started in Canada, specifically Quebec. Just one more reason to piss in the soup of les merdes du Quebec.

Furthermore, perhaps the icing on the cake, is that an upward spike in temperature about 10 centuries ago led to the Renaissance. A downward spike in the Adriatic 5 centuries ago led to Stradivarius making some boffo stringed instruments. Send a SASE.
Before he became a big-time lech and began to inspire Harvey Weinstein, before he began to stuph his step-daughter, Woody Allen, nee Koenigsberg, was a rock star favorite of modern American Liberals. And never more so than when he made a movie titled “The Front”. That was the first movie that he made after he decided not to be funny. He had to earn his bones as a true Social Justice Warrior before the term entered anyone’s lexicon.

The line that signaled the end of him being funny, the line that got all the bearded clams snapping to tumescently throbbing attention, was when he told the Congressional Committee Chairman to “Go fuck himself”. He said this right after he told them to shove their subpoenas up their collective arses.

Why do I think that the same nosegays will not be offered to any member of the Trump Administration who tells the same thing to Fat Jerry and his supine butt-boys in Congress? Fat Jerry engaging in monogenesis should be on Pay TV. In his case, the Baedeker will include the following monitum: Gorilla Glue a 2 by 10 horizontally across your ass and aim for the dry spot. There are no long tail cats left in his office. It’s like getting lambs to volunteer to spend the night with Simba. He has been known to kill a Big Tom by stepping on his tail. Also, his shadow is revered at Stonehenge and is rumored to kill rodents.

Even though I know that he didn’t build it himself, find out who made lithium batteries practical. I’ll buy him a beer. I had a 1964 edition of the Britannica that showed a working MRI in 1945. Also, I remember seeing my first working microwave in 1953 at the Bayonne Navy Base. It cooked a completely frozen, hard as a rock, hot dog in about 30 seconds. It was 5-foot cube and weighed 1000 pounds. Not quite ready for re-heating Chinese.

Jeff Daniels said that if Trump is re-elected it will be because the GOP is racist and that Democracy will end. The good news is that you will be able to tell when deplorable crackers are coming in because they will have permanent bad breath and don’t believe in dentistry.

I will not go to NYC to see him portray Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbird” because new DNA evidence shows that Tom Robinson really did rape Eula Mae. 

I have begun to read “The River War” by Winston Churchill. His penchant for calling, forgive me, a spade a spade would be verboten. It could not be published today. 

Who said “Barack Obama is clean and articulate. He is a light skinned African-American with no Negro dialect unless he wants one.”

A – Somebody from Chick-fil-A?
B – Trump
C – Curley Biden & Dirty Harry Reid
D – Dirty Harry Reid & Curley Biden

Hint: It’s not A and it’s not B.

John Walker Lindh is going to be released from Federal prison this week. He took up arms against his country and was captured in Afghanistan by Americans. He was fighting for the bloody WOGs. While he was in prison, he became a citizen of the Republic of Ireland. How did that happen? The treasonous dog should have been shot. In World War 2, my wife’s father, Lt. Cmdr., Walter Chapman, MD saw combat in the North Atlantic. That was the war with Hitler. That was the war that the Republic of Ireland took a Pass on. How did that happen? Hitler. The port of Cork would have provided an excellent anchorage. It was denied to American vessels. It added to their peril. I have a book, “The Irish Guards in the Great War”, written by Rudyard Kipling. It tells of the exploit of the First Battalion of the Irish Brigade all of whom were volunteers, most of whom were Roman Catholic. In the book, Kipling apologizes for what was his previous anti-Catholic feelings. Death, the great leveler in war, dispenses her favors without consideration of creed. Their absence in the war against Hitler is a stain that can never be bleached. 

And now they make this treacherous shit a citizen?

Who will be next? Judas? Benedict Arnold? Eddie Slovik? The Rosenbergs? Willy Horton? And why not Sirhan Sirhan?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 21, 2019 Thucydides and E. W. Sledge. Old men must read them before they send young men to war.

May 21, 2019

Thucydides and E. W. Sledge. Old men must read them before they send young men to war. The invasion of Sicily and the invasion of Okinawa would seem to be light years apart, not just 25 centuries. They are not; they are not. They exist on parallel tracks and can be read with chapters alternating. And the weapons don’t change that much. Surely, the men wielding them haven’t.

I have written every year since 1997 of the death of Corporal Leonard W. Putnam
On May 25, 1945 on Okinawa. He was killed – the upper right quarter of his torso was blown off – by a Japanese mortar shell.

He was a 41-year-old piano salesman from Jersey City, New Jersey who was married to Amy’s Aunt Milly. She died in 1969. They had no children.

I have always been prone to narcissism – it’s cheaper than cocaine and it is truly a private vice so I beg no forgiveness – so if I don’t write about him, he will truly die.

There is a wall-bound scroll not 8 feet from where I sit.

“He stands in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die
that freedom might live. And grow. And increase its blessings.
Freedom lives, and through it he lives – 
In a way that humbles the undertakings of most men.”

It is signed by the President of the United States.

I am changing the format of this year’s notice. It will include 2 other warriors: men “who have seen the elephant”.

Andy Safner was Amy’s cousin. He was a radio man on the USS Halloran [DE305]. The ship served as bait, on picket duty, North of Okinawa. 3 of his shipmates were killed in a Kamikaze attack. Destroyer escorts were small, slow, thin hulled vessels. They were expendable. That’s why they were 50 miles away from the Essex class carriers and both the North Carolina class and the Iowa class battle ships. Like I said, expendable. In the movie “Zulu”, the private asks the Color Sergeant, “Why us, Sarge? Why us?
 “Because we’re here, lad, Because we’re her. Nobody else. Just us.”

Seaman Safner came home to Bayonne, was a bartender for Felix Milwid, Amy’s grandfather, went to St. Peter’s College at night, becoming an accountant and, later, a partner of Peat, Marwick, married Alice Ozimeck, and lived happily ever after.

I had breakfast with Woody Woodbury Christmas last. 

Since 1954, he has supported his family by telling stories and making people laugh. Prior to that he flew Corsairs and Hellcats in the South Pacific against the Japanese and Panthers against the North Koreans, the Chinese, and the Russians more than 100 times. He flew with Ted Williams and John Glenn.

At the end of “The Bridges of Toko-Ri”, the Admiral asks, after being told of the death of one of his aviators, asks “Where do we find such men?”

“They are all around us. The mists of memory bedim reality. We summon 
these men from time to time. They do what we ask of them. We are made
uneasy by their excesses. We wouldn’t have survived without them. We avert 
their gaze when they remind us of what they did for us. They are ordinary men
 doing extraordinary things.”

Kevin Smith

Monday, May 20, 2019

May 19, 2019 Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor The Miami Herald RE: OOOPS! Your official biases are showing - Some comments on your Ron DeSantis profile in today’s Miami Herald.

May 19, 2019

Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor
The Miami Herald

RE: OOOPS! Your official biases are showing - Some comments on your Ron DeSantis profile in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Ancrum,

Pre-dawn “gotchas” are the best!

In your not to be confused with a profile of, let’s say, Obama, that perforce would stretch the envelope of both effusive and/or fulsome, and I still get them confused, you have someone named Rodriguez saying

“It didn’t seem to matter what the people wanted,” Rodriguez 
said. “It only mattered what the governor wanted.”

[A brief aside: Rodriguez seems to be one of the “good” lobbyists. She represents the Kumbaya section of the modern American Liberal chorus, the one that leads the chant for social justice, free beer, and cheaper rents. She is not one of those moneyed, venal special interests who abuse the First Amendment by bribing legislators and thwarting the will of the people. You know who I mean.]

Please tell Ms. Mahoney and Mr., Contorno, both earnest scribes, that this is the way the system works.

Who can forget President Obama, in February 2009, gently reminding some 100 Republican legislators that there was an election and that he won which means you lost, so there. Plus, not only is the ball mine but so is the court and if you don’t like it try the voting booth and that’s where I am “drawing a line in the sand”.

Take your time and explain the difference to me.

Slowly, please, because my deplorable mind-set is confused by TMI.

Kevin Smith

PS – A teachable moment occurs a bit later on when John Morgan, Esq., obviously between cocktails, says “I’m disappointed because to me, it goes against democracy.”
The teachable moment has 2 sharp tines.
#1 – For 25 centuries, 2 and ½ millennia, our betters have warned us about the evils of Democracy. Star with Plato; sideline with Marcus Aurelius; listen to Edmund Burke; huddle with the Founding Fathers. And yes, there will be a test.

#2 – The people of Florida, and who cares whether hate and homophobia were the deciding factors, voted overwhelmingly against same-sex marriage. [I’ll run the risk of being thought to be a deplorable homophobe if I point out that nowhere and in no time has same-sex marriage ever been approved when presented to the voters.]

Was that the White Rabbit and Alice going down the modern American Liberal memory hole. You bethca. I probably should work Orwell into this but the alarm bell on my manatee traps just went off. Manatee sushi and cheap red wine! Just another example of White Privilege.

Kevin Smith

Friday, May 17, 2019

May 16, 2019 What else, after the willing suspension of disbelief

May 16, 2019

What else, after the willing suspension of disbelief, compels people, supposedly rational, absolutely “non-deplorable people, to think that this time, with really, really smart people – not just really smart people – running “it” that this time Socialism will work.

White Privilege gives us the most obvious, the most compelling answer. It is, as the Great Dr. Johnson said


Capitalism, warts and all, is always judged on its results, on what it has done.  Hamlin Garland, the Beards, and Ida Tarbell spoke of a particular sub-set of Capitalism, not a universal one. Let the record also show that nowhere ever has Capitalism been given a bit-less ride like Socialism has. To state the obvious, the USSR, the 3rd Reich, Bulgaria, North Korea, Cuba, most of Africa, Burma, & Venezuela have done what Robert Owen, Leon Trotsky, Adolph Hitler, Norman Thomas, & Michael Harrington could only dream about. [It is well to note that one of Stalin’s hit-men put a pick ax in Trotsky’s head 13 years and 8,000 away from the Workers’ Paradise, the beloved rodinya, that he was exiled from. More about that anon. It is a thread common to all true Socialists.

Imagine a man standing in a large bucket. With the best of intentions and cheered on by good people who want him to succeed, he tries mightily to lift the bucket by its handle with him in it. He may well pull the handle off. He may rip the bottom out. He may move it horizontally. But this is certain. Bet the ranch, Clock a ticket. The bucket ain’t gonna move vertically.

A wise man form Milan once said, “If no profit is possible, the risk is obvious.” As was frequently said on the assembly lines in Russia, “We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.” Why do Indians – Kipling’s Indians, not Cochise’s Chiricahua – do so well here?

One obvious answer is that the yoke of Gandhi and the cement galoshes of Nehru stayed in Agra. Gandhi decided that homespun, veganism, and drinking your own pee were the keys to sovereignty. Nehru decided that the forward-thinking policy of exporting surgeons and importing cement plants were the keys to 2, sometimes 3, chickens in every pot.

Neither succeeded.

Having dug ditches in 3 countries, I assure you there is one universal ditch digging rule that transcends borders. 

“If you are digging in the wrong place, stop digging.”

Simple enough, right?
Yes, for ditch digging.
No, for economic systems.

The Kingston Trio asked us in 1957, “When will they ever learn?”
Never, if you are running for the Democratic nomination.

Kevin Smith

PS – Orwell, the 20th Century’s most hated Socialist – by Socialists, of course, by Socialists – said that the face of Socialism is a boot on your neck. The really smart people who run Socialist societies know that the only chance they have to make “it” work is to put an iron fist into an iron glove. [The smartest mule in the world sometimes needs a 2by4 across its nose to get his attention.] If people won’t act in the collective interest you must kick them in their individual asses. It is not too late to say Kaddish for the Kulaks. Churchill, and it always seems to come back to him, doesn’t it, said that the essential problem with Capitalism is Capitalists while the essential problem with Socialism is, and always and forever will be, Socialism.

May 1, 2019 Eric Swalwell is a Democratic member of Congress from California

May 1, 2019

Eric Swalwell is a Democratic member of Congress from California who has joined the great unwashed, truly “lesser breeds”, who are running for the honor of getting their asses kicked in 2020 by DJT, aka il Magnifico. Although I am a proud legatee of White Privilege, I am not familiar with his district. That is to say that I am not aware if, prior to  voting, the electors, both dead and alive – I am from Hudson County, remember? – must do a “trou” drop and shit in the street like their betters in LA & SF do while pledging allegiance, obeisance, and fealty to John C. Calhoun,  a slave owning, true son of the South and the founder of the political theory that allows Sanctuary Cities. But, it being California, they will, they will.

He doesn’t like Trump. In fact, he would like to Cuisinart him and put him in a fondue pot.

He believes that DJT railroaded the Rosenbergs, that he paid for the hooker who sent out FDR with smile on his face, that he killed all those people standing in front of the Morgan Bank when KKK lover Wilson was President, that he killed McKinley and Garfield, and that he told Harrison that the rain wouldn’t last.

Out beyond the edge of credulity, or maybe not, this fucking moron believes anything bad, particularly anything particularly egregiously bad about our beloved leader. In fact, and in tribute to a hire the handicapped campaign, this dopey bastard has a law degree. He has expanded the envelope marked “presumption of innocence”, one of the 2 things that will survive the end of the British Empire with the other being the standard English breakfast as explained by Horace Rumpole, late of the Old Bailey. Swalwell’s Addendum says that any allegation against DJT, however specious or spurious it may be, must be believed until it is proved false. And not just false but false beyond the shadow of any and all doubts, including those sworn to by Michael Avenati.

Using this new precedent, I now address the allegations about Congressman Adam Schiff, [D-CA], aka “Pencil-Necked Geek”. [It is owed to the ledger to point out that “Pencil-Necked Geek” was a creation of Classy Freddie Blassie of WWE renown] It seems that he liked to cruise down the Hershey Highway, the one that Barney Frank turned into toll road ending or beginning in his basement. It is nor known now if he looked for a pitcher or a catcher just so long as he was a team player. Also, there is an allegation that he settled, with taxpayer funds, a sexual harassment suit involving pre-pubescent pederasty. Also, there was a 10b-5 alleged violation about an IPO purporting to show all the hot spots in Gomorrah. 2 of the witnesses have been turned to stone.

Let the record show that he denied the allegation but that here may be some merit to the 1934 Securities Act violation.

But using the Swalwell Doctrine, the one predicated on disproving an alleged negative allegation, the one alleged to be positively negative – By krikey, I am starting to sound like pezzonovante modern American Liberal. I am starting to feel better already, now that I don’t have to think.
Here’s the key to the whole kerfuffle. Until this tour guide to Gomorrah has been gelded, keep this slimy bucket of eel shit away from the playground.

I repeat my directive from last week.

First, ask yourself if Swift really wanted to boil and eat Irish babies. Second, ask yourself if Mel Brooks really does like Nazis. Third, does anyone other than Maxine Waters still think that Trump was sending a secret message to Putin when he asked if the KGB could find Wide-Bottomed Hillary’s 33,000 missing e-mails?  Ask if the asshole DC Councilman ever found out the meaning of “niggardly”. Then, listen to Kate Smith sing “That’s Why Darkies Are Born”. Then read the lyrics. I now speak ex cathedra. If the song is racist how did they get Paul Robeson, who while he had not yet won the coveted Lenin Peace Prize, was well on his way to earning it, to sing it and record it? If it and she are racist let’s dig up Al Jolson and make him eat trayf – oysters and fat back for starters - and rebury him wrapped in pigskin. Also, did Jeeves work for Bertie or was it the other way around? 

“Curley” Biden, and what’s the over/under on when he goes to a hospice, wants to “rebuild the middle class”.

 Trump has had the checkbook for 27 months. Whathsiface had it for 94. Of course, he was busy apologizing for all the evil shit that happened any where, any time, and any place. When did the middle class get whacked? I’ll type slowly. You said in Pittsburgh that the tax cut benefited people like Tom Steyer, George Soros, Ron Buckle, and Steven Spielberg. Take your time but will someone please tell me how you give a tax cut to someone with no income. Here’s an important lesson from “Hard-Earned Lessons of Life”. If you subsidize something you have more of it. I offer as Exhibit #1 the simple fact that 55 years after declaring War on Poverty in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1964, each and every candidate, living or dead – [I am still from Hudson County] - has promised to do a Lazarus on the middle class. If really smart people, and there were no dumb poverty warriors, couldn’t figure it out since before the Gulf of Tonkin – Thank God for Google! – what makes you think that t his pandering mob of grifters can? BTB, if ObamaCare is so successful why are 11,000,000 people still uninsured? And speaking of socialized medicine, why did Mick Jagger have a simple heart surgical procedure done, not in England, but in Manhattan? Doesn’t Pennsylvania, the state where you spoke yesterday, just record the lowest unemployment figures and rates since they began to keep records?
I’m sorry the middle class missed this. Was it caused by 50/50s? How about cake sales or winning Lotto tickets?

I have read a lot of History. I must have missed the part about where a society taxed its way to prosperity. Could you tell me when this happened? Sumer? Gibbon’s 5 Emperors? Africa before the Dutchies landed at Cape Town? The Aztecs before Cortez? The Incas before Pizarro? The Russkies after Lenin but before Stalin? 

Happy May Day!

There are rumors that Bernie, the Bombastic Bolshie, will invoke the ghosts of Leon Trotsky and Stakhanoff, the legendary Soviet coal miner, and beg for a miracle in Venezuela. Nothing big, just arroz con pollo for everybody. 

It will be interesting to chronicle how the bird-brain loons react to Venezuela. Did it happen because of Socialism or did it happen because of bad Socialists? The genius of Hayek, author of “The Road to Serfdom” and winner of the Nobel Prize, was acknowledged by his friend and ideological adversary John Maynard Keynes. Keynes wrote to him before he died and said, “I was wrong; you are right.”

The only way Socialism can possibly work is if a very smart guy decides that all cars should be dark blue which would be bad enough for “blue haters” but that he must acquiesce in the hiring of large, unsmiling men who will punch you in the mouth if you disagree. That is the universal template in any country that proclaims itself to be Socialist. Other than the simple, irrefutable fact that it has never worked anywhere it is an interesting academic exercise, similar to the number of angels who can dance on the head of a pin, and usually best argued over a heroic amount of beer.

Socialism will work when a large man stands in a big bucket and tires to pick it up by its handle. Also, the way to stay warm in a Socialist bed in the winter is to cut a foot off the top of the blanket and sew it to the bottom. Repeat as many times as necessary, particularly if you want warm feet cum warm shoulders

I wonder if Crazy Bernie’s Perpetual Suffrage, which now extends to H. Rap Brown, the Menendez Brothers, and, maybe, Paul Manafort, will include A.G. William Barr? Will Chelsea Manning, not quite nee Bradly Manning, get 2 votes because he until gets the old-fashioned de-nutting, snip, snip, he is truly a switch hitter.

Nancy Pelosi was reminded of the good old days when her father, Tommy “The Torch” D’Alessandro, was the Mayor of Baltimore. He would regularly be treated for burns on his hands because he liked to steal hot stoves. The current Mayor Baltimore, Theresa Pugh, missing for almost a month, resigned today. Using the aforementioned Swalwell Doctrine as the predicate, it is alleged that she stole the pencils from the blind man’s tin cup and that she did, literally, steal the Lord off the Cross and ate him. She gives cunos miserables a bad name.

May 9, 2019 Daniel Shoer Roth The Miami Herald

May 9, 2019

Daniel Shoer Roth
The Miami Herald

RE: A gift that keeps on giving – More comments and updates on your Sunday article on how tough it is to be a Muslim in America.

Mr. Roth, 

As a proud legatee of DWEMs, White Privilege, and an elitist education, let me say that you are like a metaphorical case of herpes – the gift that keeps on giving.

You told us on Sunday last of the pain of a Muslim family having to tell their 11-year-old about the multiple deaths of Muslims in New Zealand on March 15th. Understandably, no mention of the deaths of several hundred Roman Catholics by Muslims in Sri Lanka is made because it would take away from the theme of your story. All deaths because of religion are equal but some deaths because of religion are more equal than others, right?

When was the last time anyone in this country, Muslim or not, was charged with blasphemy” Beyond being charged, how about tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for it?

I mention this because this morning’s Miami Herald tells us on Page 8A of a Pakistani woman, Aasia Bibi, who was tried and convicted of blasphemy. She was sentenced to death for the crime of “insulting Islam”.

What would they have done with Dante? You have heard of The Divine Comedy, haven’t you? What would have happened if “Piss Christ” had been called “Piss Mohammed”? Would some feral WOGs have blown up the World Trade Center? Wait a minute. They’ve already done that. This story has a happy ending. She was plucked off Death Row and sent to Canada. Has CAIR – the Council on American-Islamic Relations – had any comment on that?

The picture accompanying your Sunday article shows a 9-year-old daughter, Noor Dalal. Isn’t she close to the age for her to be “de-clited”? Would it be “culturally arrogant” of me to ask if there is an official position or is it local option? Will anyone at the Islamic Center of greater Miami be competing for this year’s Profile in Courage award by condemning either or both? How Akbar is Allah?

Kevin Smith

May 11, 2019 Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor The Miami Herald Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel

May 11, 2019

Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor
The Miami Herald
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Not quite a Damascus moment but, in any event, a sus ordenes

Fair Ladies,

I was not knocked off my horse to become Pro Choice. Rather, it was an act by our caring, compassionate Governor, the signing into law – no executive order for him – of the act passed by the Legislature enabling, at local option, the arming of school teachers. And, on top of the that, the law pays homage to the Constitution, particularly the 10th Amendment.

If  deplorably prototypical Red-Neck, Cracker Counties wants its teachers to carry BARs, bazookas, and Dirty Harry revolvers, it does not mean that Progressive, Multi-Culturally inclusive, manatee suffrage supporting, 4th and 5th trimester abortion clinics counties must follow. [Speaking of multi-culturalism, the weapon of choice for the Mossad used to be a short barreled .22 caliber revolver with L.R. ammo. 2 in the ear and slip the roscoe back into your fanny pack.

But that’s not why I write

As my introduction suggests, I hereby volunteer my services as the debate on oil & gas drilling, both on-shore and off, heats up.
Herewith, an informal c.v. of my experience in the business.

I fracked my first oil well in January, 1974 in Duval County, Texas.

 [As an aside, Duval County was where Abe Fortas, Esq, “found” 300 votes, and would you believe that they were in alphabetical order? I would since I am from Hudson County. That put “Landslide” Lyndon into the Senate and then into the White House and then into 2 wars, neither of which ended successfully, with one of them still being fought. Architecturally, it is significant because it was where the idea for the Vietnam Wall in Washington came alive.]

I participated in drilling at least 100 O&G wells, mainly in Texas. In 1980 I became President of an operating company. In 1983 I purchased that company. I had production in Ohio, Wyoming, Texas, and New Mexico. In addition, I had 7 operating coal mines in Eastern Kentucky plus I was CFO of a publicly owned coal company on West Virginia. In the years coincident with those of the Great Reagan, I “created” 400 jobs. I am particularly proud of that because in the same time frame the net job “creation” for the companies listed on the Dow Jones industrial Average was zero.

I have sold oil at prices ranging from $2.75 to $101 a barrel. Gas prices have ranged from .40 cents to $13.10 per MMCF.

But I am sure you will oppose drilling, either wet or dry, anywhere on the planet but particularly in Florida.

 [Another aside. When the Miami Herald had its World HQ hard by Biscayne Bay, I used to threaten Tom Fiedler with an off-shore drilling rig 500 yards East of the corporate aerie, the one where all those really swell modern American Liberal editorials were spawned.]

Herewith, an action plan for those secretly opposed to the Industrial Revolution, or not so secretly if we consider AOC, a seriously “wretched unidea’d girl”, as Eliot would have described her, and her “12 years if we are lucky” only if we raise taxes to at least 105% right now. God’s Holy Trousers, but she couldn’t pour piss out of a boot.

Logic would dictate that if you oppose the way society fuels the benefits of 1st World living that you eschew some of the delicacies.

#1 – Turn of all you’re A/Cs
#2 – Public transit, bikes, skateboards, quads of steel are the only accepted forms of transit to and from work.
#3 – Ban all plastic, particularly from the healthcare business.
#4 - Pick 5 weekdays each month and turn off all electricity
#5 - No cold beer.
#6 – Only power produced by solar, wind, tidal, or the good intentions of the climate battalion of the Social Justice Warriors regiment will be allowed.

Fracking has enabled this country to become not only energy independent but to become the arbiter world wide of production and price. If OPEC is Dracula it is about to be hit with a brilliant sun rise and fusillade of silver bullets, hopefully fired by teachers qualifying for expert.

I suggest that if you stay with your anti-rational, indeed completely bonkers energy policy, you select Ned Lud as your spokesman and BaBa Lysenko as your scientific advisor. Written as I wear my PROUD GLOBAL WARMER cap, with my copy of The Population Bomb by my side, and looking forward to fondling my growing collection of plastic straws before I launch some of them into the Intercoastal.

Kevin Smith

PS – And thank God for Global Warming! What do you think ended the last Ice Age and gave us the Renaissance?

May 15, 2019 And if there is a smarmier bastard than Senator Richard Blumenthal [D-CT],

May 15, 2019

And if there is a smarmier bastard than Senator Richard Blumenthal [D-CT], aka “Danang Dick”, will someone tell me. “Homeric”, “Brobdanaglian”, “Ginormous”, “biblical”. I need the wit of a Johnson and the resources of a Murray, the 2 great lexicographers of the English language, to begin to describe his perfidiousness. 

I had 3 classmates who were killed in Vietnam. Blumenthal lied when he said he was a combat veteran. The closest he got to Danang was the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco. His lie doesn’t lessen their deaths; it cheapens and sullies them. They are entitled to the peaceful rest of a warrior fallen in battle. This Smarmy Bastard should be pilloried and poleaxed every time he appears in public. Bad enough he chose the White Feather but then he lied about it. And, to make it worse, not only is he a Smarmy Bastard, he looks like a Smarmy Bastard. Fuck him.

Bill Nye, “the science guy”, is another addled modern American Liberal, who should have his ass kicked for saying “the earth is on fucking fire”. Not quite the same as Ptolemy having his 15 century-long “settled science” run on where the Sun is in relation to everything else becoming “unsettled” but as Gavin MacInnes said, “Deep down, all liberals know they are full of shit”. That’s why they are so condescendingly nasty. And worthy of a Texas-sized ass whupping.

Which is why il Magnifico’s trip to a LNG [short for Liquid Natural Gas] exporting terminal - repeat - LNG exporting terminal is as geopolitically significant as anything that happened this year.

I know that my Redeemer liveth!

Which brings us back to the 6-day old latke hanging out by the hissing radiator. Whatever happened to Peak Oil? Remember when the boobs and fear mongers told us that we were running out of it? That there was nothing left to be discovered? That we’ve gone about as far as we can go? [In 1899, Charles Duell, director of the U.S. Patent Office pronounced, “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” Thank god nobody told the Wright Brothers or Kemmons Wilson or Jonas Salk or Ronald Reagan or Bill Gates or somebody, anybody sitting in a cramped garage or small office saying “What’s behind that hill over there? I’m going to try to find out.” Thus, the ball is “matriculated down the field” and the people in the stands all benefit. My Uncle Adam always said, “Don’t look to the better nature of the inn-keeper if you want a meal of a bed; he may not have one. Look rather to his rational self-interest.”] I remember Nancy Pelosi raling against drilling in some God-forsaken part of the arctic for fear that it would disturb the mating habits of the notoriously shy furbish lousewort. Besides, she said, it’s only10-years-worth of oil Somehow wing-nut, moon-bat AOC found us 2 more years. You go, girl!
A special word for Nancy Pelosi. I want to be the first to tell her that when she next goes back to San Francisco her constituents have a warm welcome in store for her. Ex-Pats from “A Chorus Line” and “La Cage aux Folles” will jete Bob Fosse-style in front of her house and, in her honor, will drop their drawers and shit on the sidewalk in front of her house. Why should the tourists have all the fun? But wait, there’s more. Tony Bennett is updating his song with some topical verses. “I Left My Shit in San Francisco”.

You can never become “not a Catholic”, particularly if you were ever a Catholic. You can become a Retired Catholic, a fallen-away Catholic, a heretical Catholic, an apostate Catholic, or, as is the case with Catholic politicians who are modern American Liberals and think about abortion, a hypocritical Catholic. 

For me, it only takes incense. And not even the smell of it. A picture or a mention in a sentence and I am back in the not quite settled days of pre-Vatican 2.

This morning I received tangible evidence, evidence as real as your boot, that the Church is not quite as modern as we sometimes think it is. I get quarterly reports from the Marist Brothers of North America. The Provincial, Brother Patrick McNamara, FMS, mentions another Marist Brother, Brother Henri Verges, who was martyred in Algeria. “Martyred”? Yes. Cut to pieces by this generation’s version of radical Islamic terrorists. It would not be a stretch to say, and I run the risk of being labeled not only an Islamophobe but a deplorable Islamophobe, to say the last words he heard were “Allah Akbar”. The face-off that was begun 1287 years ago at Tours continues. It, inter alia, is where “somebody did something”.

But this time its personal.

“They” killed a man with whom I had a real connection. A man who wore garments that I first saw in Bayonne in 1957; A man who conducted himself under rules laid down 200 years ago with those rules being predicated on rules laid down 15 centuries ago.

My last 2 Brothers from Marist in Bayonne, Brother Thomas Edmund and Brother Kevin Luke, died within 10 days of each other in October, 2017. Thus, the last tie was cut. In the early 90s, when Brother Kevin was doing his last overseas duty in Notre Dame College at Dadingas in Mindanao, I sent him some cassettes of Joe Finn, Marist ’59 and my daughter Courtenay’s wedding in 1995, doing his regular act. I don’t know if the Filipinos liked him but the Minnesotans did. I sent Brother Thomas some cash 5 years ago. He wrote to say thank you because he was able to give it to one of the maintenance men who was studying to become a NYC police officer. Of course, that is a bit of as non-sequitur but entirely in character

But as I said about never being able to be “not a Catholic”, you can never be “not Marist”.

46 Marist Brothers were martyred on one day, October 8, 1936 in Barcelona. That is different than the Brother in Algeria. It is possible that he knew some of the Brothers who taught me. They were Torpedo Squadron 8 in the never-ending fight against the forces of evil. In this case, godless Communism. They went into the arena like the martyrs of old. 46 is a statistic, as Stalin said. It is an abstraction. One is real. Perhaps a return to the Church Militant will lead us to the Church Triumphant.

Deo Volente

For the same reason that a sign proclaiming Organic Produce would trigger the automatic response of “Where is the Inorganic Produce?”, I have asked the following question for as long as I can remember. “It’s been around for more than 150 years. Why is Darwin’s Theory still a theory?”

I direct your attention to the Spring edition of the Claremont Review of Books. David Gelertner reviews Stephen C. Meyer’s “Darwin’s Doubt”. Meyer poses a simple question: Did Darwin suggest an Intelligent Design without a Designer?

He posits an inconvenient truth into the conversation. When Darwin was composing his work, molecular biology did not exist. Chew on that.

You may also wish to take a peek at Tom Wolfe’s last book, “The Kingdom of Speech”. Broad shoulder help if you wish to engage in public discussions, sometimes with adult beverages available, of the subject. Which is why Amy would lean over and whisper, “Just shut up”. Wives have earned that right. Since my constant Stop Sign companion is gone, I feel duty-bound to highball it down the track of questions that are uneasy to swallow, questions that fall beyond pale. A deplorable habit? Perhaps.

I have an irrational fear of running out of pinatas. The pre-dawn announcement of NYC Mayor Bill “Red” DeBlasio running for President means that I will always be in a target-rich environment.  

A word or two about Joe Finn, Marist, ’59. As far as I can tell, he made his living singing in saloons from when he was graduated from high school until the day he died. As far as I can tell, his wife and 8 children never missed a meal. And I know that the 1000s who heard him sing for 50 years still have great memories of him. A life well lived and a legacy unmatched. Slainte!

Kevin Smith


Monday, May 6, 2019

May 5, 2019 Daniel Shoer Roth The Miami Herald RE: When the radical Islamic terrorists blew up more than 200 Roman Catholics in a church on Easter Sunday, the most sacred day in Christendom, would you call that a hate crime?

May 5, 2019

Daniel Shoer Roth
The Miami Herald

RE: When the radical Islamic terrorists blew up more than 200 Roman Catholics in a church on Easter Sunday, the most sacred day in Christendom, would you call that a hate crime? Some comments on your article in today’s Miami Herald on how tough it is to be a Muslim in America.

Mr. Roth,

And a Happy Cinco de Mayo to you! It’s like a half-assed Saint Patrick’s Day what with everybody who knows where Ireland is trying to get a half a load on. I mean it’s not like the Mexicans beat the Prussians or the British. They beat the French. It’s like striking out the pitcher; it goes into the record book as a K but, c’mon man.

It’s been some time since I responded to your by-line. Presumably, you have been at Unicorn HQ, polishing up your sterling POO – Perpetually Outraged & Offended – qualities.

One of the problems with the unease, the trepidation that Muslims feel today is because of 1287 years of inconveniently obdurate truths.

Beginning at Tours in 732 AD, as that boobette, the Congresswoman from Edina, Minnesota said, “somebody did something”. And they would have done a Hell of a lot more if it weren’t for a Frenchman named Charles Martel. He put a Texas-sized ass whupping on that century’s version of radical Islamic terrorists that stopped their raping, looting, pillaging asses cold.

I thought Muslims were peace loving. Why did they want to conquer and enslave Europe? They did, didn’t they?

Repeat that scenario, with updated details, at Lepanto on October 7, 1571.  That century’s version of the Bad Guys wanted to “stable their horses in the Sistine Chapel”. I guess Muslim horses don’t shit, particularly in church, especially if it is a Roman Catholic church.

Who can forget September 12, 1683? Certainly not the Viennese. [Let’s name a then contemporary Viennese. How about Johann Sebastian Bach? Do you remember when the radical Islamic terrorists blew up Buddha statues? They also banned balloons and whistling. What in the name of Trousered Apes everywhere would they have done with Bach? How about Mozart? Would it be “culturally arrogant” of me to ask why there are no Muslim equivalents? I have lately become a fan of Haydn and Handel. Are there any wanabees at the local Madrassas? Why in the name of Allah aren’t there any? FGMs cut out the female G-Spot. What cuts out the non-gender specific genius gene?] That day a valiant Pole named Jan Sobieski, out-numbered 4 to 1, settled the radical Islamic terrorist hash. He saved Vienna, He saved Christian Europe. And he saved Western Civilization. At the very least, a retroactive standing O for that.

Flashback: the “something that somebody did on 9/11” was refreshingly simple. 19 WOGs hijacked 4 planes and blew up 3 buildings, killing some 3,000 people. The last thing heard before the buildings were crashed into was “Allah Akbar”. I don’t think that means, “Kumbaya” or “Turn the other cheek” or “Why can’t we all get along?”. It means “Death to the infidel”. Let the record show that Flight 93, out of Newark, was supposed to blow up the Capitol, augered into some woods outside of Pittsburgh because the Jersey Guys on the plane said if we’re going to die we’ll pick when and how we roll our 7.  And yes, I am from Bayonne.

As an aside, you have an inside headline in our story: “There are many prejudices here. I have many male and female friends who were denied jobs because they are Muslim.” I know an underemployed lawyer who will take their cases in a heart-beat. Favore, send me their contact info. A huge payday awaits.

I know that “only Allah can weave a perfect rug” but do you know if the Islamic Center of Greater Miami, the religious/cultural/social group you highlight, sponsors a dance group? I don’t mean the world famous “Dancing Boys” who entertain Islamic pederasts but Nijinsky or Nureyev types. How about Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly? Will the touring company of Las Cage aux Folles be stopping at Mecca this season? Any chance a Pashto Bob Fosse will suddenly appear?

When will the number of Muslim Nobel Prize Winners approach the agreed upon Affirmative Action goals, not quotas? Why are there unbelievably disproportionately more Jewish winners than Muslims?

After they discovered that zero is a number and they did some great work with urban design what the Hell have they done – other than kill Christians – in the last 1000 years?

I had an aunt, by marriage, who used to say, “Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s rain”. I can say that because I am a legatee of a prescient DWEM who said, 25 centuries ago, “Free men speak with free tongues”. Alas, it is a gift that has been rooted out of our culturally dead-ended Muslim brethren.

Kevin Smith

PS – 15 years ago, Tom Fiedler, your old boss, told me I “scared” you. Not so then; not so now. I am just an old curmudgeon who likes to stir things up because I still can. And, is tearing down a Confederate statue the same as blowing up Buddha? If Robert E. Lee and Buddha go, how about burning a Koran?

Sunday, May 5, 2019

May 4, 2019 Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor The Miami Herald RE: Voting and how the Miami Herald regards it as but one more example of White Privilege oppressing people of color, as told in your news story of May 3, 2019.

May 4, 2019

Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor
The Miami Herald

RE: Voting and how the Miami Herald regards it as but one more example of White Privilege oppressing people of color, as told in your news story of May 3, 2019.

Ms. Ancrum,

I read the article by Alex Daugherty in Friday’s Miami Herald about voter fraud, voter suppression, and voter intimidation in Broward County with growing amazement since I was not aware that Broward had become Hudson County South or Duval County East.

Let the record show that I cast my first ballot for Lyndon Johnson in 1964. I recall being told by my betters that if Goldwater had won, we would have 2,000,000 men in Vietnam with who knows how many casualties, followed by race riots and then inflation. Who could vote for that? Not I.

Ah, the good old days!

Before I get to the nitty and the gritty of the inherently intrinsic bias of the DNA of Broward County – Wait a minute! That can’t be right. Don’t they vote for manatee suffrage and for naming the abortion clinic after Dr. Mengele? – could you tell me why having to show a photo ID to vote is akin to being Bull Connor? You remember him, don’t you? He was a delegate to the Democratic Convention in Atlantic City in 1964. Why don’t you rale against showing a photo ID to open a bank account, going to a hospital or getting on a plane? Would not Logic dictate that if requiring a photo ID to vote is prima facie racist the others would have to be also.

I see where Alcee Hastings is one of the Inquisitors, with the best part being that there is not even a hint of sarcasm or even a soupcon of slyness. Lest we forget, hos felonious ass was tossed off the Federal Bench because he was a crook. He got to Congress because the White Red-Neck Crackers from rural Florida colluder with Black urban fire eaters to give him a district that would have elected Strep-n-Fetchit or H. Rap Brown.

Your reporter implies that paying fines, fines that were part of the original sentence, is doubly racist in addition to being ex post facto or something. And further, it diminishes the will of the people. “The will of the people” is an interesting use of “eclectic indignation”, a technique without which modern American Liberals could not survive. The people “expressed their will” on the subject of same sex marriage when they voted it down, didn’t they? Why is that democratic demonstration, vox populi, if you will, ignored while the other is trumpeted? Shouldn’t that count, if only for a little bit? 

Another thing I learned in Bayonne is never to argue with a canceled check. While Little Debbie, the closeted Brown-Shirt, and Alcee the Grifter are hunting for victims of voter suppression, the long promised “Summer of Recovery”, remember that quaint term that was like Godot because it never did get here, got here. Economic numbers that are simply astonishing are being posted like a green lighted freight train hurtling across the fruited plain. “Shovel-ready jobs”, my ass. 

Keynes was right. Tax cuts, deregulation, and a “loosening of the animal spirits” will soon turn Bernie the Bolshie and Boobette AOC into boosters for Big Business and accelerated depreciation. 

For the first time since people began to keep score women and minorities, long used to being on the hind teat, are leading the percentage climb up the ladder of success. And there’s nothing the dopey Dems can do about it. 

And that’s deplorable.

Kevin Smith