Monday, September 30, 2019

September 25, 2019 Dante, the exiled Florentine, had many great lines, two of which are now immortal. “Half-way through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error” “I came out of the cave and looked up and saw the stars.”

September 25, 2019
  Dante, the exiled Florentine, had many great lines, two of which are now immortal.
“Half-way through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error”
“I came out of the cave and looked up and saw the stars.”
2 weeks ago, 2246 aborted fetuses were found in South Bend, Indiana in the home of extremely prolific rabbit chaser. Let me expand my quote list.
“While the light is left to burn, the vilest sinner may yet return.”
And if you wonder what ties American Country music to Renaissance poems it is the one theme common to both: Redemption and Reconciliation. Alas, to the majority of most “chestless” modern American Liberals, the idea of being part of something greater than oneself is alien, indeed verboten. And, since they believe in nothing, they will believe in anything. Witness the belief in one hundred genders and the silent devotion to Gaia and the pursuit, and they will reach and vault over the horizon first, of “fairness”.
Notre Dame University, the leading Roman Catholic institution in America, is located in South Bend, Indiana. 
30 years ago, it committed an infamia by granting an honorary degree and a platform to Governor Mario Cuomo, a politician who wore his Roman Catholicism on his sleeve for all the world to see. The subject was abortion. 
He said that while he opposed it as a Roman Catholic he had no choice but to uphold it as politician in the arena, I wrote and asked if he would accept the lawfully executed for the arrest of fugitive slave Dred Scott  Specifically, would he put his felonious Black ass on the midnight train to Georgia. [There is more than a smidgeon of Black – or is it black? - humor here in that Chief Justice Roger Taney, the author of the decision, was a Roman Catholic.]
Let the record show that Madison, the Little Giant that God sent to Philadelphia in 1787, put into the final version of said Constitution, the following sentence. “Full faith and credit shall be given to in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.” That was written before Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification and its current bastard child, Sanctuary Cities. Look it up. Article 1V, Section 1.
He never did reply. His son, Andrew, now the Governor of New York, has not replied either. Although I haven’t asked him, I don’t think Fredo, the youngest son, the TV shill, will reply either. 
I think a lot of the problems concerning abortion could or at least, be lessened if it could be made retroactive.
Perhaps God, with his wonderful sense of mirth, as Chesterton said, has given Notre Dame a chance to come back to the saving graces of the Baby Jesus. Christ said to Peter, “Those things that you bind up on earth, I will bind up in Heaven.” Perhaps, Deo volente, they now realize that they were in “the dark wood of error”. Perhaps they are ready to “come out of the cave and look up at the stars.”
Let them gather up the fetuses – as Maritain said, “a bit of straw into which God has breathed life” – and give them a Roman Catholic burial. The whole nine yards. An Archbishop if you can find one, candles, incense, Mozart’s Requiem, Bach, no collection, George Jones singing “He Stopped Loving Her Today”, maybe “Will the Circle Stay Unbroken”. Something, anything that says “I Was Lost and Now Am Found”
Imagine a giant hound, gathering speed in its pursuit of lost souls. How many “labyrinthine ways” can you go down before you reach the No Exit sign, the one that Judas Iscariot tripped on?
Ring the bells, open the doors, bring the babies home.
Home to their Father

Kevin Smith

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