October 30, 2019
Don’t you love a man in uniform?
This time, the reptilian coven of spineless ink-stained wretches and wenches who make up the modern American Liberal media, a group whose favorite color is plaid who couldn’t lie straight in bed, do.
Army Lt. Colonel Arthur Vindman, who has “seen the elephant”, testified behind closed doors, protected by a ack of wild dogs lest he be subjected to the cruel and unusual punishment of being cross examined by, God forbid, opposition counsel, told about a phone conversation between 2 Presidents, both of whom were consenting adults intent on bettering their respective countries
That he did so in full dress uniform made his story, according to the snarling anti-Trump press, all the more believable.
One of the many reasons why I am a much sought-after dinner guest or pub companion is because I remember things like the snide comments made by the same press 32 years ago when Marine Lt. Col Oliver North, who also had “seen the elephant”, testified before a joint Congressional Committee with all the doors and windows open and bathed in God’s blessed sunshine.
One of the highlights of said testimony was House Majority Lawyer Nields truly embarrassing interrogation of Colonel North. He asked him what he did with the paper shredder. “I shredded paper.” “Why,” he was asked. “All the documents we received were classified. When we finished with them it was safer to shred them than to retain them.” He also had no knowledge – zero - of military nomenclature. He asked him what the number 2000 meant. Colonel North had to explain that it meant ‘twenty hundred” or, in non-military terms, 8:00 PM.
Colonel North pitched a 3 hit shutout and executed the best play in baseball, a 3 run home run.
The press did not like that, particularly since it was delivered by a man in uniform.
A conclusion that can be Logically drawn is that the modern American Liberal press is in favor of uniformed military men testifying when it is against a Republican President but not when it is for a Republican President.
The facts would support, indeed strongly support, that interpretation.
California, the land of fruits and nuts, asks people to come to its state so they can become homeless. Once they are settled into their homelessness, they are asked to take down their pants and shit in the street, on the sidewalks, on driveways, on lawns but not in Koi ponds because Koi only like their own shit and, sometimes, duck shit.
Gaia, the earth Goddess and Mother of us All, has a non-racist photo license which tells us her real name is Mother Nature. And we all know it Is not nice to fuck around with Mother Nature. I have been told by confidential sources, sources because of their confidential nature must remain, you know what I’m sayin’, confidential, that Gaia set all those fires to burn the public shit and save the planet from a return to the Black Death of an otherwise happy and contented Europe in Medieval times.
“If I have to, I’ll burn the place down, particularly if you fuck with me. It’s the only planet I have.”
T.S. Eliot, the only American Ivy League varsity letter winner to be buried in Poets’ Corner wrote that “the trouble with Socialism is that it is an attempt to design a system so perfect that no one will have to be good.” Lieawatha, are you listening?
Still more good news about Slow Joey Biden, aka “Cheesedick” to his rich, elite White Catholic prep school pals, and “Plugs” to the guy who put in his hair. I reported yesterday that he was denied Holy Communion Sunday by a parish priest in Florence, South Carolina. The good news is that he was also denied in Scranton, Pennsylvania, not but by a village curate but by the Bishop. As Bill Belicheck tells his players, “Just do your job.” Perhaps the long-caged Hound of Heaven has been released and is just doing his job. Biden, Pelosi, Casey, Durbin inter alia are also waiting with heavy hearts for the redeeming sound of Hound’s bark. As is said in “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”, my favorite Christmas Carol, “God and sinner reconciled.”
The President quoted Dickens when he said that the WOG terrorist was “as dead as a door nail”. “A Christmas Carol” opens with “Marley was as dead as a door-nail”. It is appropriate that this chapter of the 14-century struggle against these murdering bug-eyed apes begins with end of one of the big ones includes a reference to the enduring treasures of the Western Canon. Would I be revealing the innate prejudice of a legatee of DWEMdom if I were to point out that after 14 centuries there is no Muslim Canon. Look at the list of this year’s Nobel Prize winners. Anybody who burns POWs alive as this most recently killed radical Islamic terrorist did usually don’t get to give an acceptance speech in December. Faulkner was right when he said “Man will not only endure; he will prevail.”
Maybe we should put a bounty on them.
Perhaps the next time, and if History is a guide there will be a next time, we should follow the Duke’s lead from “The Searchers”. In the John Ford classic movie “The Searchers”, John Wayne shoots out a dead Commanche’s eyes. Old Mose tells us, “that way he can’t enter the spirit world.” Kind of like bad Injun karma, only forever.
The next time we kill one of those murdering bastards we should cover him with lard and wrap him in a pig skin. Put it on Facebook. Let the undecided bastards think about spending eternity with a hog.
PS - No sense being a lying bucket of Abo shit when you can be a hypocritical bucket of same. If Lieawatha Warren is an Injun I play the cello in Whirling Dervish costume. She ain’t and I don’t. She sent her son, Alexander, to the Kirby School, a snotty, all White elitist prep school in Austin, Texas when she was polishing and fabricating her resume at the nearby UT Law School. I have no problem with private schools. I went to them, as did my children. My problem, as my Aunt Rose from Hester Street so profoundly put it, is simple. “Do not piss on my back and tell me it’s rain.” She routinely denounces private schools because they are not much liked by various Teachers’ Unions. She also promises to legislate against Federal aid for children, mostly inner-city children, to attend them. Dante is working on a special place for this bruja cuno.
“Inner city children” is an euphemism for non-White children of single Moms who live in Section 8 housing on public assistance without the beneficial effects of “Midnight Basketball”, in need of a good Ritalin program. I don’t know what the Noble Savage Lieawatha has against these unfortunate “losers in life’s lottery” but there it is.