Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 9, 2019 Randy Schultz The Sun Sentinel RE: Some comments on your unlinkable Sun Sentinel column on what a rat bastard Trump is, particularly if you are “unlucky in life’s lottery”, and depend on smiling faces from DC to get you through the day.

 October 9, 2019

Randy Schultz
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Some comments on your unlinkable Sun Sentinel column on what a rat bastard Trump is, particularly if you are “unlucky in life’s lottery”, and depend on smiling faces from DC to get you through the day.

Mr. Schultz,

One of the highlights of my pre-dawn trip to get the Wednesday Sentinel is that I know that you will never let me down. The anticipation comes from which irreversible path to Avernus will you uncover. Today it is healthcare.

Speaking of which, let me extend to Bernie the Bolshie a hearty Yom Kippur zigazundt. The only good thing about his myocardial infarction is that he got before his Medicare for All Death Panels became law. If he had had his face plant with his namesake law in place his triage would have been simple and unappealable. How old is he? That old? Adios, boychick. You’ve had a good run. At his age and condition, “it’s better to die and decrease the surplus population”, no? Besides, if he rolls a 7, it will free up more government dough to provide medical care for all undocumented illegal alien invaders. [Did I just repeat myself?]

Kaddish, anyone?

Just a few questions.

Will Medicare for All recruit the best of the Post Office, the IRS, and in bow to diversity and states’ rights, the A-Team from DMVs? Somebody’s got to helm the Rube Goldberg healthcare vessel, right?

The UAW is on strike. One of their demands is for better and cheaper health care. For 70 years Unions have fought for this. [I negotiated with the United Mine Workers for 5 years. I know how important this is to them.] Bernie and Lieawatha Warren and Mayor Bootygoo support them. 160,000,000 Americans are insured under private plans. All the Democratic candidates, all, no exceptions, will take this away form them. In addition to doing the Joe Hill Two-Step and condemning the Triangle Shirt fire, why don’t they tell the strikers that their health care plan will be toast?

How is that, to use the favorite word of card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberals in general, and in particular, the reptiles occupying the viper pit of “woke” journalists, be they electronic or print, “fair”?

If no one is looking, you’re saying, “It ain’t.”

Would it be fair to say that whatever plan emerges – remember the connection between laws and sausages – “we will have to pass it to see what’s in it?” 

Kevin Smith

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