Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 14, 2017

Congressman Ted Deutch
111 Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: More fallout from your mini Op-Ed in Sunday’s Sun Sentinel in which you bemoan the horror, the horror of Trump’s jobs program, the one that is coupled with an undiluted paean to “Let the people keep more of the money they make”.

Congressman Deutch,

So eager was I to point out a typical modern American fallacy, the one that says with a straight face, that tax cuts must be paid for or Grammy will be eating dog food on holidays and dumpster diving with her lead poisoned and rickets infected grandchildren on an odd/even schedule installed to prevent gun fights at the good locations that I overlooked the obvious gorilla in the room.

“Their plan to slash taxes for the biggest corporations and
 wealthiest Americans will add $1.7 trillion to budget deficits
 and trigger automatic and immediate cuts to vital
programs to cover the costs.”
The Sun Sentinel

[A brief digression: Did you announce the above in person or did your office issue a press release? If you did it front of a microphone or TV camera were you wearing a diaper or rubber knickers? No supposedly intelligent adult could say something like the above without wetting his pants.]

If you are apoplectically opposed to Trump potentially adding $1.7 trillion dollars to the federal budget – Is it true that women and minorities suffer disproportionately when governments operate in the ether world of misfeasance, malfeasance, antifeasance, and. worst of all, just plain dirty rotten feasance, particularly when a Republican in in office? -  what did you do when Barack the Beneficent added $10 trillion to our burdensome deficit and debt. If memory serves he borrowed the first chunk of it from some clever Mandarin bankers. Let me spell it out. $10,000,000,000,000.

Did that bother you then and, if not, why not? Economic “eclectic indignation”?

Kevin Smith

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