November 19, 2017
Mayor Walter Campbell
City Hall
9551 West Sample Road
Coral Springs, FL 33065
RE: “Unconscionable judicial nominations”. Some comments on your highly dudgeoned mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel on, you guessed it, “unconscionable judiciable nominations”.
Mayor Campbell,
The pot calling the kettle black or is that adage verboten? How about sauce for the goose being sauce for the gander or would that make me a specieist?
Anyway, guess who was a 39-year-old lawyer with no, as in none, judicial experience – nada, zippo, zilch – who was nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court? You remember him, don’t you? His name was William O. Douglas.
I won’t mention William Brennan, a proud son of New Jersey as am I, who was a recess appointment. There are some fascinating back stories about him, his father who was a Newark police department Captain, NJ Chief Justice Arthur Vanderbilt, and AG Herbert Brownell but they are for a different time.
As to the ABA seal of approval you must remember that Senator Schumer once said that it was the gold standard just before he smarmily and savagely destroyed a Bush 43 nominee
I guess it’s OK when a modern American Liberal pulls shit like that.
Kevin Smith
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