November 20, 2017
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
Editor O’Hara,
The thick part of the envelope comes from the deadly combination of no NFL and Maugham’s enervating elixir, “cheap red wine’. And yes, it pays to hunt where the ducks are. For that I am most grateful.
The thin enclosure comes from some late-night comments on your editorial on letting the people choose. The problem with that is that the bastards overwhelmingly chose to make same sex marriage the law in Florida. “Deplorable”, no?
Your editorial pandering for “fairness” in the revision of Florida’s Constitution is, of course, obscured, dog whistle stuff smoothing the road to the modern American Liberal road that reaches and crosses the horizon and enters the promised land of fairness, equality, inclusiveness, games played with none keeping score, low cholesterol, and higher test scores.
You seem to be calling for Congressional districts to be drawn by Google, Map Quest, drones, and the census. Very precisely, very scientifically, and with no regard to, ahem, “special situations”. Do you honestly think, Baker v Carr notwithstanding, That Alcee Hastings and Corinne Brown would have been elected to Congress other than by running in a district that would have elected Willie Horton and Step-N-Fetchit?
What would happen if the people passed an amendment outlawing abortion? The Cuomo exception, the one that says an elected official can personally oppose abortion but must obey it because of the primacy of Federal law, [US v Peters] is OK on abortion but not on Immigration. The “seamless web” of the law becomes unraveled when it is subject to individual interpretation and subjective judgment. There is a marvelous scene in “Gandhi” where the Mahatma, having been found guilty, has to tell the Judge what he must do. “You must send me to jail.” Saint Paul, Thomas More, Thoreau, and Martin Luther King said the same thing.
The overriding problem, the turd in the punch bowl, if you will, is that all non-deplorable, right-minded Progressives get their knickers knotted when the “people”, with all their base instincts get to, you know what I’m saying, choose.
The possibility of a Governor and the Attorney General being from different parties, a high ball express, pedal to the metal, “short route to chaos”, must be examined. The obvious answer, appointment of the AG by the Governor, might be too obvious.
When in doubt, vide Federalist X
Kevin Smith
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