November 7, 2017
Bruce Reed
The Broad Foundation
801 Brickell Avenue #2350
Miami, FL 33131
RE: Congratulations!
Mr. Reed,
I was watching you on C-SPAN yesterday talking, wistfully, about the good days about President Handsome Billy, the King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes, as he ducked ash trays flung at him by Wide Bottomed Hillary – What’s the word for female cuckold? – and played “Hide the Salami”, dreamed of new places to use Presidential privilege, and honed the fine edge of perjury.
“What”, said I? Where was the mention of Webb Hubbell? How about Lani Guinier? Has Craig Livingstone gone down the modern American Liberal memory hole? And has anyone yet figured out how George Stephanopoulos got the mortgage to buy the office building on DuPont Circle? To be precise, the 115% mortgage. That means the Riggs Bank lent him the down payment and working capital. His loan application showed 2 things: #1 His business address > 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and #2 the name of his immediate supervisor > President William Jefferson Clinton, hopefully from Hope, Arkansas but really from Hot Springs, Arkansas. Just asking. [Try to find another similar loan where the borrower lived in the Anacostia section of D.C.
Anyway, I was enjoying it because, to paraphrase Samuel Johnson, “A man on political inscription is not under oath”.
Then I heard you say something that sounded like finger nails on the blackboard, said sound causing one to catch his embarrassing short and curlies in the zipper as you did an emergency zip up after, in true modern American Liberal fashion, you were pissing on some deplorable’s back while telling them it was rain.
That kind of sound. OOOOOH!
You said the 1988 campaign was “hate-filled and racist”. Talk about dog whistles. That means but one thing and that thing is called Willie Horton.
That also means that you have lost your soul, your raison d’etre, in the amoral labyrinth known as modern American Liberalism.
Let us stipulate that Willie Horton was a rapist who murdered several people in Massachusetts. He was sentenced to life without parole. Massachusetts, a place that solved its chronic witch problem by hanging a few of them – and has Salem been bothered by witches since? No – locked him up forever in the Northeastern Correctional pokey in Concord, MA. Governor Michael Dukakis, [“Wee Mikey” to his friends] a firm believer in “There is no such thing as a bad boy”, gave him a weekend furlough. As difficult as this may be to believe, he went to Maryland where, so help me, he raped and murdered yet again. The families of the Maryland victims came to Massachusetts but, because of scheduling obstacles, the Governor could not see them. Willie is currently in jail in Maryland where he is not eligible for their furlough program.
A terrible story made worse by the politicization of it.
Did I mention that Willie was Black? Does it make me a racist if I do?
As to the “hate filled and racist” 1988 campaign you, as a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal, perhaps better put by C.S. Lewis when he described your class as “men without chests”, did Goebbels proud by repeating and repeating the lie that it was Bush 41 who sent that ball down the chute.
Your repetition of that blood libel is why I began my note with Congratulations! When I found out who one of your past employers was I knew that you were going to be the winner of my most prestigious award:
You worked for former Vice President Alpha Gump. [Again, a brief digression. Which of the really fine DC public schools did Alpha and Thumper Gump send their baby Gumpsters to?] I mention him because he was the one who introduced Willie Boy to the American public. He did it in the Democratic Primary in New York in 1988. He repeatedly told the story of how Governor Dukakis let the raping murderer out for a weekend. All he had to do was promise that he would not rape and murder again. Willie did not keep his promise. Your old Boss, that “crazed sex poodle”, thought that the Democratic voters of New York should be apprised of this.
Let me stipulate that I am talking about former Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. I want to distinguish him from his father, Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Sr who was the noted segregationist, tobacco farmer, slum lord, and the bought and paid for lap dog of Armand Hammer who was in Lenin’s and Stalin’s pocket. Talk about Kremlin collusion!
Anyway, it was your former boss who introduced the world to Willie Horton. He may well have been a victim of life’s circumstances as this is a country founded on slavery and racial oppression not to mention misogyny and the “White Man’s Burden” leading to the looting and pillaging of lands populated by “noble savages” just starting their climb up the ladder of civilization.
It is owed to the record to point out that 2 states found Willie guilty of rape and murder. The second state, Maryland, now is responsible for his creature comforts because the Byzantine rite, secular humanist Governor of the first state freed him for a long weekend and made him promise to be back by lunch Tuesday. Senator Gore pilloried and poleaxed Dukakis over this. I know because I heard him from my office at 11 Broadway in Manhattan.
For 30 years the meaner than cat shit reptiles who make up the Democratic party and their stooges in the media have promulgated the lie that Bush 41 and his principal pitchman, Lee Atwater, constructed the myth of Willie Horton out of whole cloth. It is inconceivable that anyone alive during the New York primary of 1988 would not have known this. Anyone suggesting otherwise should be flogged.
Let the record show that the ad telling the story of Willie the felon in 1988 had the advantage of being 100%, straight as a plumb line, true. And it worked. Vide Bush 41.
Do you think the lying ad in Virginia, the one showing a red neck cracker – you can tell by the mullet and, doubtless, a “bitter clinging deplorable” – driving a pick-up truck festooned by a Confederate flag and a Gillespie sticker trying to run over some minority and WOG kids, worked?
Perhaps an update on “Nothing lost save honor” but it’s business as usual for people who, at long last, have no shame.
I don’t want to get too melodramatic but “when statesmen forsake their private conscience for the sake of their public duties they lead their country by a short route to chaos”.
Anyway, Congratulations, you SMARMY BASTARD! No Affirmative Action here. You got it the old-fashioned way. You earned it.
Kevin Smith
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