November 19, 2017
Fred Grimm
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: Ugh! Those God-damned rich White guys, none of whom care for the down-trodden, those “unlucky in life’s lottery”, those who would surely perish save for the beneficence of the same good guys in D.C. who gave us the war in Vietnam, the post office, the IRS, and “Midnight Basketball”. And I guess they all own gazillion dollar boats, financed by the Bank of Sark, and domiciled on Gannymede. [Is that where Jay Forbes Kerry hid the yacht his 2nd wife bought him? That was the boat built in New Zealand to beat the higher labor costs here. That’s the boat that although he had been a resident of Massachusetts all his life he swore he lived in Rhode Island where the sales tax on boats with bowling alleys, koi ponds, and a Sanctuary Boat status was cheaper. That was made clear in your unlinkable Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel.]
Mr. Grimm,
It was said the reason why Pecksniffian New Englanders were so adamantly opposed to bear baiting was not because of the bear but rather that someone, somewhere might be enjoying themselves. Your column this morning says that as much as you are opposed to the idle rich if they going to flaunt their wealth it may as well be here. It may be that some trickle-down dough could benefit single moms, usually women of color with sons who are in need of a good Ritalin program but lack public transit to get to the clinics. And, wonder of wonders, even though they are unemployable at $8.00 an hour, raising it to $15.00 dollars an hour will put them on the fast track to farting through silk at Apple or Amazon. Jeezus Haitch Keerist but that is Guinness Book dumb!
I leave you with one name. Judge Learned B. Hand. He said
“It is a patriot’s duty to arrange his affairs in such a way
that he pays the least amount of taxes possible.
At best, taxation is an enforced exactitude. It is
not a voluntary contribution.”
Kevin Smith
PS - Have you ever seen Spielberg’s yacht? It’s the one with the ski slope at the stern with 5 acres of organic tofu on the bow. He is a rapacious defender of $15 an hour. He’s a big modern American Liberal, isn’t he? Maybe Obama was right. Sometimes you don’t need any more money.
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