November 17, 2018
Will someone please explain what “Diversity is our strength” means? Take as many declarative sentences as you need. It sure as Hell sounds like bullshit to me.
Other than the cast of Seinfeld putting on a production of “Waiting for Godot”, directed by John Kennedy Toole, sets by the Marx Brothers, with costumes by noted couturier Willie off the Pickle Boat, there is no way to improve on the next 2 years in Washington, DC.
Every Democratic Senator – ladies included, plus Spartacus – not arrested for playing non-gender specific grab-ass is running for President, with a half a dozen of whom think they already are President.
Chiquita Ocasio-Cortez, holding a degree in train spotting from Boston University, but still not sure what to do with her thumbs, is, along with Nancy Pelosi, the face of the Democratic Party. Chiquita wants to make the Electoral College tuition free and if Nancy has one more face lift she’ll be able to use a urinal because she’ll be pissing through her navel.
The exciting prospect of 2 years of teeth grinding gridlock being raised to an art form is upliftingly exhilarating. Indeed, at my advanced age, it is positively tumescent. And who knows how many vacancies on the Supreme Court will fall into Trump’s lap? Justice Breyer, it is rumored, wants to bring back nocturnal power walking in the idyllic Anacostia section of DC. Justice Ginzberg is interested in senior citizen anaconda wrestling and Justice Sotomayor and Justice Kagan are engaged in a friendly competition involving tiramisu enemas and Junior’s cheesecake IVs. Lest you think any comments on Supreme Court eating habits are out of bounds please remember that Justice Thomas’s wife was aksed to load up his diet on milk, butter, and eggs because Black men tend to have more strokes than White men.
I issued an indulgence on January 23, 2016 which held harmless and sanctioned anyone from the temporal punishment due to voting for Trump. I petitioned the curia to make it detachable and fungible. That meant if you didn’t use it you could sell it to your neighbor. [Details are on my blog, WARRIORBARDIT.BLOGSPOT.COM, and there is no pay wall] I said there were 2 reasons for voting for Trump, #1 – He was not Wide Bottomed Hillary and #2 – He would get to pick the Judges. An absolute twin double, no? Almost as good as money from home.
Do you remember the knicker-knotting moment in the 2016 campaign when Democrats, and I think it’s time to bring back “men without chests”, a C.S. Lewis term. It was used to describe people with no core, with no fixed principles, whose flag, not surprisingly, was plaid. In other words, Democrats. Democrats wet their pants because Trump would not take a blood oath to abide by the election results. “Eclectic indignation” is back in bloom. Jemima Abrams, Slow Bill Nelson, and Bonzo Gillum are not abiding by the election results. That’s OK because they’re Democrats and 2 of them are Black and Oprah and Obama supported them and, as such, they were not supposed to lose. It was their destiny to win. Governor Scott Walker [R-WI] lost by less than 30,000 votes. If anybody could have put the fix in – Think Duval County, Texas in 1948 and Cook County, Illinois in 1960 – a sitting Governor could have. He didn’t.
The United States Constitution
Article 1 Section 8 Part 15
Article 4 Section 4
Read them
The Bayonne Bridge, my bridge, at one time the largest arch suspension bridge in the world, a bridge renowned for its perfect symmetry, a bridge that I walked and biked over and back many times, a bridge that was not high enough to accommodate the huge container ships that Globalization demands, was raised several years ago to accommodate the aforementioned dreadnaughts. It has suffered a blow form which it may never recover. You’ve heard of “The Ship That Died of Shame”? This is ‘The Bridge That Died of Shame”. Monkeying [“Monkeying” is a non-racial term. It is one that is rooted deep in marine architecture.] with an existing bridge is best left to very smart people, beginning with civil servants and ending with structural engineers. The option of lowering the river – the bridge actually crosses the Kill van Kull – was given short shrift. Nobody remembered that it snows in Bayonne. Nobody remembered that it only takes one vehicle to shut the whole Damn bridge down. Nobody remembered that if you raise the bridge you raise the angle of ascent. The result last week end was chaos. If Trump caused California to burn down because he left the Paris Climate Conspiracy I suppose it can be said that he caused the FUBARed SNAFU on my bridge, right?
Jews get shot in a shul and the shooter is treated by Jewish doctors and nurses in the emergency room and this is looked on a very Christian thing to do by all the warm and fuzzy modern American Liberals. The head ladron in Havana pulls 8,000 – repeat – 8,000 contracted medical personnel out of Brazil because its new President suggests that
Che wasn’t the nicest guy and the silence from American Progressives is deafening. Why is that? Don’t poor Brazilians have the right to universal health care even if it comes from Cuba?
It may be time for Doctor Brenda Snipes to take on for the side. The Dolphins and the Marlins have won 4 championships. How many coaches and managers have they had since then? Pay 19. You have to work maybe 5 times a year. It’s inside. There’s no heavy lifting. It’s not like you are making night landings on a carrier. You have all year to rehearse for Midnight Mass. And then you say any criticism of you is “probably” racist. Is stupidity, is incompetence found only in Black women who call themselves Doctor? Is it racism per se to ask it? Speaking of racism, Leonard Pitts, the HNIC of POO – Perpetually Outraged and Offended – says in today’s Miami that some wascally Wepublican White folk criticize Michelle Obama because of her arse. It is an example of racial indifference on my part but aren’t Jemima-sized backsides praised in the ‘hood? More cushion for the pushing is the phrase, I think. Despite degrees from 2 Ivy League schools, degrees that took her 25 years to pay for, a feat that should have made her feel “proud”, her only commercial success, before charging and getting $4,000 for her to tell how hard it was for her to live rent free in DC for 8 years, was when her husband got her a $4,000 a week raise – repeat - $4,000 a week raise when she was in charge of midnight shift bed pan inventory at the University of Chicago Hospital. Also, did her mother live rent free in the White House for 8 years? Was she on any government payroll for baby-sitting her granddaughters? My dream book tells me to ask why, after 8 years of “cooling the earth and calming the seas”, California is burning down and the Northeast is snow bound in November? Did Trump do this in less than 2 years?
Chiquita Ocasio-Cortez is going to be a welcome breath of stale air in next year’s Congress. It is said that she has a degree on Economics from Boston University. The evidence of my own eyes suggests that her concentration was either in unicorn ranch management or rainbow stew marketing. Mensa material she ain’t. Beyond that and I’m searching for a word that shows that my contempt isn’t personal but I can’t get past stupid. And not just pedestrian stupid but Guinness Book stupid. The lap dog media will give her a pass because she is a Latina mujer, albeit light years from being considered a “wise” Latina.
Geraldine Felini Zuchini, having permanently dropped out, the field is now open for Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Jay Forbes Kerry, and John Edwards to come back in to the Presidential wading pool. Tom Dewey said the only thing that cures Potomac fever is embalming fluid.
November 19, 2018
I heard a physician, Marc Siegel, MD say this morning that peanut allergies have tripled in the past 10 years. Here’s where it gets tricky. In 8 of the last 10 years Barack the Beneficent was in charge. Causation or correlation? Hoc post propter ergo hoc? Quien sabe?
“What news of the Rialto?” “It ain’t beanbag”
Doctor Brenda Snipes, the deservedly castigated and caterwauled Broward supervisor of elections, quit yesterday. She did this before a pitchforked mob carrying torches arrived at her house, just like the community activists who visited the Tucker Carlson home, with the intentions of pelting her with flaming bags of cat shit. Other than
“her brother is worse”, it is deuced difficult to find something good to say about her tenure.
“Tenure” is a word beloved of the laggards and shirkers who make up the Poverty & Educational Complex. It is a parasitic cabal that spends money in such an irresponsible way, and with no accountability, that it makes the Joint Chiefs of Staff green with envy.
One possible retirement gig is that she could team up with her Miriam Oliphant, her illustrious predecessor, another multi-degreed female educator whose main goal was to make pi 3.0 so as to increase minority test scores, and go on a national speaking tour as negative examples. It would feature 2 professional Black women who rose to prominence because they made modern American Liberals, and their fellow travelers, feel warm and fuzzy about themselves. The could serve as exemplars of “lateral arabesque” at best, and shit not cream rises to the top. “Exit stage left, pursued by a bear.”
One of the strange things about the Florida Constitution is that the Attorney General can be of a party than that of the governor. Having the Governor and the legislature coming from different parties is, many times, a desired end. Having the AG and the Governor in pissing contests over petty quotidian things is stupid. It is the only thing dumber than the election of Judges. BTB, I did not vote for any of the Judges on the ballot because the making of a judge should not be subject to the whims of the electorate, particularly if the candidates for the Bench are not allowed the latitude given to candidates for the sewer board. And of course, I voted against retaining any of the Supreme Court Judges. Worse than the perils of a democracy – “A Republic, if you can keep it” – are half-assed judicial elections.
A least it can be said of Senator Nelson that he conducted his public life with more than a modicum of probity and honor. And since I have 2 backhands, if I can find another
compliment to proffer, I will. Also, Gillum left gracefully. On the other hand, the calorically challenged losing Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Jemima Abrams, continues the modern American Liberal race to the bottom, with the bottom being the pit filled with “Trousered Apes” who disguise themselves as wannabe public servants. She says that she lost because she didn’t like the rules that were in place before the election and she couldn’t find a Judge who would change them after. Kind of like a baseball player having a knicker-knotted hissy fit because he wasn’t given a 4th strike. The real losers here are the American taxpayers. Like Al Sharpton, the Jew hating grifter whom Nancy Pelosi thanked for “saving America”, she too has a slew of Federal tax liens and defaulted student loans. The only chance the American public had of being mad whole was if she were able to weld herself to the Georgia $ mammary from whence the IRS could also draw sustenance. [Send a SASE if you want first-hand knowledge of what the IRS does when your tax liability is $42,000,000] A class act. I hope to hear from her in the future.
Kevin Smith
PS – Yet again more proof of William F. Buckley, JR’s prescience is made visible. After the Vatican 2 conference ended, he said “Mater si, magistra no”. 2 things of note to me, an imperfect Roman Catholic: #1 – Papa Francisco was raised in Argentina, Ground Zero for crony Capitalism. His parents lived and prospered protected by the aegis that Hitler lover Juan Peron provided. It is the only form of government and business that he has ever known. He was raised in a land rife with mordidas needed for putting the fix in. #2 – The just ended Bishop’s Conference in Baltimore makes me yearn for the cleansing hand of a Martin Luther. Absent, of course, the theological baggage he toted.