Monday, November 12, 2018

November 12, 2018 We interrupt this revelation about Broward County to bring you important breaking news...

November 12, 2018

We interrupt this revelation about Broward County to bring you important breaking news. Jersey City, NJ, the town where both my parents were born, said that this is
Now, back to regular news.

If you’re stupid enough it could be criminal.

Broward County has had 17 years of really dumb broads running its elections bureau. No. I didn’t forget to mention that the 2 chicks were/are/will be Black. As Miriam Oliphant proved as the first offender, being Black is great cover if you’re stupid. When Ms. Oliphant, a Black woman with a Master’s degree in education, one that specialized in making sure that the lines in the parking lot were straight, was fired for doing Homerically dumb stuff, the rules that got “Huckleberry Finn” and “To Kill a Mockingbird” banned because of “offensive” language, with said rules not being applied to Dick Gregory’s excellent autobiography, demanded that she be replaced with another Black woman or there would have been a hissy fit rivaling Kristallnacht.

This time the bar was set higher.

Brenda Snipes is a Black chick with a doctorate in education. It is alleged, much like the broads at the Kavanaugh hearing “alleged”, that her thesis reveled the algorithm that enabled student teachers to better inventory chalk and how to make fried chicken and watermelon racially neutral.  Making sure the baskets were always 10 feet off the ground and that the balls stayed round were subjects of post-doctoral work that is still not published.

Alas, that didn’t work out because she was as dumb as her predecessor. What distinguished her from Ms. Oliphant was that her hair style was based on a bi-racial cross of Don King and Kramer.

As soon as both of these nit-wit stumblebums learned what to do with their thumbs they put both of them on the vote counting scales as gently as a 9-pound hammer being tossed into the back of a gas guzzling, polar bear drowning pick-up.

They did it because of political incest.

One party rule produces it.

Chicago, where the 1960 election fix gave us the Vietnam War, Baltimore, where they couldn’t lie straight in bed D’Alessandro family gave us Nancy Pelosi, Detroit, where arson is a team sport, San Francisco, where Sanctuary City status, and who cares about John C. Calhoun, encourages people walking past the Fairmount Hotel to do a trou drop and shit, hopefully not in the lobby, but in the handicapped parking space.

It must be added that, absent Kabul, Chicago would be the urban murder capitol of the world. Like Avis, the Windy City is #2 but they’re gaining on it. 

What do these cities have in common?

They have been run, are run, and will be run by Democrats.
And not just Democrats, but to quote Claire McCaskill, but
“crazy” Democrats. “Crazy” translates into the bete-noire of 
civilized men everywhere: modern American Liberals.

This is not to say that Republicans, given the opportunity, wouldn’t do the same. It’s just that they lack the wit, the style, the panache to steal the coins off a dead man’s eyes like their Democrat mAL amigos y amigas do, have done, and will do.

Am I the last one to remember that that D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, he of the crack sting resulting in his immortal line, “The bitch set me up”, also said, “If it wasn’t for the murder rate Washington would be a very safe city.”

My favorite Hudson County story, one that caused Dante to add several circles, involves a funeral director named Marinan. He was also the Hudson County undertaker. As such, he was in charge of burying indigents, many of whom were discalced. He stored the stiffs, rent free, in his freezer until he had enough of them to have a decent cortege. For this he was paid a flat fee per body. Being “smart and no fool” he figured out that nobody checked to see what was in the coffin before he buried it in Potter’s Field, hard by Snake Hill, in Secaucus. Long before there were small gas-powered saws he “rearranged” the bodies to fit the disparate parts into one coffin.

At the height of theological parsing, the Roman Catholic Church, my church, distinguished between malum per se and malum prohibitum. The above paragraph offers a straight up Tanqueray martini definition of malum per se. 

The doyens and doyennes, all of whom are modern American Liberals, who run Broward County corrected their mistake of electing a multi-degreed Black woman who was dumber than a box of hammers corrected that mistake by replacing her with another multi-degreed Black woman who, it turns out, couldn’t pour piss out of a boot. They did that because they thought no one was looking and, if someone was they wouldn’t say Jack Shit.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, makes sounds like a duck, is seen in the company of other ducks, it’s a chalk bet that it’s a duck. I may be wrong but that’s the way to bet. We are at the first stage of the old modern American Liberal flim-flam game of pissing on your back and telling you it’s rain.

They won’t stop by themselves.
Negative reinforcement is required.

Kevin Smith

PS – Are trans-gendered people in Jersey City eligible for both a vasectomy and a tubal ligation?

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