Sunday, November 11, 2018

November 11, 2018 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel

November 11, 2018

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Time to say Goodbye.

Ms. O,

Edmund Burke, a legendary Irishman who still inspires us, said, “Alas, experience is the only school where some people will learn.”

Gentle lady, school is now in session.

Prices are struck at the margin. There is a price, up or down, beyond which people will not go.

As the poster girl for modern American Liberalism – and who says adages and maxims are off limits! The quest for 4th trimester abortion and manatee suffrage ooze tsunami-like from your screeds – it is quite beyond your ken to appreciate or even recognize the quotidian nuts and bolts of running a business.

Listen up. I’ll type slowly.

When the price of a commodity – oil, cashmere, ice, arugula, inter alia – spikes 2 things happen:
A – The marginal user is shaken out.
B – New supplies come to the marketplace.
If eggs cost $8 a dozen the rooster will lay. 

When the price of a product – The Sentinel, 2nd homes, Beluga – spikes 2 things happen:
A – The marginal user is shaken out.
B – New supplies stay away because if no profit is possible the risk is obvious.

I discovered early today that my medium coffee and the Sun Sentinel now cost $6.18. I still may drink their coffee but I will no longer purchase the Sun Sentinel. The coffee is now much higher on my list of priorities than is the Sun Sentinel.

The 33&1/3 % price increase - $3 to $4 – is something which, if done by an oil company, a drug company, a car company, a pay TV company would have you reaching heights of economic apoplexy and POOdom – Perpetually Outraged and Offended – that would make Bolshie Bernie and Lieawatha Warren sound like they worked for the Koch Brothers.

The final stage of modern American Liberalism, the omega point if you will, is that, at its zenith, all card carrying, fire breathing zealots of same become 10 feet tall and bullet proof.

Now comes the hard part, the “emmis truth” gulp, sphincter tightening part.

Fewer people, starting with me, will buy your product. I did a quick cost benefit analysis and decided against paying the higher price. Further, I decided against using the Hudson County 5 finger discount method as the reward was not worth the risk. [If any non-Catholics are reading that’s as good a definition of imperfect contrition as I can come up with on such short notice.

I will miss the never vary from the script of the perfectibility of man, “I’m from the government and I will help you because I know better”, and the key to farting perpetually through silk is to raise the minimum wage and taxes just after legislation repealing the laws governing gravity is passed while declaring, by executive order, that the horizon can be reached and breached, and ignoring Jefferson’s – Thomas, not George – warning about the dead hand of government. The last part was almost 2 centuries before “The Fatal Conceit” was codified.

When I came here in 1996 the 7/11 guy loved me. I bought 33 newspapers a week.
I bought my last newspaper – The Sun Sentinel – today.

Kevin Smith

PS – And to think I almost forgot “Midnight Basketball”, one of the triumphs of modern American Liberalism. The author of that public policy, Congresswoman Maxine “Moonbat”
Waters, will now be in charge of the House Banking committee. Didn’t she and her husband try to loot and pillage one? Johnathan Swift, call your office. Mencken, answer your page. Will I be branded a racist if I ask which of the last 2 Broward County election supervisors, Snipes & Oliphant, is dumber?  Oliphant had great hair while Snipes uses Don King as her model. Will someone tell Jemima Abrams, the Rubenesque tax cheat running for Governor of Georgia, to lay off the tiramisu IVs?

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