Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019 Who in the name of Harold Stassen, Norman Thomas, Henry Krajewski, Frank Clement, Vance Hartke, George McClellan, and Shirley Chisholm is Andrew Yang?

March 19, 2019

Who in the name of Harold Stassen, Norman Thomas, Henry Krajewski, Frank Clement, Vance Hartke, George McClellan, and Shirley Chisholm is Andrew Yang? And why is he running for President? On the other hand, if Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam can open an exploratory committee to se if he should run…. run, Yang, run! And trust me, if you think the louts and churls who make up this generation of Kennedys exuding White privilege, wait ‘til you see how the Yings, evil twins of the Yangs, and the Yellow version of Black sheep, the Yelps and their handy helots, the Yawns, exude their millennia-old version of High Yeller Han Privilege.

Buckle up, President Wilson, Senators Bilbo, Gore, Barkley. Sparkman, and Ervin. You think rubbing little nappy-headed Black boys or lawn jockeys for good luck was retroactively racist, wait ‘til Yang gets to the White House. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

One of the problems in being opposed to genetically modified foods is, if you like broccoli, you can’t eat it. Of course, and particularly since the science is settled – just ask Ptolemy and Fred Hoyle, it also rules out carrots. Long before Mendel did his work in the abbey garden, carrots became carrot-like in color to curry, so to speak, political favor. Something to do with the House of Orange. Look it up.

And since our aversion to GMOs now extends to cats, and I do miss Sharpton, my last cat, gone 12 years. But there is a lesson of White privilege to be learned here. He was an all-Black cat who wore a bell round his neck. That’s how he got his name although we called him Al for short. It cost almost $1,000 for him to die. My father, the legendary Judge Smith, told me that you never saw a cat near a Chinese restaurant. They would wind up in the Oriental goulash. A lesson to be learned from our non-Occidental brethren is that multi-tasking applies to inter-species re-cycling, no? We are catching up though. When was the last time you saw a dead pigeon by a KFC store?

The problem is not with a limp pussy. It is what we do with Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug. His tinkering with the DNA, shorthand for genetic modification, of wheat and rice in India, Mexico, Pakistan, and 50 other copy-cat countries – his work was not patentable – saved either side of a million lives 50 years ago.

If we were to do away with GMO foods – potatoes, salmon, chocolate, tofu, corn, sorghum, ambrosia, milo, the list is endless – we would surely starve. And we would do it in less than 12 years so we would never find out how prescient that “wise Latina”, moon bat, wing-nut AOC, aka Chiquita, really is.  Folks in el barrio call her cabeza de mierda. Cabeza de mierda? Send a SASE.

Once we get rid of all the GMO foods let’s 86 all the vaccines. It’s time we toughen these kids up. Polio, pertussis, tetanus, hydrophobia, HPV, small pox, yellow fever is what gets us ready for tertiary syphilis. “That which does not destroy makes me stronger,” right?

I actually felt sorry for Chelsea Clinton yesterday.

Not because her father was famous for getting “a bit of the gobble” on the first floor while her bruja mother was on the second floor figuring out how to screw the country again while standing up but, because of her modern American Liberal background, she did not know how to react when the snot-nosed little shit daughter of the desert said she was to blame for 50 dead Muslims in Christ Church, New Zealand. “Christ Church”? As if killing them wasn’t bad enough? “Christ Church”? Is that an example of “Inshallah” or the more nuanced “Aradh Allah”? I don’t want to have someone still pissed off about Tours and Lepanto crashing a plane into my patio when I am BBQin’ ribs.

 [Am I the only one to notice that 50 dead Muslims in Christ Church brings outrage and garment rending while 30 dead Roman Catholics in Nigeria brings waves of ennui? Why is that? Plus, does anyone know the ethnic and religious background of the guy who shot up the Netherlands? Just asking. We can rule out Norwegian Lutheran, can’t we? And, for a tie-breaker, were the guys who blew up the Boston Marathon Lubavitchers or Mennonites? I forgot.]

Mrs. Mezvinsky spent her first 21 years living as a tenant in public housing. First in Little Rock where surely one of the highlights was the execution of Ricky Ray Rector despite having 30% of the Bill of Rights pissed on by the state where her father was once the Attorney General and then the Governor. She spent the last 8 years living in Public Housing in Washington, DC. Maybe it was because the lawn was mowed by guys wearing sun glasses and Uzis that she did not develop the attitude of other tenants of other DC public housing. If her name wasn’t Chelsea but rather LaKeisha she would have smacked that nasty bitch right in the mouth. Forget all the Kumbaya crap. The bitch gets her props or somebody gets smacked.

Her sin was simple.

She married a Jew.

You would think her father-in-law, who did a stretch inside, would have told her that most interpersonal relations come down to what Joe Stalin told the guys at Stalingrad,. “Not one step back”.

The ironies of Muslims being slaughtered in Christ Church and Christians being slaughtered in Nigeria, and guess which one goes down the memory hole first, continue to abound. And, perhaps, astonish.

I don’t know if she has converted and is a mikvah maven but  with her injected Semitism plus her criticism of another WOG member of Congress, an ideological slattern who called Trump a “motherfucker”, was enough to have 3rd World Social Justice Warriors get in her face and speak truth to power. I wonder if any of those haggard hecates suddenly realized that, and in the name of Allah, their G spots had been cut out? Can’t really “give up the pink” if there is no pink, so to speak, to give up, is there?

And does anyone else remember when NYU played Manhattan in Madison Square Garden and the young Jaspers filled the temple with shouts of NYJew? Everything old is new again.

I did do some homework on Candidate Yang. And I just know that his parents, with at least 5 degrees between them, were not slipping Benjamins to grifters posing as admission counsellors.

Kevin Smith

PS – Just 2 things more:

I am a fan of Cardhu, of Abelour 15, and of Balvennie Doubles. Toss in some Tullamore Dew Special and I am in awe of Mother Nature and her bounteous gifts. What do you think happens when the grain is spread out on the floor and the starch becomes sugar and them becomes alcohol? What do you think happens when the initial product is put in a used white oak barrel that was once filled with some fine American bourbon? Its genes get jiggled – that’s GMO at the top of its game – to give us uisgabah, the breath of life. If any of you GMO jackasses want to see your whiskys disposed of in an environmentally sensitive manner, call me.

Samantha Bee, a modern American Liberal witch, says that Ivanka Trump, daughter of the President of the United States, in an edge of the envelope marked “free speech” pronouncement, is a “feckless cunt”. 

What does that make Chelsea?

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