Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 23, 2019 Even though they are standing tippy-toed on a shaky stool with the offal reaching their lower lips, and let me say this in admiration of the grit of modern American Liberals,

March 23, 2019

Even though they are standing tippy-toed on a shaky stool with the offal reaching their lower lips, and let me say this in admiration of the grit of modern American Liberals,
nothing stops their drive for anti-nomianalism in all things. They press on. Pete Seeger, noted Hitler bum kisser from August 22, 1939 to June 21, 1941, used to warble at LBJ about being “Waist deep in the Big Muddy but the fool pushes on”.

It would normally be a sign of senescent “eclectic indignation” or a hubris that would shame Icarus – alas, only once, as it turned out – but Barbra Streisand just leapt to the defense of Michael Jackson. It is the same Ms. Streisand who so hates our beloved President that she says he made her get a fat ass. Every time she sees or hears il Magnifico, she eats 8 pancakes with syrup and gooey stuff. “There is no end to his perfidy”, is what she didn’t say as she reaches for the industrial strength WD-40 and the Spanx. She need the Jaws of Life to take a dump.

She says that while you may not like a 50-year-old guy who wears one silver glove, walks backwards very skillfully, and keeps a monkey and a giraffe in the closet of the downstairs surprise guest play room, and who, after root beer floats and Mumbles the Clown, goes speeding down the sodomite Hershey Highway with 9-year-olds, exits at the carousel, the one with real animals ,for a refreshing “bit of the gobble”, at least the little buggered buggers weren’t murdered.

Reductio ad Absurdum, and eclectically forgetting MaryJo Kopechne, wouldn’t all the faux-outraged chick accusers, starting with Anita Hill and going up to the dizzy broad who thinks that maybe 36 or 37 years ago, in either a big house or a really big house in Virginia or maybe Maryland the frat boy named Brett Kavanaugh tried to grab some sweater meat, shouldn’t all those outraged, and I mean outraged – with the exception of the people talking about Big Bill Clinton, the King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes and didn’t Nina Burleigh, Time reporter, say that she would go down on him to thank him for all he did for, or to, women? – & ladies just shut up and sit down because, after all, they weren’t killed, were they? And, yes, she can and does make it worse when she says that the King of Pop didn’t do it by himself. She says the parents of the upturned, pre-pubescent hineys bear some responsibility for feeding his paedophilia. I mean it was like giving fire water and the car keys to an Injun, right?

The parents of a 10-year old who is run down by a drunk driver bear some responsibility for his death for a simple reason. They should have kept the little flirt chained to the basement wall until he was old enough to carry a gun.

Modern American Liberals – Chico O’Rourke has his dental visits Facebooked and then eats dirt to cleanse his spirit while Kamala Harris is reprising Evita and Bernie the Bolshie who honeymooned in Moscow in the ‘80s thinks Venezuela just needs a little tinkering, inter alia – have shot themselves in both feet, hacked off their nose, and now have their heads so far up their asses that they can hear those eyeballs click. Soon it will be “Neck deep in the Big Muddy”.

Now that the long-awaited Mueller Fart in Church has been sanitized, 2 things should be as clear as a Tanqueray martini straight up.

#1 – Forget about Trump colluding with the Russkies. Whatever collusion is, it ain’t a defined crime by Federal statutes.

#2 – Of course, the Reds tried to interfere in our election. They have been trying since 1932. GOOGLE Walter Duranty. If interfering in a foreign election is malum per se
what the Hell was the Obama White House doing taking sides in the last Israeli election? How about actively campaigning against BEXIT in England, another sovereign nation?

Alger Hiss was at Yalta with FDR. Laying aside the consequences of that summit but never forgetting that Uncle Joe had 2,000,000 men east of the Elbe, Hiss was a conscious Commie spy, bought and paid for just as much as the aforementioned Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times Communist columnist, Walter Duranty. Is it possible that there may have been collusion at the AM coffee/tea break or the PM cocktail hour? How about the upturned eyebrow after a double sneeze or whistling “The Gray Geese Are Flying Tonight”, a tune much beloved by spy craft practitioners of both sides in 1945?

Like the Covington Catholic MAGA hat wearing by presumptively racist students, and Catholic to boot, like the UVA fraternity rape case, like the Duke lacrosse incident, like the Tawana Brawley ignominious desecration, like the decades-long verbal diarrhea about GCGWCCCD*, like the Bermuda Triangle, like the fluoride conspiracy, like Atlantis, the Loch Ness Monster, like the Piltdown Man, all of which can be summed up by one of the most magnificent words in the English language and that word is bullshit.

Let me add Atlantis, an inside joke put out by Plato some 25 centuries ago, still holds the audience captive. Some of them never catch on.

Let’s talk about collusion.

The spineless, ink-stained toads, the coiled vipers, and the evil brujas who await the call from their non-deplorable, non-clinging leaders so they can unleash a torrent of half-truths that fits the du jour narrative of modern American Liberalism are despicable. Said narrative is well known to men of good will: America is evil and is filled with evil White people who are descended from slave owners and Injun killers who exploit 3rd Worlders who want to live in peace and harmony with Gaia but profit-crazed 1%ers who want to drown polar bears and strangle baby Babars with plastic and weaken us with GMO food and drive us mad with militarism and think it is good that people in San Francisco drop their drawers and shit on the side walks and that while all speech is free some speech is freer than other speech but it will come right in the end as soon as we raise the minimum wage to $29.50 and the marginal tax rate to 105% which will have us farting through silk in no time because not only can the horizon be reached and jumped over because that’s where the unicorns graze and balloon juice and rainbow stew vines, organic of course, abound. And besides, women and minorities have suffered disproportionately, haven’t they?

C.S. Lewis called them “men without chests”. He died on November 22, 1963. A century from now we will still be reading him while the other guy will be but a footnote. 

The Mueller investigation is over. The premise for the investigation, the raison d’etre, that Trump won the 2016 election because the Russkies put the fix in, is gone with the morning dew, like this morning’s tingle up the leg.

What was different this time was that the intended lamb was not ready for the slaughter. This time the intended victim took a nolo me tangere cum impecunis attitude and bit back. Or bit first. And when he bit, he held on. 

At least 50 lives have been ruined. Even a bad lawyer will take you to the cleaners.

Let lex talionis prevail. Somebody’s cojones are headed to the Cuisinart. Start with Wide-Bottomed Hillary. She paid for the Steele dossier. Get the villains who lied, repeatedly. to the FISA Court to get secret wiretaps, all of which were based on lies and tautologies.

It turned out that the entire Bermuda Triangle was based on an article in the August, 1947 edition of Argosy, a pre-Playboy men’s magazine. [pre-Playboy means no nipples or yooha shots] 

It turns out that the entire Trump was a Russian agent – like Julie and Ethel on steroids – narrative was based on a tale made from whole cloth. Impound a Federal Grand Jury and get those sad sacked lying, covered in eel shit, asses under oath.

Hillary goes first. She paid for it.

Kevin Smith

PS - * GCGWCCCD – GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimatChangeClimateDestruction 
Pop Quiz – What ended the last Ice Age? If you said Global Warming you win.

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