April 28, 2019
Where is Meir Kahane now that we really need him?
Congresswoman Rashid Tlaib said she was really “terrified” after 9/11. 9/11, you may recall, was when “somebody did something”, with “somebody” being defined as 19 radical Islamic terrorists and “something” being defined as hijacking 3 passenger jets, flying them into office buildings and killing 3,000 people.
There is a marvelous story of the scorpion begging the frog to carry him across the river. The frog says no because he is afraid that the scorpion will kill him. The scorpion promises he won’t but when he gets to the other side, he kills him. He tells the dying frog that it’s not personal. “It’s what I do. I am a scorpion.”
“Somebody” did “something” in the year 732 AD. 9/11 was just carrying on the tradition of radical Islamic terrorists killing infidels for the greater glory of Allah.
I, under similar circumstances, wouldn’t be “terrified”. I would be scared shitless.
Meir Kahane, call your office.
Gary Oldham, as Churchill, shouts at his War Cabinet, “When will you learn that you can’t negotiate with the tiger when your head is in his mouth?”
APB for Meir Kahane.
As Kamala Harris, President Potential, and a proud, hard working alumna of the Mary Magdalene School of Interpersonal Relations where her specialty was the Horizontal Tango said, “We should have that conversation.” Let’s have it.
In addition to allowing Willie Horton and Sirhan Sirhan to each have 2 votes in the next election to make up for being denied the vote while they were serving their unjust sentences for their racially motivated convictions plus giving out free stuff to everybody who asks, Democratic candidates have another thing in common: Taking a cue from Obama, who had an overflowing plate what with “calming the seas and cooling the earth” besides finding all those “shovel ready jobs” and getting the country ready for the perpetual “summer of recovery,” who flew around the world to apologize to everybody for every thing that America, a land filled with rat bastards and founded by racists, ever did to anybody, anywhere, anytime. He drew a red line in the sand and apologized for things that he hadn’t even done. Plus, he apologized for things that he would have done but didn’t. These non-gender exclusive nit-wits are apologizing for picking their friends, for picking their nose, and for picking their friend’s nose
Run Hillary, run.
I sent a letter to Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz yesterday before news of the shul shooting in San Diego. When a member of Congress and a Federal Judge were killed in Arizona in 2011, she was quick to place blame. Since modern American Liberals find it genetically impossible to think that any view point, other than their own, must only be Satanic the man who made the man who pulled the trigger must have been Rush Limbaugh. It turned out that the gun man was diagnosed as being unable to understand the nature of his crime and unable to assist in his own defense. That is why the Obama Justice Department, headed by Eric Holder who told Congress to shove their subpoenas up their Article 1 asses, never prosecuted him. [As an aside, Ricky Ray Rector is still dead and will be dead for a very long time because the Clintons, eager to prove that modern American Liberals can be tough on crime, chose to prosecute, convict, and execute a Black man with an IQ that did not approach room temperature.] On Friday, April 26, the New York Times published a cartoon that was venomously anti-Semitic. Modern American Liberals, and despite her Medusa tresses, if Little Debbie ain’t the poster girl for them they don’t have one, constantly commit the 2500-year old Logical error of continuously and confusingly conflating correlation with causation. Still, for the feeble minded, a simple fact remains. The NYT prints a cartoon on Friday that proclaims hatred for Jews. On Saturday a guy shoots up a serious Jew synagogue. Coincidence? Sure, like when you “find a trout in the milk.” So far this Sunday there has been no comment from Debbie Debbie.
Chris Matthews, spittle spewing in a staccato-like style, said that Trump was adopting the Mussolini template of governance. Thus, he shows us that mALs have selective memories. He forgets that in the early ‘30s il Duce was one of the most popular men in the world. Studebaker, an American car maker of late and happy memory, actually named a car after him. It was called The Dictator. 2 famous world leaders, Hitler and Roosevelt admired him and his governing style. Roosevelt actually sent Executive branch big wigs to Rome to study his methods. I know he also has forgotten that FDR ran in 1932 promising to balance the budget and never to engage in deficit spending. The little lies were but a prelude to the bigger one, the one in 1940, the one where he was to become the second of three American Presidents in 48 years – 1916, 1940, 1964 - to promise “Never to send American boys to fight in foreign wars”. It ain’t easy being a mAL. Sometimes you need a scorecard to remember what you have to forget
Run Hillary, run.
Mr.Kahane, G-d needs you.
Kevin Smith