Monday, April 29, 2019

April 28, 2019 Where is Meir Kahane now that we really need him?

April 28, 2019

Where is Meir Kahane now that we really need him?

Congresswoman Rashid Tlaib said she was really “terrified” after 9/11. 9/11, you may recall, was when “somebody did something”, with “somebody” being defined as 19 radical Islamic terrorists and “something” being defined as hijacking 3 passenger jets, flying them into office buildings and killing 3,000 people. 

There is a marvelous story of the scorpion begging the frog to carry him across the river. The frog says no because he is afraid that the scorpion will kill him. The scorpion promises he won’t but when he gets to the other side, he kills him. He tells the dying frog that it’s not personal. “It’s what I do. I am a scorpion.”

“Somebody” did “something” in the year 732 AD. 9/11 was just carrying on the tradition of radical Islamic terrorists killing infidels for the greater glory of Allah.

I, under similar circumstances, wouldn’t be “terrified”. I would be scared shitless.

Meir Kahane, call your office.

Gary Oldham, as Churchill, shouts at his War Cabinet, “When will you learn that you can’t negotiate with the tiger when your head is in his mouth?”

APB for Meir Kahane.

As Kamala Harris, President Potential, and a proud, hard working alumna of the Mary Magdalene School of Interpersonal Relations where her specialty was the Horizontal Tango said, “We should have that conversation.” Let’s have it.

In addition to allowing Willie Horton and Sirhan Sirhan to each have 2 votes in the next election to make up for being denied the vote while they were serving their unjust sentences for their racially motivated convictions plus giving out free stuff to everybody who asks, Democratic candidates have another thing in common: Taking a cue from Obama, who had an overflowing plate what with “calming the seas and cooling the earth” besides finding all those “shovel ready jobs” and getting the country ready for the perpetual “summer of recovery,” who flew around the world to apologize to everybody for every thing that America, a land filled with rat bastards and founded by racists, ever did to anybody, anywhere, anytime. He drew a red line in the sand and apologized for things that he hadn’t even done. Plus, he apologized for things that he would have done but didn’t. These non-gender exclusive nit-wits are apologizing for picking their friends, for picking their nose, and for picking their friend’s nose
Run Hillary, run.

I sent a letter to Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz yesterday before news of the shul shooting in San Diego. When a member of Congress and a Federal Judge were killed in Arizona in 2011, she was quick to place blame. Since modern American Liberals find it genetically impossible to think that any view point, other than their own, must only be Satanic the man who made the man who pulled the trigger must have been Rush Limbaugh. It turned out that the gun man was diagnosed as being unable to understand the nature of his crime and unable to assist in his own defense. That is why the Obama Justice Department, headed by Eric Holder who told Congress to shove their subpoenas up their Article 1 asses, never prosecuted him. [As an aside, Ricky Ray Rector is still dead and will be dead for a very long time because the Clintons, eager to prove that modern American Liberals can be tough on crime, chose to prosecute, convict, and execute a Black man with an IQ that did not approach room temperature.]  On Friday, April 26, the New York Times published a cartoon that was venomously anti-Semitic.  Modern American Liberals, and despite her Medusa tresses, if Little Debbie ain’t the poster girl for them they don’t have one, constantly commit the 2500-year old Logical error of continuously and confusingly conflating correlation with causation. Still, for the feeble minded, a simple fact remains. The NYT prints a cartoon on Friday that proclaims hatred for Jews. On Saturday a guy shoots up a serious Jew synagogue. Coincidence? Sure, like when you “find a trout in the milk.” So far this Sunday there has been no comment from Debbie Debbie.

Chris Matthews, spittle spewing in a staccato-like style, said that Trump was adopting the Mussolini template of governance. Thus, he shows us that mALs have selective memories. He forgets that in the early ‘30s il Duce was one of the most popular men in the world. Studebaker, an American car maker of late and happy memory, actually named a car after him. It was called The Dictator. 2 famous world leaders, Hitler and Roosevelt admired him and his governing style. Roosevelt actually sent Executive branch big wigs to Rome to study his methods. I know he also has forgotten that FDR ran in 1932 promising to balance the budget and never to engage in deficit spending. The little lies were but a prelude to the bigger one, the one in 1940, the one where he was to become the second of three American Presidents in 48 years – 1916, 1940, 1964 - to promise “Never to send American boys to fight in foreign wars”. It ain’t easy being a mAL. Sometimes you need a scorecard to remember what you have to forget
Run Hillary, run.

Mr.Kahane, G-d needs you.

Kevin Smith

April 28, 2019 Carl Hiassen The Miami Herald

April 28, 2019

Carl Hiassen
The Miami Herald

RE: It’s my ass and I’ll get off it only if the “seas have calmed and the earth has cooled”. Some comments on your oh so achingly familiar Jeremiad about the need to return DJT to the “dreaded” private sector in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Hiassen, 

I treasure, absolutely treasure, you post card to me telling me how much you appreciate readers, particularly literate ones like me, who take the time to respond to your columns.

So there is no misunderstanding, I still know why Achilles stayed in his tent, why Oedipus went to Colonus, why the Constitution is a minor proof of God’s existence, of why 13 centuries after Islam appeared there still is no Muslim Dante, and the secret that Holden Caulfield left so artfully concealed in plain sight on page one.

Let’s jump to the end.

Continuing a streak that was begun in 1964 in Bayonne, New Jersey – Send a SASE for great election hacking stories including my uncle who lived on Randolph Avenue in Jersey City, right behind St. Patrick’s where Eamonn DeValera and my father were baptized – where I was told that if Goldwater had won, we would have 2,000,000 men in Vietnam and race riots in Newark, Detroit, and Watts.  Who the Hell could have voted for that? Can I get a mulligan on that vote?

Anyway, I will take your advice.

I will get “off my ass” and vote him in.

Kevin Smith

PS – Any chance we could get together and bullshit, with appropriate adult beverages at hand, about frozen lizards and Ezra Pound’s effect on 20th Century literature? Putney will vouch for me.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

April 27, 2019 Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

April 27, 2019

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
777 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway
Sunrise, FL 33325

My Dear Congressperson,

First, let me congratulate you on your iron discipline.

It must be brutally tough for you, a true daughter of the desert and, yes, if truth be known, a sometimes “stiff-necked” one, to listen to all the bilious, Jew hating venom spewing forth from the mouths of your fellow Democrats.

Certainly not since Wilson was President and Kennedy was an Ambassador have big-time Democrats been so publicly hateful of Jews. You need not have a degree in History, which I have, to remember the liner Saint Louis was turned away from sanctuary status by a Democratic President. It pains me to say that the 900 Jews on board got an express train connection to Auschwitz, remember?

On the other hand, a political party that helped found the KKK, and, despite super majorities in both Houses, refused to pass or even consider anti-lynching legislation but did pass the Davis-Bacon Act, the single most anti-Black Federal law passed in the 20th century, can be excused for going back to its roots.

But that’s not why I write.

You said 2 days ago, in re “offshore drilling”, that “these reckless and foolhardy goals [Presumptively, absolute energy independence] must be abandoned forever.”

It poses a bit of a quandary, what with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and if she isn’t a Guinness Book nit-wit boobette I don’t know who is, giving us 12 years to live unless we power trans-oceanic trains by harnessing cow farts – God’s Holy Trousers but she is so dumb she makes my hair hurt! – plus being a Jew-hating bruja but I have a plan to help you square the circle of energy.

Approximately 25% of the gasoline consumed in this country comes from the Gulf of Mexico.


May I suggest that you show us the way, that you throw down the gauntlet, that you challenge us to follow your lead – Isn’t “I Love a Parade” the marching song of modern American Liberals? – by giving up gasoline one week a month?

Wind power, some of which will come from harnessing Elsie’s bovine eructations, solar power, except at night cuz there ain’t no sun at night, and maybe will power because I’m sure you know that “If wishes were horses beggars would ride them” will get you back and forth from the swift completion of your appointed rounds.

Then, next month, you can focus on coal.

25% of the electricity generated in this country comes from coal.


 [As an aside, Tom Steyer, who sounds like Moses coming down from the mountain carrying those tablets, made a gazillion dollars selling “dirty” coal with “dirty” being defined as coal which, because of its sulfur content, could not be burned in this country, to China and India. Neither country shares our devotion to clean air and clean water. Steyer, who constantly hectors us on his virtue, is a friggin’ hypocrite who should be flogged.]

May I suggest, and this is so simple it is sublime, that you give up A/C one week a month?

Please lead by example. 

Plus, a lot of drowning polar bears, yes I know that they kill and eat baby seals but that’s their life style and haven’t we imposed our cultural White privileged will on to many others, will thank you.

Kevin Smith

PS – It is a self-evident fact that a lot of Democrats hate Jews but now they hate Catholics too. Catholics are being slaughtered all over the world because they publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ. A lot of Catholics feel uncomfortable with that sentence but that doesn’t stop the filthy WOGs, this century’s version of radical Islamic terrorists, from killing them. I can’t tell you what to do with all the Jew haters in your Party but for the sake of my fellow Catholics will you at least condemn their martyrdom?

April 27, 2019 John Havlicek, late of Ohio State University and the Boston Celtics

April 27, 2019

John Havlicek, late of Ohio State University and the Boston Celtics, aka “Hondo”, died yesterday. He won a NCAA title and 8 NBA championships. I saw him play in the Holiday Tournament at the old MSG in 1960. The ticket cost 50 cents. Like all great ball players, he always wanted the ball at the end of the game.

Does anyone else remember the condescending bullshit of “shovel ready jobs” resulting in a perpetual “summer of recovery”? Does anyone else remember Rasputin look-a-like Paul Krugman, and yes, he did win a Nobel Prize but so did Yasser Arafat and the guy who invented lobotomies, when he said that Trump would cause both the economy and the stock market to tank and not just tank but tank forever”? Weren’t tax cuts supposed to benefit the 1%ers, a poser that dances around the question of how do you cut taxes for someone who has no income. The economy grew at a rate of 3.2% in the first quarter. That’s a number that the cheerless, deadly dull, statist economists – Must I add the inconvenient fact that they are all card carrying modern American Liberals? – said would never be seen in our lifetime.  
Earth Day has come and gone and while Gaia may be pissed off, she still hasn’t ended life as we know it. Some may take Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s prediction of 12 years left before we turn into dust as a license to do profligate things. As for me, I miss the old days when I began the practice of squirting my can of Right Guard out the bathroom window after finishing my morning ablutions. I was aiming for the accursed ozone layer. Now, on the verge of senescence, I don my ball cap, the one emblazoned with PROUD GLOBAL WARMER, fondle my collection of plastic straws, and launch some of them into the Intracoastal hoping first for a manatee or, failing that, the Gulf Stream where Europe awaits.

I have heard that “Curley” Biden, named in honor of the smartest Stooge, was called “Cheesedick” by his classmates at Auchmere Academy in Delaware. And let the record show that the only blue collars worn at Aukville were from Brooks Brothers for the students or from Nick’s Nearly New for the maintenance guys. His most recent brain surgery was not to take something out but to put something in. 

Speaking of “Curley”, why wasn’t Anita Hill believed like that Blasy-Ford dame was? Wait a minute. She was. It was Juanita Broadrick who wasn’t. Also, Paula Jones. Wait a minute for her also. Big Bill Clinton, the King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes had an insurance company that believed her to the tune of $800,000.  

New Jersey, and Lord but I miss the moral clarity of the place, it being the place where “I’m on the bus, ring the bell” is learned before you are weaned., has a law that makes it illegal for a service station to sell gas below what the dealer paid for it. Recently, a Superior Court Judge upheld that law saying that it provided a “rational, necessary, restraint on the market, and is in the public interest”. He is expected to rule that the laws governing gravity are not in the public interest and will get the judicial chop. Sometimes I decide that it is in my rational self-interest to sell something at a loss. Maybe I want to build interest in my snow tires by attracting customers with below market gas. Maybe I hit a $50-dollar twin double and want to share it with my customers. Maybe I want to help my single mom customers who are usually “unlucky in life’s lottery” with have children in need of a good Ritalin program. Maybe, like the guy who took his pants off and rolled in cactus, when asked why he did it said, “It seemed like a good idea at the time”. Just because you wrap a nit-witted ohmadahn’s ass in black and give him a forum with the word “Superior” in front of it doesn’t make him less of a boob. Amtrak charges $12 for a hamburger that costs them $16. And no, you can’t make it up on volume. Will this dumb Judge board the train at Penn Station and arrest the cook and any diners who are violating the public interest?

The Mayor of Baltimore has not been seen in 3 weeks because of medical reasons. She suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns when she tried to steal a hot stove and forgot to ask for help. The FBI seized her files both in her office and home. She is continuing the proud tradition begun by Mayor Thomas D’Alessandro who had a daughter named Nancy who married a high class grifter named Pelosi. Yes, yes. That Nancy Pelosi.

  I miss the old NFL draft. That was when it was held on a Saturday in a theatre. In the balcony were people, most of whom had the majority of their teeth, who were tosspots disguised as Jets fans. It didn’t make any difference who was drafted. They were pissed off. And they stayed pissed off. Ah, the good old days.

Here’s your bonus for staying to the end. Stop looking for Atlantis. It was a joke, artfully assembled, and skillfully dropped into the Hellenic Internet by Plato. It’s been bobbing up and down for 25 centuries. He was kidding. Honest. Stop looking. There is no there there. Next time I’ll tell you about the Bermuda Triangle and, maybe, vaccinations. Here’s a hint. Modern American Liberals always confuse correlation with causation. That’s why they stay stupid.  

Kevin Smith

PS – With ample evidence in hand, one from Congressional public statements since January and the other from Supreme Court oral arguments, neither Bronx Latina would qualify as wise.      

Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 25, 2019 I don’t know about the 2016 election but the Russkies, f

April 25, 2019

I don’t know about the 2016 election but the Russkies, famed neither for their nuanced subtleties nor gossamer-like Noel Coward lyrics, are in the 2020 election with both stumblebum feet.

I can see where it would take a disciplined Boris & Natasha, known for their deft dexterity, to convince Wide-Bottomed Hillary to stay out of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin and to spend time in Arizona while eschewing any last minute blitzes in North Carolina and Florida.

My time in Texas taught me that “there ain’t a horse can’t be ridden and a rider can’t be throwed”.

Now I see where a United States Senator, a man who wants to be President, a man never signed both sides of a paycheck,  a man who spent his honeymoon in Moscow, a man who thinks that making rich people poor will make poor people rich, a man for whom the term “horse’s ass” was coined, says that imprisoned felons, people like Sirhan Sirhan, and please don’t tell me that you don’t know who he is, Willie Horton, Paul Manafort, Bill Cosby, and Charles Manson should be allowed to vote. [Spare me the “aha” moment. I know Manson is dead. I’m from Hudson County. Death has never been an impediment to counting Democratic votes.]

Bernie Sanders, welcome to the 10 ring!

At this point, I would usually quote some DWEM – That’s “Dead White European Male” for those who did not have a thickly White privileged education – starting with some Greeks, a few Romans, a few Englishmen, no WOGs, and even an odd Yank or two.

I will not do this.

I will turn to the sayings of Frank Paladino, ditch digger extraorordinaire, who may in his profession have some contemporaries, but absolutely, positively no peers.

His language is as simple and direct as Trollope or Hemingway. He has one phrase that fits all, particularly when said by a public man who wants his hand, his heavy hand, on the tax code and his itchy finger on the nuclear trigger, particularly when it comes to reconfiguring the 2nd Amendment.


The beauty of old words is that they need not be subject to quotidian subjectivity. The best current example is Kate Smith singing, in 1931, “That’s Why Darkies Were Born”. Modern American Liberals, and let it be said that they never let you down, rose to the bait just like the dumbest trout in the creek. As I heard and then read the lyrics, I can say that there was no racist intent but rather a back-hand put down of it. And, if it were racist, how did the [one] ethnic music moguls - Send a SASE for the name – get Paul Robeson, who was later to win the Lenin Peace Prize, to record it?

“Dad died”, “It’s a boy”, “Not guilty”, “The biopsy was positive”, “Bingo”. No wiggle room there, right?

Not only is Bernie Sanders full of shit, he has shit for brains. Should pedophiles be given 2 votes to make up for past injustices? Maybe it’s time for Lani Guinier’s past injustice voting remedy to get another look

Frank Paladino, now back in the People’s Republic of Manhattan, wouldn’t even blink 


Kevin Smith

PS – Speaking of “Russian Collusion”, are we sure the Rosenbergs are still dead? I know, I know their treasonous, traitorous tuckises were strapped onto Old Sparky and given a 50,000 volt send off. But Julie and Ethel are like vampires. Their power comes, in part, from the fact that very few people believe that they exist. Dig them up to be sure. Put a silver bullet into each ear, Drive a cross into their hearts. Marinade them in garlic.  Overkill? I think not or they’ll be handing out palm cards on election day.
“Curley’ Biden”, named for the smartest Stooge, just announced. Didn’t he ride with Roosevelt, the one who shot the bears, no the one in the wheel chair, during the Cuban unpleasantness?

Monday, April 22, 2019

April 21, 2019 Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor The Miami Herald RE: The target-rich environment of today’s Miami Herald

April 21, 2019

Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor
The Miami Herald

RE: The target-rich environment of today’s Miami Herald

Ms. Ancrum,

Easter, a day not known for irony or sarcasm, intentional or otherwise, had several surprises so far. And they were all wrapped up in the Miami Herald! Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

Page 1 – Sunpass SNAFU to FUBAR? – What did you expect? Modern American Liberals not believing that a government/private enterprise Rube Goldberg contrivance is genetically doomed should be the thrust of your story. It is a straight line either to or from Solyndra, a disaster for which no one, save the American taxpayer, paid any consequences. 

It is just past 6:30 AM. 163 dead and counting in Sri Lanka, nee Ceylon. Based on available information, this maybe could possibly be, perhaps, I hope not, a hate crime. Is it a hate crime when Muslims kill Catholics? Is it a hate crime cubed when Muslims, not the peaceful majority, Heaven forfend, but the more feral misguided youths, do this on the greatest of all Christian holidays? Would I be branded with the Scarlet Letter “I”, as in Islamophobe, to even suggest that the spawn of a goat-humping pedophile did this, as they have been doing for 1287 years? Back to the regular news.

Page !  - “Putin sent his oligarchs to back-channel to Trump team”. A slight correction then a bitch slap from Clio. Oligarchs never carry the heavy bag. Their agents do. Thus, Nixon didn’t call Mao; he sent Kissinger through Pakistan to talk to Chou-en-Lai, remember? Did JFK call Khrushchev in 1962? No, he had RFK askl John Scali to contact the Russian Ambassador to see how far the envelope could be stretched.

Obama interfered in 2 foreign elections. #1 – The BREXIT vote in the UK and –2- the Israeli election in 2015. If it is illegal for foreigners to interfere in our elections, is it illegal for us to interfere in theirs? Our laws or theirs? 

Except in the movies, “Absence of Malice” leaps to mind, prosecutors indict and try. They do not exonerate. That task falls to History and the electors.

Since it is Pulitzer Prize time, it is well to note that in the universe of Kremlin/White House collusion, it is impossible not to mention Walter Duranty. He was a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the New York Times whose articles directly influenced FDR to recognize the USSR, despite the fact that Uncle Joe, that’s Stalin, killed between 6,000,000 and 10,000,000 Kulaks, with Kulak being Cyrillic short hand for Jews. Sitting quietly in Berlin, doubtless reading Margaret Sanger, his favorite American, was Adolph Hitler. He noticed that nobody in the Western Democracies seemed to give a hoot about the death of a lot of Jews. In addition to being “stiff-necked”, they were “a far away people about whom we knew little.”

Silly me.

I almost forgot to mention that Duranty was a bought and paid for agent of the NKVD, the name that Putin’s KGB used to go by. 87 years after his perfidy the New York Times still stands by their man. 

Would it be caddish or unsportsmanlike conduct if I were to mention that at Yalta, a son of extreme White Privilege and an amateur ornithologist, Alger Hiss, was the special advisor to FDR in his dealings with Stalin? He too was a bought and paid for NKVD agent, if we are to believe their personnel files and witnesses and evidence that Mueller would have killed for. 

Speaking of Mueller, Page 6A reminds us that he “led Marines in combat”. Leading Marines in combat was a pejorative term when Colonel North was cross-examined by a half-assed modern American Liberal lawyer hired by House Dems. Judge Moore, the slightly bonkers Alabama Senate candidate also led men in combat. And let’s not forget what Charles Whitmore and Lee Harvey Oswald, both combat-ready Marines were able to do with some rifle instructions. Secretary Jay Forbes Kerry may have led men in combat but we’ll never know since he still hasn’t released his DD214, despite promising to do so in October, 2004.

Page 7A proclaims proudly that “Journalists on Russia got much of it right”. Thank God that they are not held to the same standards that ophthalmic surgeons are when installing scleral buckles or Naval Aviators are when making night landings on a Nimitz-class carrier. How long would a mohel or a diamond cutter on 47th Street last if they just “got much of it right”? My Uncle Bert worked on the Manhattan Project where getting “much of it right” was not a viable option.

Page 5C hectors us with the following headline:


I love the “populi”, particularly when they are “voxing” but our elders and betters have been warning us of the perils of “thumbs up/thumbs down” government for 25 centuries. If we do away with the Electoral College what Logical reason is there for the Senate? Forget about Appellate Courts or even Jury Trials. Have trials, particularly the juicy, grisly ones in coliseums, be they in Rome or Los Angeles. Logic would dictate that, wouldn’t it?
The sound you hear is that of a big old turd trying to launch itself from the bottom of Grammy’s punch bowl. Speaking of “Floridians’ Will”, didn’t Florida vote against same-sex marriage a few years ago? In fact, nowhere and at no time has any electorate anywhere ever voted for it when it was on any ballot, any time. Doesn’t that expression of political will count even a little bit?

Kevin Smith

PS - Tell Lenny Pitts, another Pulitzer Prize Winner, that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, named after one of the great, pioneering Spanish diversity spreaders, to slightly paraphrase the great Dr. Johnson – Samuel, not Lyndon – that “A O-C is a boob and that’s an end to it”.
PS – Young Bobby O’Rourke, another candidate unsure of his DNA, because if he’s Beto I’m either Kwame of Mohandas, or both. One of my favorite lines from “My Favorite Year”, one of my favorite movies, is “What a putz!” Ocasio-Cortez and O’Rourke. Perfect together!
One last windmill. The Parade insert in today’s Herald launches a Jeremiad about the perils of plastic. 2 things:
#1 - I have been hoarding plastic straws for a year. If you need some, let me know.
#2 – I have been accumulating frequent user points at various hospitals, clinics, and medical testing facilities all over Broward County. It would be completely and totally inconceivable for modern medicine to exist without plastic. Could you at least wait until I have booked my nonrefundable, one-way ticket to the “undiscovered country” before you ban it? Viva the seals! 

OK OK I lied. But this is the end. I mean just like Barack the Beneficent meant it when he said he was “drawing a line in the sand” and like when he told his pal Vlad, the Red Inmpaler, to “cool it” when he heard the Russkies were trying to fuck over the 2016 elections. The other Page 1 story, the one that tells of pizza parties for which team clears the most child abuse cases. God’s Holy Trousers, but that what your story says. I wonder why. Here’s a thought. In San Francisco, people, particularly those with a modicum of decorum who do not just take their pants down to shit in the streets, in Chicago which has killings that  would shame Tombstone in ‘82 and Hue City in ‘68, in Baltimore, where police demand nuclear hand grenades after midnight, in NYC, where a really dumb broad drives out a guy who wanted to hire 25,000 people, and in Queens no less, is looked on as a Joan of Arc [save for the ending] or at least Maeve without the cattle, questions are raised. Why is all this evil shit happening. Weren’t we told, not that many years ago, that the country was going to be “fundamentally transformed”? [I’ll skip the part about the “earth cooling and the seas calming”]
How about one-party-rule? 

I don’t want to say that they are inbred but when the first 14 people at this month’s Christening can look through a key hole with both eyes, attention must be paid.

We have had a Measles outbreak, How about a haemophilia epidemic?

The rest, today, is silence

Rasputin, call your office.

Friday, April 19, 2019

April 18, 2019 Why, pray tell, is it OK, indeed both beneficial and salutary, for a cross to be hung in a see-through vat filled with piss?

April 18, 2019

Why, pray tell, is it OK, indeed both beneficial and salutary, for a cross to be hung in a see-through vat filled with piss?

Why is it a sign of political tolerance and maturity for a miserable skank like Kathy Griffin, and Boyo, does she give miserable cunts a bad name – and in her defense, at least she isn’t feckless, right? – to hold a severed head of Donald Trump?

Why is it Islamophobic per se to say radical Islamic terrorists hijacked planes, planes that they are incapable of building, and flew them onto buildings that they never could have could have constructed? If I were to say that they, the Muslim WOGs, were just continuing the tradition begun by their feral forebears at Tours 1287 years ago, at Lepanto 448 years ago, at Vienna 336 years ago, and at Omdurman 121 years ago? Does anyone else see a pattern here?

Why did the earth tilt on its axis and the poles reversed and the masses revolted and the crops failed and the dunces ascended conspiratorially and T-Rex appeared and Lent was ruined when someone, I daresay a deplorable bitter clinger, declared publicly that Mayor Pete was a “Hoosier finocchio”?

By the by, and slightly paraphrasing Scrooge, are the Alien & Sedition laws still on the books? And speaking of that glorious time, some 20% of the Federal budget went for either ransoms or protection money. It gave rise, after one of the three dirtiest campaigns in American History, 1800, 1824, 1828, all of which were done without the benefit of electricity, to the saying “Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute.”

How many Italian-Americans and how many Germans did FDR lock up in 1942 because he thought they presented a clear and present danger to the Republic? Does anyone else remember that Lincoln locked up and deported some Congressmen in 1862?
Let’s not forget the sly beauty of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, as definitive an Executive Order as was ever issued, freed the slaves where he couldn’t and kept them in bondage where he could have freed them?

But on to other mundane things.

With the exception of her husband, no one but no one has gone as far as Michelle Obama has with so few accomplishments on her c.v.

In her senior thesis at Princeton – and yes, unlike the still sequestered one by Wide Bottomed Hillary, the one about Saul Alinsky, the noted urban reformer, I have read it – she bemoans the twin crosses of race and gender that she to bear, burdens that can’t be lessened by a 12-Srtep program. Then she realizes that she can turn chicken shit into chicken salad when she realizes that a “clean and articulate” Black chick can game the system like one of those swarthy card sharks on 46th Street

Blacks with degrees from 2 Ivy League schools have been, are, and will be pearls of precious price in the real world. Thus, she wound up at Sidley Austin, as White Shoe a law firm as could be found then and now, she distinguished herself in 3 ways there. She couldn’t negotiate, she couldn’t litigate, and, thus, she had nobody to bill.

She was saved from the disgrace of defaulting on her ginormously proportioned student loans – Somebody had to pay for those degrees – by the public sector. The University of Chicago Hospital hired her as quasi-legal adviser to the midnight shift bed pan fetchers and ass wipers to steer them away from joining a union.

Let the record show that it was just a coincidence, kind of like when as Jeeves said to Bertie, “Sometimes you find a trout in the milk”, that her husband, well versed by Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers, who parlayed his experience as an urban activist into the Goddamn United States Senate, got a $1,000,000 “earmark” for her employer. In true Chicago fashion, this was acknowledged when her next paycheck reflected a $4,000 – repeat - $4,000 a week raise. 

Let the record show that while in the Senate he voted in favor of a wall on the Mexican border, against same-sex marriage, and in favor of a military surge in Afghanistan.

How can she top that? Easy. Put her mother in the White House, rent free, as a built-in baby sitter and then get her on the public teat to boot. And that too is the Chicago way! 

Go Bernie! But take your time before telling us whether you favor the stolid Bulgarian model of Socialism or the Mugabe School of Trotsky is too slow and we could learn from Pol Pot crash course of social upheaval. Also, don’t forget that Lenin wanted to line Moscow’s urinals with gold.

In 2016, Hillary and her hit chick, the viperish Little Debbie of Broward, dispensed with all the TLC foreplay and the political KY Jelly and gave you an ass-reaming that grows in legend each year. [It is owed to the ledger to point out that Landslide Lyndon in 1848 and Tricky Dick Daley in 1960, by virtue of their shit sandwich politics, gave us the design and the construction schedule of the Vietnam Wall. You, by virtue of your time in the barrel, gave us Trump. for which a grateful nation will always thank you. It doesn’t mean you can’t can’t be pissed off. Not too many pols could have their backs pissed on and publicly endorse the 2 pissers.]

I like you, despite your abysmal, mostly vincible, ignorance of History, of Economics, and your persistent pathological need to offend Logic every time you tell us, like some half-assed Lysenko zombie, how to get 33 ounces out of a quart bottle.

I want you to run because “you are smart and no fool” and you say things that Professor Irwin Corey wouldn’t dare. And Biden, aka as Curley, in honor of the smartest Stooge, is a boob

Do you remember when it becomes obvious, painfully obvious, to everyone except Pauline Kael – I read her review of “Dirty Harry” and ran to the nearest cinema and bought 2 tickets – that George McGovern was going to get his ass kicked in a Texas-sized ass whupping? I do. James Reston, he of the still disgraced, first Russian electoral collusionist, Pulitzer Prize winner Walter Duranty of the New York times, a bought and paid for stooge of the NKVD, successful as I recall, commanded you to keep campaigning even though there were doubts that you would vote for yourself. Old Scotty wanted the McGovern message of “corn fields all day and ballet at night” to be etched into our political tradition, even though it was going to rivla the outcome of the Israeli Air Force versus the hapless Syrians, the WOGs who make armed mullets look like Achilles Maybe Allah is Akbar but he can’t fly a jet worth a shit..

I want you out there proclaiming that not only will lunch be free but as soon as I get the attention of Congress you will be paid to eat it. Also, and this will happen within the first 100 hours, rainwater will turn into beer. Forget about free college, free Medicare, and free stuff. Free beer! Today! Tomorrow! Forever! This might tick off Sierra Nevada but you can’t make an omelet without braking eggs, right?

Then we can bring back a long-forgotten gem of William F. Buckley. 

A very simple solution to the high cost of college – and here comes Ockham’s Razor to the rescue yet again – is, providing you survive the perpetually honed scythe in the Planned Parenthood abattoir, and perpetual thanks to Margaret Sanger, Hitler’s favorite American at least until Ambassador Joe Kennedy came along, when you are born you get 2 pieces of paper. One is a birth certificate and the other is a Bachelor’s degree. Science or Arts being your choice. Fill it in when you either stop shitting in your pants or cast your first vote, whichever comes first.

Don’t forget to tell us that FDR was Mussolini’s biggest fan. He used to send high level bureaucrats to Italy to observe and report back on il Duce’s Italianate hand of governance. It is uncertain if Alger Hiss ever went to Rome to see if the trains really ran on time.

T.E. Lawrence told us that “Not much can be gained from a sure victory but a certain defeat can be priceless.”

Since all my capital is tied up in debt, I shan’t be sending you any.

Kevin Smith

PS – The Duke was right, and God Bless John Wayne for saying, “Never apologize. It’s a sign of weakness.” You are going to spend a lot of time explaining that which is metaphysically and epistemologically impossible to accomplish: Giving a tax cut to someone with no income. On the other hand, I have an example of White Privilege deeply planted in the special interest written, perpetually blooming tax code. You can root it out to great applause from the assembled Social Justice Warriors. It will be a simple tax row for you to hoe.
Do you know any Black people who own municipal bonds?
I don’t either.
White people, by a stupendously over whelming majority, own municipal bonds.
Income earned from these bonds is, by virtue of the Tax Code and divers Tax Court rulings, exempt from the lamprey-like grip of Sam, the Tax Man.
That means that the portion of the righteous tax burden not borne by the ultra-Privileged Whit folk is shifted in a blatantly obvious, racially discriminating manner to the already lashed backs of struggling Black folk, almost all of whom are both victims of life’s circumstances plus being born “unlucky in life’s lottery”.
Boy, but that sucks, doesn’t it?
Step up and rale against this racist injustice and to Hell with the freakin’ infrastructure.
OK. OK. This is the last point
Of all the dim dumb Dems running for President their tax returns show one common denominator. There once was Golden Rule in re American making charitable contributions. “Most Jews, rich Protestants, and poor Catholics” was the demographic score card of big, reach in your pocket, causes in this country. When it comes to charitable contributions – not the NRA and not NARAL – but causes such as the Rescue Squad, the animal shelter, the Little League, these cheap bastards, modern American Liberals all, are tighter than clams’ asses. And believe me when I say this, they are waterproof. I mean these skinflints toss quarters around like they were man hole covers. Correction. Person hole covers. Is it true that priority letters will no longer be delivered by a mail man but by a person person?

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 15, 2019 Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor The Miami Herald

April 15, 2019

Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor
The Miami Herald

RE: Poor Lenny One-Note or how tough must it be for a modern-day Sisyphus to push the same God Damn rock up the same God Damn hill and have it fall on him in the same God Damn way? Mr. Pitts has never met Mr. Brown put they both know Lucy pulls the same God Damn ball out at the last God Damn minute every God Damn time.

Ms. Ancrum,

I have been reading Leonard Pitts for so long I don’t have to read him to know what he is saying, has said, and/or will say on any subject, anytime,

His column yesterday, 4/14/19, the one with the catchy title “Kyle Korver is unafraid to confront the inherent privilege of a white man in America”, the one accompanied by a photograph of an extremely White basketball player wearing a Jazz Jersey – Did he get to the NBA on his own merits or was he Affirmative Actioned in as a sop to the non-Brother demographics of the Utah Jazz market? OK, OK that was deplorably mean-spirited and, in keeping with the season, I withdraw it, sort of – and with a column that proves yet again that if you only have one tool, in Lenny’s case, a well-used 9-pound hammer everything, and I mean everything, looks like a nail. In the warp & woof of the Pitts DNA that always and forever is race.

Props, a Black term I believe and, as a descendant of James Joyce, I relish it when words appear like Keats’s “new planet”, command me to mention his Pulitzer Prize. I cannot mention Pulitzer Prize winners without mentioning Walter Duranty and his employer, the New York Times. Let the record show that he won the Pulitzer Prize for Foreign Reporting while he was Moscow reporter for the NYT. [There is more than a soupcon of irony to mention that this was the first time that Russia colluded with an American to influence an election. That somewhere between 6,000,000 and 10,000,000 kulaks died – Stalin never colud match Hitler for keeping score – was no big deal, “small potatoes” indeed, when, as a result of the lobbying of Duranty and the NYT, we recognized the USSR. At this point I must mention that Duranty was a bought and paid for agent of the NKVD, the proud father of the KGB. 

Here comes the semi-submerged turd in the punch bowl.

I get to mention the simple fact that for 86 years the NYT has – A – refused to acknowledge this and – B- still proudly displays his laurel on its Wall of Honor. The other unasked, unanswered question is what would the Times have done if its next winner for Foreign Reporting, their resident correspondent in Berlin, had been similarly compromised by Hitler’s NKVD equivalent, a cheery group with the catchy name Gezstapo? 

How prescient of the Times!

 They were practicing, and let the judges note that they were doing it superbly well, one of the distinctly modern American Liberal traits; viz., eclectic indignation. The amazing thing is that they were doing it 4 years before the term was first coined. Even then they knew.

Being a modern American Liberal requires complete control of both the lumbar and cervical spine sections plus complete belief in what one of my favorite authors says, ad nauseam, “If it weren’t for tautologies these effin’ morons wouldn’t have to think at all.”

Having kept my promise to poleax and keelhaul Walter Duranty and his spineless toad employers, the New York Times, at least once a year, I can turn to the real reason for my note, that is to say that a White man, a devoted legatee of White Privilege, will reveal, at great personal risk, how White Privilege triumphed when Tiger Woods won the Masters yesterday.

It is said that Marilyn Monroe, when she came back from a hugely successful USO tour to Korea, told her husband, “Joe, you never heard such cheers.” He replied, “Yes, I have.”

I mention that as a perspective, a backdrop if you will, for the roar that tsunamied – tsunami as a verb? Why not? It would have worked for Joyce – out when Elrod drained his putt on 17. 

Let the record show that the Augusta National Club, the home of the Masters, is the Sistine Chapel of White Privilege. The pezzonovantes, good old boys all, who run it regularly make magnolias blossom weeks before Mother Nature would. They posted the member who hosted President Eisenhower for violating club rules by putting him in a fivesome. When bad weather threatened yesterday, they simply advanced everyone’s tee time by 2 hours and then told the networks.

The walk from the 17th green to the 18th tee and from the 18th fairway to the 18th green was surrounded by a roar that is usually only heard when the Gods enter the Pantheon. 

Unless a deplorably bitterly clinging MAGA-hatted, White trash Trump supporter hit him with a niblick, Tiger was going to be getting his 5th Green jacket

Can we stipulate that the only thing Whiter than yesterday’s crowd was Obama’s first Cabinet? Can we further stipulate that there were no Section 8 tenants there as spectators?

Why then were proud practitioners of unbounded White privilege cheering their White as the driven snow arses off for a Black-Asian? I told a Jewish accountant once that one of the best ways for goyim have for hiding their wealth is to be a bit disheveled. And one of the best ways for privileged Whites to stay on the top rail is to both judiciously and exuberantly applaud the exploits of a Brother, particularly when he is of the non-threatening kind. [Vide Joe Lewis, Willie Mays, Wilt Chamberlain, Sidney Poitier, Edward Brooke, Andre Watts, Michael Jordan, Douglas Wilder, inter alia]

White people are so smart that they don’t build a wall to keep Black people out; they build a wall to keep Black people in. This rule applies in Augusta, a town close to the Bug Fug river and 12 miles past the middle of friggin’ nowhere, and not near the Rio Grande. 

The almost feral roar from the 99.4% White crowd was them, yes, cheering for him, but really cheering for themselves.

Kevin Smith

PS – What universal inferences can be drawn from the particular incident of a Black man flinging a White 3-year old from the 3rd floor of a mall in Minnesota? Were Keith Ellison or Ilhan Omar involved? And how do you give a tax cut to someone with no taxable income? Will Senator Bernie the Bolshie or Senator SummerFallWinterWarren be the first to call out the inherent racism of tax-free municipal bonds? I almost felt sorry for Ossobucco Sambucca, the White Judas bull put up to test Tiger. Almost. Also, tell Lenny that classic White Privilege is like a constantly mutating virus. Just when you think you have identified it and catalogued it, poof, it changes. I hear they may even let Elrod become a member.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

April 3, 2019

Leonard Pitts
The Miami Herald

RE: Some comments on how much disappointment can one guy can stand as spelled out today in your column today in the Miami Herald about the White Man’s version of Barack the Beneficent.

Mr. Pitts, 

“Right now, all that can be said is that, last week,
another skinny guy with a funny name told us we
are one nation, indivisible.
And maybe we are.
But that used to be a whole lot easier to believe.”
The Miami Herald
Page 19A

I hope that when you call the Suicide Hotline, they don’t put you on hold. Remember, unless you have Stan Laurel as a role model, you only get to eat your gun once. And worse, it is a phenomenally permanent, as in forever and ever, solution to a temporary problem. “Small potatoes,” as Hyman Roth once said. 

Would it consign me to the “undiscovered country”, the one filled with the “bitter clinging, deplorable dregs”, to remind you, a perpetual purveyor of soulless, despairing Jeremiads, that some 10 years ago we were promised that our society would be “fundamentally transformed”? And, as an afterthought, that the “earth would be cooled and the seas would be calmed”? 

As people from Bayonne are wont to say, “Sounds like bullshit to me>”

There is no sense in having a White Privilege funded elitist education if you don’t flaunt it in a most shameless manner. You say, with no hint of irony or even a soupcon of sardony or sarcasm, that you will segue from “a skinny Black guy with a funny name” who was able to make White guys’ legs “tingle” because of the “crease in his trousers” – God’s Holy Trousers, but if that doesn’t qualify to be on the receiving end of a 3 Stooges pie fight, nothing will – to a “skinny White guy with a funny name” whose main accomplishment in life, so far, was his not killing anybody because of his DUI.[If women accusing guys of misconduct “must be believed”, who speaks for Mary Jo Kopechne?]

Speaking of making his wife “proud”, the one tangible achievement of Senator Obama’s brief tenure in the Senate was getting the University of Chicago Hospital, Michelle’s employer of last resort [It seems she had a less than sterling legal career] an earmark of $1,000,000. That was transformed into a raise of $4,000 – repeat - $4,000 a week. When she went to live rent free in public housing in Washington, her job was so important that she still hasn’t been replaced. Doubtless, as Howie Carr says, “a nation-wide search is still ongoing.”

The one thing that President B.O. did that made me proud was to get his mother-in-law on the public teat for 8 years as a live-in baby sitter. Let me quickly add that she lived rent free in the friggin’ White House. There is no sense in having a business unless you can take care of your family, right? That’s the “Chicago way”, isn’t it?

 One more question, as Colombo said, why didn’t their daughters go to any of the really fine public schools located within walking distance of the White House?

The beauty of modern American Liberals, of Social Justice Workers, of statists, of Progressives, of Democratic Socialists, of Socialists, of moon-bat, wing nut goms who think Utopia is but 2 election cycles away, is that they judge themselves, not on results, but on expectations.

I used to say that I could play football as hard as Tom Brady, just not as well. When the Super Bowl is played with neither a score board nor a clock and everybody in uniform gets a varsity letter Happy Days will be here, not again, but for the first time.

For the “libtard” flame throwers, for people who think not shitting in your pants qualifies you to vote, for people who condone the stoning of adulteresses and flogging finocchios, for the elite who know Human Nature is malleable with a right minded sociologist Lysenko on steroids in charge, for those who let the color of skin triumph over the content of character, and I think they are all running for the Democratic nomination for President, there can be neither a Logical nor a Rhetorical refutation – I told you I had an elitist education – of its premises, however faulty or specious, because to oppose them means that you are not just wrong but evil.

The great Dr. Johnson summed it up nicely:

“How sad of all the things that men endure
how laws or kings can cause or cure.”

The hill is always there, as is the rock. Start pushing.

Kevin Smith

PS – On a more practical note, if, as Congresswoman Chiquita Banana Cortes says, the world is going to end in 12 years because White people just don’t care, I suggest we all get balloon mortgages of no more than 15 years. Could there be a better description of post hoc ergo propter hoc than this ninny’s blaming asthma on the Industrial Revolution? What a boob! She should be spayed.

Monday, April 1, 2019

April 1, 2019 Robert Reich has written an article in the Guardian ...

April 1, 2019

Robert Reich has written an article in the Guardian describing how Trump is the cause of all the evils and travails in the world. He focuses on the lack of lackluster regulation of the evil, profit-driven economic royalists and all-around bounders and cads who want to do away any minimum wage by repealing the Thirteenth Amendment. Honest Injun.

Full disclosure requires me to tell you that he was a favorite pinata of mine when he worked for President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs. Hot Springs, you may recall, was once the nations premier senior citizen time-share nesting spot. It also featured games of chance that really weren’t “games of chance”. I used to use words such as “biblical”, “Homeric”, “ginormous”, “Guinness Book worthy”, “7 league boot”, until I realized he was vertically challenged. Extremely vertically challenged. Brooks Brothers Size 32 extra short challenged. I found this out because the King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes was wont to bust his huevos pequenos about his shortness since they were classmates in England. It was Hobson’s Choice for him: Either an economist or a Panamanian jockey. And ponies, really little dwarf, midget ponies, scared him when he was a kid

His work for Clinton always involved either disregarding what used to be the fairly iron-bottomed rules involving gravity or suggesting that they can be repealed retroactively. Such repeal would involve not only reaching the horizon but then leaping over it and landing in Utopia. I’ll spare you the academic joy of discovering the etymology of the word “Utopia” but even then, it was the place where modern American Liberals raised unicorns, offered sanctuary status to any peripatetic T-Rexes, and practiced new versions of Kumbaya. The denouncing of White-Male privilege would have been a bit awkward what with Lying Billy getting hummers from zoftig Monica underneath the desk in the Oval Office while he planned a mosh pit at Camp David. Talk about planning! He had to get Wide-Bottomed Hillary at least to the Ohio River to be safe so he put her in charge of blowing up health care.

In the Guardian article, Wee Robby says that the 2 Boeing 737s, the ones that were owned by non-US airlines and flown by non-US pilots, crashed because after less than 2 months in office Trump, the source of all evil, had castrated the FAA. It is both a well-known and incontrovertible fact that Boeing builds and has built the best airplanes in the world for at least 65 years. Some of the original B-52s are approaching “three score and ten” and still fly combat missions. I am not as up to date with airplane regs as I was when I was in the international airplane parts business but, under certain circumstances, Boeing was able to certify their own planes. And as long as foreign-owned airplanes do not attempt to take off from airports in this country, their parts need not have the FAA granted 8130 Certificate of Air Worthiness, the gold standard in the industry.

Reich says the Facebook’s privacy issues were caused by Trump. If he had the slightest chance of getting away with it, Zuckerberg of Facebook would bastinado Trump on the front lawn of the White House after pissing in his soup. Trump and Zuckerberg will be BFF just as soon as Reich sells his “rainbow stew” farm to Archer Daniels Midland. ADM, by the by, is the company that got a big-time marker on an ex-President, “Clod Populist” Carter, the Boy Wonder from Plains, for less than six million dollars, most of which was debt forgiveness. No wonder the Russkies beat his sad-sacked sorry ass like a rented mule. Speaking of working for foreign governments and possibly against the interests of your own government does, anyone else remember that Billy Carter worked for Moammar Qadhafi?

Reich says that “vaping”, as presented by Altria/Philip Morris, has prospered greatly under Trump. If memory serves, Trump and his children have never smoked anything in their lives. And, if vaping is so bad, why didn’t Obama ban it? That worked with alcohol, didn’t it?

I am not sure what the record for start to finish product liability cases tried in Federal Court is but it ain’t 25 months. Reich says that that Monsanto profited greatly with their carcinogeneous lawn products under Trump. Only if Superman flies around the planet and makes time fly as if it were on steroids. Besides, why didn’t Obama, the Benevolent Protector, bring back the Delaney Amendment?

Reich castigates lobbyists. He eclectically forgets that when Tom Daschle was the Senate Majority Leader his wife lobbied for, and I’ll bet you didn’t guess it, Boeing. Incidentally, lobbying is the only job mentioned and protected by the Constitution. John Podesta lobbied for foreign governments. NARAL has them. Is Reich opposed to all lobbyists or just the ones who shill for things or people he doesn’t like?

It’s tough being a modern American Liberal, particularly if you are a half-assed, half-baked, half-pinted one.

And let’s end on a high note. [in Wee Robby’s case, not that high] I am pleased to announce that DJT, aka il Magnifico, had nothing to do with the whacking of Nipsey Wussel, noted hip-hop artist. I’d check the whereabouts of Jussie Smollett.

Kevin Smith


March 29, 2019

Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor
The Miami Herald

RE: Gerrymandering - Last refuge of the deplorables? Some comments on your borrowed editorial on same in today’s Miami Herald

Ms. Ancrum,

Baked v Carr notwithstanding, and I am from New Jersey, exactly how did Alcee Hastings and Mandy Dawson get to Washington and Tallahassee? If I were to say “gerrymandering” you might think me to be a cad exuding White privilege, but, by Crikey,
that’s how they got there.   

The fix was in.

The “pitch and toss” featured a two-headed penny.

They were elected in districts that would have voted for Willie Horton or Tawana Brawley. Maybe Step-n-Fetchit or O.J. would have made the race interesting but since melanin was the only prerequisite required the fix was in, really in.

Rural legislators, a euphemism for red necked, bib-overalled crackers who were deplorable before deplorable was cool, got together with some Urban legislators, that’s short hand for Black flame throwers, and cut the baby in half.

[Was it Bismarck who said that you didn’t want to se either laws or sausages made?]

Enough Black voters were, forgive me, “gerrymandered” into enough districts to get the Feds off everybody’s back. Do you think Corinne Brown would have been elected otherwise? Sweet Baby Jesus, but I hope not.

Here’s one solution.

Divide the number of seats by the population. Get a ruler, a plumb line, and a magic marker. One in a 1000 is a rounding error. Can you see where I’m going here?
Voila! That’s how you get to the capitol, be it Tallahassee or Washington.

But wait, There’s more. Herewith, Plan B

If we do away with the Electoral College, Logic would dictate that the Senate has to go.

Let’s discard 25 centuries of Political Science, History, and, possibly more precious, tradition and a collective memory.

Let’s go unicameral, like Nebraska.

Arm wrestle on a number of seats. No districts. The top 100 or 200 or 600 vote getters get to run the legislature. 

A pure Democracy
Power to the people!

Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

Kevin Smith