Sunday, April 7, 2019

April 3, 2019

Leonard Pitts
The Miami Herald

RE: Some comments on how much disappointment can one guy can stand as spelled out today in your column today in the Miami Herald about the White Man’s version of Barack the Beneficent.

Mr. Pitts, 

“Right now, all that can be said is that, last week,
another skinny guy with a funny name told us we
are one nation, indivisible.
And maybe we are.
But that used to be a whole lot easier to believe.”
The Miami Herald
Page 19A

I hope that when you call the Suicide Hotline, they don’t put you on hold. Remember, unless you have Stan Laurel as a role model, you only get to eat your gun once. And worse, it is a phenomenally permanent, as in forever and ever, solution to a temporary problem. “Small potatoes,” as Hyman Roth once said. 

Would it consign me to the “undiscovered country”, the one filled with the “bitter clinging, deplorable dregs”, to remind you, a perpetual purveyor of soulless, despairing Jeremiads, that some 10 years ago we were promised that our society would be “fundamentally transformed”? And, as an afterthought, that the “earth would be cooled and the seas would be calmed”? 

As people from Bayonne are wont to say, “Sounds like bullshit to me>”

There is no sense in having a White Privilege funded elitist education if you don’t flaunt it in a most shameless manner. You say, with no hint of irony or even a soupcon of sardony or sarcasm, that you will segue from “a skinny Black guy with a funny name” who was able to make White guys’ legs “tingle” because of the “crease in his trousers” – God’s Holy Trousers, but if that doesn’t qualify to be on the receiving end of a 3 Stooges pie fight, nothing will – to a “skinny White guy with a funny name” whose main accomplishment in life, so far, was his not killing anybody because of his DUI.[If women accusing guys of misconduct “must be believed”, who speaks for Mary Jo Kopechne?]

Speaking of making his wife “proud”, the one tangible achievement of Senator Obama’s brief tenure in the Senate was getting the University of Chicago Hospital, Michelle’s employer of last resort [It seems she had a less than sterling legal career] an earmark of $1,000,000. That was transformed into a raise of $4,000 – repeat - $4,000 a week. When she went to live rent free in public housing in Washington, her job was so important that she still hasn’t been replaced. Doubtless, as Howie Carr says, “a nation-wide search is still ongoing.”

The one thing that President B.O. did that made me proud was to get his mother-in-law on the public teat for 8 years as a live-in baby sitter. Let me quickly add that she lived rent free in the friggin’ White House. There is no sense in having a business unless you can take care of your family, right? That’s the “Chicago way”, isn’t it?

 One more question, as Colombo said, why didn’t their daughters go to any of the really fine public schools located within walking distance of the White House?

The beauty of modern American Liberals, of Social Justice Workers, of statists, of Progressives, of Democratic Socialists, of Socialists, of moon-bat, wing nut goms who think Utopia is but 2 election cycles away, is that they judge themselves, not on results, but on expectations.

I used to say that I could play football as hard as Tom Brady, just not as well. When the Super Bowl is played with neither a score board nor a clock and everybody in uniform gets a varsity letter Happy Days will be here, not again, but for the first time.

For the “libtard” flame throwers, for people who think not shitting in your pants qualifies you to vote, for people who condone the stoning of adulteresses and flogging finocchios, for the elite who know Human Nature is malleable with a right minded sociologist Lysenko on steroids in charge, for those who let the color of skin triumph over the content of character, and I think they are all running for the Democratic nomination for President, there can be neither a Logical nor a Rhetorical refutation – I told you I had an elitist education – of its premises, however faulty or specious, because to oppose them means that you are not just wrong but evil.

The great Dr. Johnson summed it up nicely:

“How sad of all the things that men endure
how laws or kings can cause or cure.”

The hill is always there, as is the rock. Start pushing.

Kevin Smith

PS – On a more practical note, if, as Congresswoman Chiquita Banana Cortes says, the world is going to end in 12 years because White people just don’t care, I suggest we all get balloon mortgages of no more than 15 years. Could there be a better description of post hoc ergo propter hoc than this ninny’s blaming asthma on the Industrial Revolution? What a boob! She should be spayed.

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