Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Charles Pope The Oregonian

February 20, 2011

Charles Pope
The Oregonian
1320 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201

RE: Civil fraud, no? – A comment on the campaign of incumbent Congressman David Wu.

Mr. Pope,

Federal statutes are quite clear. Fraud can be committed by lying or by failing to disclose a material fact.

Don’t you think it is passing strange that Congressman Wu’s descent into a place where snakes and brains are synonymous was not made known, in a most open and public way, to the electorate that he represented?

If Congressman Wu couldn’t use sharp objects or he was unable to operate heavy equipment wouldn’t that be a material fact? Why wasn’t it disclosed every night?

Has “My country right or wrong” been replaced by “My Congressman crazy or not”?

Would it make me a Yahoo if I were to remind you how modern American Liberals, particularly those of the ink stained wretch variety, welcomed in a most orgasmic way, the news of an alleged 30 year old DUI incident involving George Bush? If memory serves it was “leaked” to the press 4 days before the election of 2000.

Using the tortured Logic of true believers it was tried again in 2004. Dan Rather made up a story out of whole cloth about something that happened or didn’t happen 35 years before the election. Even after the story was proved false Rather said, “So what. Even if it’s in not true it’s still true”. That the press wanted it to be true is proof yet again of the narcotic effect of eclectic indignation.

Before your gag reflex of hanging chads and a packed Supreme Court kicks in I am quick to tell you that if Vice President Alpha Gump had carried either Arkansas, the home state of Handsome Billy from Hot Springs, or his own state of Tennessee he would have been President even if he got no votes in Florida.

Your story details public behavior of Congressman Wu beginning on October 27, 2010 that if he were a public school bus driver would have had him on a Thorazine enema and packed in dry ice in a heartbeat. Perhaps the bad Martians were after him. Maybe his Rootie Kazootie aluminum foil alien repeller antennae weren’t working like they were supposed to.

Quien sabe?

I know that the country is lessened by what was not done.

As sign of my displeasure with hypocrisy of your profession I will dispose of the remaining stock of my Full Sail IPA. Don’t fret. I shall do it in an environmentally sensitive manner.

What a state! Ducks, beavers, jackals, and sycophantic bumkissers.

Kevin Smith

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