February 25, 2011
Steven L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33301
RE: “Walking the Walk” – Your bi-monthly plea to make water run up hill. This time by taking a train as reported in today’s Sun-Sentinel
My dear Professor,
“I Get No Kick from Cocaine” was what Cole Porter told us more than 70 years ago. 70 years ago puts us in what is now known nostalgically as the “happy time” for modern American Liberals. F.D.R., the Blue Eagle, the WPA, Alger Hiss, the Wagner Act, the Dust Bowl [some newly revealed evidence of which suggests that the Cheney family had a hand in causing] the NRA [the good one], Court Packing, “Waiting for Lefty”, the Davis-Bacon Act, the Hitler/Stalin Pact, Eleanor getting ready to channel Hillary, the PWA, and drinking, legally. Come to think of it, drinking was the only way to get through the beginning of central planning in America. “Washington knows best” needs a goodly amount of whisky to beat the gag reflex.
Alas, the scoreboard, the one kept by the Gods of the Copybook Ledgers, tells us something quite different.
With March 4, 1933 as the fixed starting point absolutely every indicator, including some that were applied retroactively, things were worse in 1934, in 1935, in 1936, in 1937, and much worse in 1938.
In hindsight, when Boeing went to 3 shifts at their plant in Wichita, Kansas building the B-17, things began to perk up a bit.
It is still owed to the ledger to say that if Roosevelt had taken the advice of Pere Kennedy, the anti-Semitic, pro Nazi Ambassador, Prinz Wilhelm would be marrying Fraulein Fritzette in April.
I mention all the above because today’s modern American Liberals, “true believers” all, are like the Bourbons of old. They have forgotten everything; they have learned nothing.
You talk about “creating jobs” as if there were a secular deity just beyond the unreachable horizon who will, if summoned correctly, re-distribute jobs like “gentle rain form the heaven”. If we are extremely respectful he will favor the single mom, a woman of color who was hornswoggled out of any future by a poisonous educational system, with the skills necessary to compete in your whiz bang, hi-tech economy. Said economy, by your flexible standards, needs to be wakened by a train running from Tampa to Orlando and, hopefully, back again.
Here’s a dirty little secret that mush brained modern American Liberals – I just repeated myself, didn’t I? - don’t get.
Read carefully. Take your time. I’ll write slowly.
#1 – Nobody poorer than you is ever, ever going to hire you. He may need some of your skills to rob a 7-11. He may want you to picket WAL*MART. He may teach you the words to “Don’t Stop Thinking about Tomorrow” as soon as he learns them. But a job? No. Never.
#2 – Rich people may hire poor people for 2 reasons.
A – They want to stay rich.
B – They want to get richer.
Anything that makes #2 easier is good public policy.
Anything that makes #1 easier is criminal.
Poor people go to work for 2 reasons.
A- They don’t want to stay poor
B – They want to get rich.
Everything else is flap-doodle humbug balderdash. “Shovel ready” jobs? The “summer of recovery”? Better the “slough of despond” or the “winter of our discontent”. I know you believe that all things are possible if enough men of good will believe that they can make it happen. That’s why you are in favor of abortion. If you were a woman you’d have killed more rabbits than Brer Fox.
There are two other points.
You say
“Surely the governor realizes that the
Age of the Automobile is over…”
If it is perhaps you could tell me why we first kneecapped General Motors and Chrysler before disemboweling them. Why did we destroy the sanctity of contracts entered into by free men? Don’t you think it passing strange that Toyota has been carpet bombed by this administration? What better way to help the new GM and Chrysler than by taking out the main competition? If you believe that it was a coincidence check your medicine cabinet to see if you have any “morning after” pills.
The other point gave my great joy.
You say
“We’re balkanized”
I say
“While the light is left to burn the vilest sinner may yet return”
Your initial solution, to build a railroad form Tampa to Orlando, while your example is Key West to Pensacola, is one replete with typical modern American Liberal sophistry. Incidentally, my odometer from “Mile Marker 1” to “Welcome to Alabama –Arkansas is Worse”, reads 900 miles.
How about a high speed rail system from Ft. Lauderdale to Naples? Why don’t we ban cars on Alligator Alley? In addition to saving countless polar bears we could kill all those pesky Caribbean medflys. Is that a win/win or what?
Yugoslovakia was “balkanized”. So was Yugoslovenia. So were all the Yugos. There were at least 5 languages with as many dialects of each in the places. That’s why it was bound to fail as a country. There is a cheaper, quicker solution that covering Florida with grade crossings. Make English the official language. That is to say, all contracts, all court records, all leases, and all ballots are to be English only. No exceptions. None.
I have taken the liberty to include your name as Co-Chair of Make English #1. I have you as the head of the ink stained wretch division of the print media. I need your middle name to file my 501 C3 papers.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Kevin Smith
Monday, February 28, 2011
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