Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WarriorBard Classic: Judge Ginger Lerner-Wren Broward County Mental Health Court

November 8, 2001

Judge Ginger Lerner-Wren
Broward County Mental Health Court
600 South Andrews Street
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: The Beat Goes On - Judicial temperament, terminal PMS, and Justice....shaken

Judge Lerner-Wren:

“Treat him. I am ordering you to treat this man.”
The Herald
page 26A

“I am livid.’ She said it ten times....”
The Sun-Sentinel
page 2B

Are you the only member of the fabulously successful raree known as the Broward County Judiciary to have a medical degree? Mountebanks and grifters abound but are you an honest to goodness Medicine Woman also?

In the real world, the world where adults work, judgments are made and decisions are taken based on same. Medical professionals, presumably competent and assuredly certified and licensed by the state, made a medical evaluation of Mr. Steinsmith. You made a political/judicial - in this instance the two terms are interchangeable - decision. By the way, where did you do your psychiatric residency? At the world famed Rangoon School of Proctology or the equally acclaimed University of Haiti Dead Snake and Screaming Heeby-Jeeby Dispensary?

Here is my diagnosis of you. Also, I have outlined a course of treatment. You must do all the steps. Listen carefully.

If you are “livid” resign from the Bench. One serendipitous benefit of your leaving will be to vault Broward County past the judiciary of Kandahar with whom you are currently tied in the Jerry Springer “God! What Nitwits We Have Wearing Robes” poll. The next hurdle is the Burundi Bench where, if you lose an appeal, the Judges cook and eat you.

Run for the Legislature. Get elected.

Once you are there pass a bill that makes Judges primary health care providers for whomsoever enters their courtroom. You may want to consider certifying anyone who passes the Florida Bar Examination a nurse-practitioner or, at the very least, an EMT/CPR teacher. All non-Judicial court personnel will have the ability to “lay on hands”. Also, they will be able to change water into wine should a jury be sequestered and/or deadlocked.

Make sure that the Governor signs it. Enforce it. Vigorously.

In the meantime take the ailing Mr. Steinsmith - AIDS “victim” and because he’s about 6 degrees off plumb soon to be touring the country as Napoleon - home with you. I am sure it will take but a few Thorazine enemas, a trip to Lourdes, and some of your well known TLC and he’ll be doing 10ks by Thanksgiving.

“Ginger”? Where you ever a Spice Girl?

“Such an excess of stupidity is not found in Nature.”

Dr. Johnson never met you.


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