Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tim Rutten The Lost Angeles Times

February 20, 2011

Tim Rutten
The Lost Angeles Times
202 W 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

RE: “Known and Unknown” – A comment on your review of the biography of Donald Rumsfeld in this morning’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Rutten,

I suppose he could have tugged at his forelock, bit through his lip, and gotten choked up when he left the Executive branch. He could have spent the rest of his life giving away other peoples’ money while airbrushing a la Politburo prom pictures his life. He then could have gone tiptoeing through the tulips with his neighbor’s wife – Stop the presses! – That was Robert Strange McNamara, not Donald Rumsfeld.

I have one question.

We now know that he used his wife’s [alleged] ruptured appendix as the perfect cover, as the paradigmatic template of plausible deniability, to shield himself from the consequences of the American Army looting, looting like they were in South Central Los Angeles, and engaging in what Congresswoman Maxine Waters calls “alternative shopping”.

How did he manage to loot the museums in Cairo?

Kevin Smith

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