Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

February 19, 2011

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

RE: A modern American Liberal explains it all

Dear Darling Debbie, Debbie,

It is so predictable. It repeats itself over and over and over. In the end you all put on your brown shirts and your hob nail boots. In the end all speech is free except that some speech is more free than other speech. In the end you make Nat Hentoff’s book titled “Free Speech for Me but not for Thee” seem like a road map to all the “slippery slopes” and “chilling effects” that mALs constantly caterwaul about. In the end you seek to ban speech that isn’t totally in line with the truth as revealed by the secular gods of modern American Liberalism. In the end you all become Nazis.

Yesterday you went to the floor of the House to ask the Speaker to stop the “disparaging” term of “ObamaCare” from being used, it being “disparaging” to President Obama.

Those pesky Death Panels notwithstanding, I am at a loss to understand why the President and you would not be bursting with pride as a result of passing such far reaching legislation. Even though Speaker cum Hecate Pelosi said that “it had to be passed so we could read it” it was a monumental tribute to the legislative process. That it was the result of free men choosing to send people to DC to enact legislation there can be no doubt. That there also can be no doubt that the people, realizing what a FUBAR mistake they made, began deciding November last, as free men do, to undo it.

This will come as a shock to you but “Free men speak with free tongues”.

It is a simple statement. It is a simple statement that you regard in the same way that a vampire regards holy water. Which of the words “Congress shall make no law…” don’t you understand? I can see where a member, a member like you, reading verbatim “The Vagina Monologues” from the floor probably wouldn’t make C-Span. Why does the term “ObamaCare” upset you? It makes the social legislation passed in the 1960s look like small potatoes Why not engrave “ObamaCare” on the soon to be issued $3 dollar bill? Why not put “ObamaCare” over the front door of every to be constructed Federal building? Why not put it on the soon to be issued $1.46 first class stamp, that being next year’s price for first class mail? I would think that the term “ObamaCare” should be tattooed on every newly born infant, just like the Nazis, your intellectual forebears, did.

I suppose it could be called “Wasserman-Schultzcare” but that’s not as euphonic as “ObamaCare”.

Are there any other “disparaging” terms you want to ban from usage in Congress? Please send me the list.

In the meantime, here’s to ObamaCare!

Keep saying it. It’s a LTD. A Liberal Transmitted Disease.

Kevin Smith

PS – If the Wisconsin Democrats can shut down their state government will it be OK for the Washington Republicans to copy them?

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