Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Michael Mayo The Sun-Sentinel

January 30, 2011

Michael Mayo
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

RE: All those deaths - Some comments about your column about the deaths caused by guns – legal or not – in this morning’s Sun-Sentinel.

Mr. Mayo,

Any chance I get to cite the second greatest quote from Mayor Marion Barry – the first being “The bitch set me up” – I jump on.

“Except for the murder rate Washington is a very safe city.”

He said it. Honest. As another Queens resident, the Old Perfessor, used to say, “You could look it up”.

Having been up close and personal in a gun fight, having seen the damage a large caliber bullet can do, having testified against the killer in a first degree murder trial I know the immediate and lasting long term effects of guns.

I am told that there are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics.

I saw an infant die from malaria. Its stomach was so distended that its gender was not easily determined. The thermometer only went to 106. I don’t what its temperature was when he died.

Malaria [literally bad air] is easily controlled. DDT kills the mosquito larvae before they become Cruise Missiles. In 1971, in a fit of affluent White people wanting to feel warm and fuzzy, this country banned the manufacture of DDT. This was primarily in response to the phony science posited by one of the 20th century’s biggest frauds, Rachel Carson. Her book, “Silent Spring”, along with the successful opposition to Storm King, set this country on a path of pseudo-science and intellectual quackery unmatched since the world was flat, alchemists ruled, and tomatoes were poison.

It was bad enough that we banned its manufacture here but we banned its overseas licensing manufacturing by prohibiting its foreign licensing. Global Cooling became Global Warming which became Climate Change. Swamps made glorious, furbish louse worts and snail darters becoming God-like, manatee suffrage and benefits for drowning polar bears – the world is turned upside down. Where facts, truths that are always inconvenient, are not allowed to interfere or even intrude on an argument the end result is always the same.

People die.

2,000,000 [that’s 2 million] sub-Saharan Black African babies die each year from malaria.

Notwithstanding the caterwauling of buffoons masquerading as celebrities, rock stars and movie stars who couldn’t find their ass using both hands while standing in a shower, bed nets don’t work. The academics who command the tides to turn should be flogged. They are murderers just as much as a kid with a Saturday night special and Stop and Shop target of opportunity.

DDT works. There is no proof that Peregrine falcons are diminished in their capacity to gorge themselves on peripatetic Budgies. How many Black African babies have to die before cries of “Genocide” fill the land? The only Logical conclusion is, that in keeping with a basic tenet of modern American Liberalism of collective guilt, it is proof positive of negligent homicide.

Speaking of killing, this country has permitted some 57,000,000 [that’s 57 million] abortion in the past 38 years.

Since no political act can be free of the broad brush of racism, intended or not, what do you make of the fact that 6% of the population has been responsible for more than 17,000,000 [that’s 17 million] of them? African-Americans make up 12% of our population. Since we are not yet China I can say that half of them are women. Res ipso loquitur.

All things being equal – which they never are – I would rather be a White guy in Broward County, gun toting or not, that an African-American in utero or a new born baby on the Equator.

I’ll save the deaths caused by automobile and by salt for a later time.

Mrs. Obama’s time will be well spent if she saves us from the ravages of sodium.

Kevin Smith

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