Monday, August 17, 2015

August 16, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

Big Stein,

I am sorry that Little Stein is in “disfavor with fortune and men’s eyes”. I would have thought that the 7th Annual Summer of Recovery would have enabled him to move out of your garage. I hear that Solyndra is coming back and that they are looking for people who are smart and not fools. You need but ask and I will put the word in for him. You can thank me later.

As an aside, if you can’t get hired at the minimum wage how will raising the minimum wage make you more employable? Get back to me on that one, please.

Maybe he could catch on with Uber.

Another small point…My copy of the Constitution does not mention, indeed it does not hint at, the right to abortion. The Supreme Court, relying on Justice Brennan’s ethereal “penumbras” and chimeric “emanations”, stuck it in by fiat. I quickly add that same sex marriage also escaped the Founders’ attention. Would not Logic dictate that if the court can “say” it the court can “unsay” it? Think Plessy v Ferguson.

Which brings us back to Iowa.

It is fascinating to watch the Americans decide how they wish to be governed. Sharp elbows, fingers in the eye, low blows, and half-truths abound as well they should. For 25 centuries – “Free men speak with free tongues” – was the ideal of the agora. Nowhere in History has it been upheld more than here. Clowns, fools, and gas bags shout because they can. And if George Soros and the Koch Brothers want to fund them to do so we are a better country for it.

I hope Bernie Sanders does well in Iowa. He may be Little Stein’s best hope to get a job.

Kevin Smith


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