Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 2, 2015
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Judicial activism – Some comments on your puzzling editorial about why the casino big-wigs never have to fill an inside straight.

Ms. O’Hara, 

“Don’t Let Judge Decide Gambling’s Future” is an example of how to get lost on a ladder.

Two things:

#1 – Please tell me how, absent never ending White guilt over Wounded Knee, how Florida’s Redskins got control over the perpetually lactating machine that is gambling. I am more used to Chief Vito and Medicine Man Nunzio than I am to alligator wrestlers who are above the law. [Try serving a complaint on a reservation]

#2 – You don’t want Judges to “decide gambling’s future”. You were tumescently overjoyed when Judges decided to ignore the will of the people in the matter of same sex marriage. Also, the question of redistricting, having been decided however imperfectly by the legislature, was overturned by the Courts. That didn’t seem to bother you. By the by, what would be your reaction if a Judge were to rule that districts specifically drawn to guarantee the election of a Black candidate – Think Commissioner Bill Cosby or Assemblyman OJ Simpson – was unconstitutional?

Better yet, would you send me a list of things that the courts can settle and things that the courts can’t settle? It would make it easier for me to make up my mind.

Thank you.

Kevin Smith

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