Monday, August 10, 2015

August 9, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Lions and rich White guys – Some comments on your unlinkable column about the horror, the horror income inequality allowing rich White guys to act like they were Teddy Roosevelt as they hunt bears in Florida.

Big Stein,

Pop quiz.

What is the difference between Cecil the Lion and Planned Parenthood?

If Cecil kills you he will eat you.

Full disclosure demands that I tell you that I have twice eaten bear meat. [If it’s OK with you I’ll keep my whale meat dinner to myself] Also, I am one of the founders of Broward PETA - People eating tasty animals.

As to rich dentists hunting Cecil the lion and his noble kin I want you to give Little Stein, your perpetual college student son, a task. 

Tell him to go to the library, assuming his school has one, and bag all the Hemingway books, particularly the ones that that portray White 1%ers who conflate their rifles with guns. Woe betides the Cape buffalo or leopard that gets in his way. Like Viagra minus the need for a prescription. Take them to the vegan café and burn them being sure to do it in an environmentally sensitive manner.

As to the proposed bear hunt in Florida…

Maybe there are too many bears. Maybe not enough. Aristotle always sought the elusive balance in all things.

We are sure that there are far too many pythons sitting in the big swamp that is North and South of Alligator Alley. I read this morning of a woman having her arm torn off and eaten by an alligator in Central Florida.

Why don’t we license Florida’s Redskins to have bear versus python “Celebrity Death Matches” with the Florida panther as an occasional wild card?

Gaia would be pleased.

The modern American Liberal dudgeon meter went into the red zone over the killing of an apex predator. Perhaps we should focus on other Africans being killed so rich, mostly White First World 1%ers can feel warm and fuzzy about themselves.
2,000,000 sub-Saharan Black infants die from malaria each year.

Notwithstanding multi-degreed ohamadahns spouting clap trap about bed netting stopping this genocide we shut down the only guaranteed cure for this self-induced slaughter.

45 years ago, rich White guys in this country relied on absolute pseudo-science that was perpetrated by Rachel Carson, a world class charlatan. If charges can ever be brought against a dead person she should be disinterred and tried for mass murder. She killed 30 times the number of people that Eichmann was hanged for.

All of this was done for the protection – maybe – of a ferocious raptor known for non-vegan dinner requirements.

Not only did we ban the manufacturing of DDT in this country we banned its export licensing. If Black lives mattered we would not countenance the execution of 40,000 babies a week, each week. Every week. And yes, I have seen non-White infants die from malaria.

Put that on your wall.

Kevin Smith

PS – 40,000 a week! Margaret Sanger would be in rapture, particularly since they were culled from the “lesser breeds”.

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