Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 4, 2015
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026

RE: If “putz “is gender specific “putzette” is OK with me

Little Debbie,

Norman Thomas             Bernie Sanders
                                Clement Atlee                 Neil Kinnock
                                George Bernard Shaw    Robert Owen

Your C.V. says you have 2 degrees, and in political science to boot, from Florida University. I say that because it is inconceivable that you could have earned 2 degrees from the University of Florida. Perhaps it was the Florida University of DIY Proctology. Perhaps it was the Florida University of Buncombe, Persiflage, and Prattle. Perhaps it was the modern American Liberal Florida University of Non-Malodorous Fecal Matter Syndrome.

I am going to use a big boy/big girl term here. It is empirically self-evident that since you are unfamiliar with socialism you are incapable of understanding the differences, if any, with it and the modern day Democratic Party.

The common denominator of all the above listed names is that they are all Socialists.

I know you don’t remember when Justice Potter Stewart said that while it was difficult for him to explain obscenity, particularly to boobs with cement heads – if the shoe fits, chickie – he “knew it when he saw it”.

                          Nehru                            Kosygin
                          Peron                            Kim Jong One, Two, Three
                                      Castro                           Pompidou

It is a trifle as to who owns the steel mill, who runs the radio stations, who hits the on switch at the power plant, or who decides what the hot fall colors will be and how far up or down ladies’ lines will go. These are after the fact details

There is only one step to take, one oath to swear to, one knee to bend to be a card carrying, fire breathing, means always justifying the ends,  Socialist.

“I swear to uphold the collective will of my betters,
 particularly when they are people of good will who are 
filled with passionate intensity to help others. If an individual
will not submit to the greater good he must be crushed.”
The word “crushed” is used because without the potential use of force the thing collapses. Ask Bukharin. Ask Trotsky. Ask Solzhenitsyn.  Ask Mindszenty. Ask Imre Nagy. Ask Alexander Dubcek. Ask Sakaharov. Ask Natansky. Ask Lech Walesa.

If they don’t return your calls taker a peek at OSHA, at the EPA, at the EEOC, at the FDA, at the IRS, at the NLRB, at the mockingly named Civil Rights Commission, at the BLM, at a government, any government, that regards the Rule of Law as a speed bump on the road to social justice, and to “all them corn fields and ballet at night”.

Mandela                Mugabe
                                Picasso                  Meir
                    Mussolini                Nasser
                    Abzug Fred Kite

All the above named people are Socialists. If History is a guide they share other common traits. #1 – They never let facts interfere with an argument and #2 – “The triumph of hope over experience” is the one thing that gets them through failure after failure after failure after failure of all their grand schemes. Sometimes water refuses to run up the hill. Sometimes it’s tough to get lambs to volunteer to lie down with lions even if Cecil is leading the Siren’s Song. “Hey! It’s only August. There is still time for the Summer of Recovery to get here, particularly if we really work hard.”

Sitting quietly, “The Gods of the Copy-Book Headings” are doing what they do best: Keeping score. Occasionally one of them will say “Stones are hard, water is wet”. Isn’t it a shame that each generation has to learn that anew? 

Anyway, my dear darling Debbie, in addition to giving Medusa a bad name and having the temperament of a coiled viper and the manners of a rutting wolverine, you are rapidly descending to dumb as a box of hammers status.

I saved the best known Socialist for last. He set the standard. He became the paradigmatic template for statists everywhere. If he comes back he is said to have vowed, “No more Mister Nice Guy”. One of his favorite Americans was Margaret Sanger, the beloved founder of Planned Parenthood. I present


 Kevin Smith

PS – What color is an orange? How do you spell TV? Could you find your ass using both your hands? Take your time. Let’s do the easy ones first.

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